my reason for abondoning god
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Sun 07/26/09 05:51 PM
Sins? What is sin? Who determines what is right and wrong?
I say GOD does. Which is no surprise to anyone at this point. But how does the person who does not believe in GOD know right from wrong? Is it as simple as: dont kill, dont steal, dont be mean, etc.. If there is no GOD, then who decides what is right or wrong? You say? I say? Who are we to tell each other what is right or wrong? If I steal your money, thats bad for you. Not for me. Im going OT here, sorry. But if there is no GOD and the Bible was just written by men; then arnt morality and the concept of sin really just subjective concepts? Meaning that good and evil are really just ideas or concepts instead of actual standards or truths. The way I see it, without GOD we make our own rules. Why should I follow socities rules of conduct? Really... as long as I dont get caught. I should be able to whatever I want. Right? |
Who do you say that I am?
Ab, I will say this about your replies. You dont come half hearted or half cocked! You bring it! I dont agree with you, but I respect your zeal and passion.
my reason for abondoning god
Where in the Bible does GOD ever say: I like rape. I like babies being killed. I enjoy when people suffer. ??? When does GOD ever say that he takes pleasure in suffering? AS to the the whole rape thing: In those days, no man would have a woman who was raped. She was considered damages goods. And a woman without a husband, a woman would have little to no options for any kind of decent life. Is that harsh and fu**ed up? Yes, but guess what. Life can be very harsh. Welcome to the real world. So GOD had that law as a way of saying to the rapist: "You took this woman's viginity, now you are gonna pay her father AND you're gonna marry her" Since in that culture, no good man would have had her after she was with another man, for any reason. Its fun when people cut and past from the Bible, but having some understanding of the times and/or culture helps a person grasp the true meaning of what it written in there. Thats your interpretation of it anyway. It does make sense though, and it goes to prove that the Bible was written by man to fit for the times of the day, rather than by god to fit for us today. I am a heathen, so stone me. Yes,Dan. I will be the first to say that my interpretation (of many things) can be wrong. I still hold to the belief that these laws were written by GOD knowing what complete pri*ks men can be. And you seem pretty cool for a heathen. I bet a lot of us so called Christians lead a far more sin filled life than you do ![]() |
my reason for abondoning god
Edited by
Sun 07/26/09 04:41 PM
Where in the Bible does GOD ever say: I like rape. I like babies being killed. I enjoy when people suffer. ???
When does GOD ever say that he takes pleasure in suffering? AS to the the whole rape thing: In those days, no man would have a woman who was raped. She was considered damages goods. And as a woman without a husband, a woman would have little to no options for any kind of decent life. Is that harsh and fu**ed up? Yes, but guess what. Life can be very harsh. Welcome to the real world. So GOD had that law as a way of saying to the rapist: "You took this woman's viginity, now you are gonna pay her father AND you're gonna marry her" Since in that culture, no good man would have had her after she was with another man, for any reason. Its fun when people cut and past from the Bible, but having some understanding of the times and/or culture helps a person grasp the true meaning of what it written in there. |
Who do you say that I am?
You are the Christ, The Lamb of GOD.
Jesus is GOD. GOD is one being (for lack of a better term) with 3 seperate persona's. Jesus is GOD the son, not GOD the father. Thats why people like me say Jesus is GOD, yet the Bible has him praying to GOD (the father). Now since Jesus is GOD and GOD is, was, and will be forever. Jesus has always existed. He took human form in order to carry out GOD's plan of salvation. You see, GOD is Holy. What that means (among other things) is that GOD is perfect. Without flaw. He is without sin or evil. That is his nature. As flawed beings, we humans as we are, cant be in the presence of GOD. Its not that GOD is some unforgiving tyrant that cant accept our imperfections. Think of him as a buring sun and we(in our sinful nature) are pieces of paper. We would not last a second in his presence. But GOD loves us! And wants a relationship with us. He wants us to be with him in eternity. Thats where Christ comes into the mix. By taking human form, Jesus was able to to do what no other human could do. Live a sin free life! Jesus was 100% GOD and 100% man. He the capacity to be tempted like all humans. Since he was GOD, he had the ability to resist all temptation. Jesus's purpose during his time on earth, was to pay the price for all of our sins. He knew all along that he would shed his blood on that cross. His shed blood was an atonement (think: payment) for our sins! So all we have to do is believe that Jesus is who the Bible says he is. We have to have faith in him. When we do this, we get credit for his perfection. He is the way (the only way) to GOD. Faith can be described in many ways. True faith involves action more than just a feeling or beliefs. I can say that I have faith in Jesus, all I want. But my actions (or actions that I dont engage in) show my true faith more than words or a WWJD bumper sticker. So why is Jesus called the Lamb of GOD? In the Jewish faith (Jesus was Jewish) people would be required by GOD to sacrifice animals as an atonement for the sins of the people. The thing was: you brought your best animal to be sacraficed. You didnt bring the spotted lamb with the gimpy leg. You brought the strongest, best looking animal you had. Jesus was without sin. He was perfect. He and only he was a sacrifice worthy of GOD. So why not just keep sacrificing animals and stuff? The blood of these animals was only good enough to cover up sin. Like if a person is dirty and stinks, but cant take a shower. So they spay some deoderant to cover up the stink. The blood of Jesus washed away sin. Like a nice, hot shower of forgivness. and Jesus said to Peter, on this rock I will build my Church. |
I know that the "good" ideas" and enlightenment comes from him, and I listen for his voice, not mine. Its a knowing. I agree. I believe that anything positive or selfless is pretty much always in line with the will of GOD. "Knowing" When asked about my faith and beliefs that word is so powerful. |
People Without Pictures
Couldn't the same thing be said about people that have nothing but pictures of... I dunno.. Woodland creatures in their profiles? He has a point there. |
Things you love to hate
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Sun 07/26/09 03:29 AM
I have no problem paying taxes when Im working. I have no problem collecting aid when I'm not working. I live in The San Francisco Bay Area which has some of the highest rent in the country. A piece of chit one bedroom in a bad area will cost you $800 per month or more. I get under $600 per month from unemployment. I, like most people getting aid, am not exactly "living la vida loca"
I hate when you ask for sauce at a drive through and they give you one. Then I politely ask for more and they give you that look that says: "This extra sauce comes directly out of my childs college fund, you bast***" Some places charge you 25 cents for extra sauce. I dont trip off that so much. If I ever come into a large amount of money, I'm going to ask how much an extra sauce is. After they say 25 cents, Im gonna slap down $500 bucks and say "I'll take 2000 please" |
Yeah, after I googled it I was like duuuuh. A bit slow on the uptake.
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iphone wallpaper
Can I link an image from say my desk top? Or does it have to come from a website? Like photobucket or whatever?
iphone wallpaper
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Sun 07/26/09 01:52 AM
This is my first attempt to post a pic. Its suppose to be iphone wallpaper.
and fail.. |
Great profile. You state what you want in a man and give a good description of yourself. blah blah blah
I sound so freaking phoney. Your hot and you rock!! Thats what I mean! And it was Mark Twain who said your quote. Anyone with google knows that. ![]() |
man vs wild
is that the one with bear grills guy b.c if it is he got proven as a phoney!lol Oh right. And I bet next you will say Chris Angel really doesnt levitate! |
Val Kilmer with Clooney a close second.
Go ahead
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Sat 07/25/09 11:29 PM
Ive always said that any profile with Urkel in it, is a good profile.
You, sir, have proven me right. |
Isn't it ironic...
I believe that science is mankinds way of trying to understand and utilize what GOD has created.
my reason for abondoning god
I dont know either way if this is true. Maybe it was GOD that led you not away from him, but away from the hypocrycy or wrong doings of that church. Maybe this isnt your end with GOD, but your beginning.
I always say: Relationship (with GOD) > Religion |
I believe that we are unique, eternal beings.
If I even travel across the country, I'll have to look her up!
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Kids and dating
Ive yet to date since becoming a father. I dont screen a woman to see what kind of mother she would be(he has one), but I am going to be more picky about potential dates. Anyone in my life will end up being in my sons life by default.