Community > Posts By > scttrbrain

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:15 AM
Stop it will ya!!?? Making me yawn.yawn


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/29/09 10:08 AM
Edited by scttrbrain on Mon 06/29/09 10:11 AM
Guess I am a pedophile...slept with my sons til age 9,10,11 and sometimes if they wanted 12. All boys..all good kids. If the welfare people knew this then...guess I would have been in lots of trouble.
I know...he wasn't family....but he was a child none the less.Michael, I mean. Mentally.

I have a post in here as to whether that one boy Jordan lied or not. There are many links saying he said he did. That his dad made him lie. We will see.

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:42 AM

are u getting my mail?

I got one yesterday. Hang on...I will send one.

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:40 AM
Edited by scttrbrain on Mon 06/29/09 09:46 AM
"feeding bambi" on u tube

This is my grandson Pierce with a wild baby deer being cared for by his mothers family. It is kinda long. About 5 minutes. Maybe a little shorter. The baby at the end in the car seat is my other grandson Noah.

It is soooo cute.


scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/29/09 09:14 AM
Anyone read this? I have found many links, but am waiting for a really credible one.

For those that do not know who Jordan is; he is the 13 year old boy who claimed sex with MJ.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/28/09 10:39 AM
Well, it is a thing to be admired. Texting and talking a phone should be outlawed, but just twenty dollars?? Phhhffftt... a drop in the bucket...not a deterent.
Drinking and driving should be punished harshly.There are other states that have outlawed it as well, I mean texting and talking on the phone while driving. But in all honesty..drinking and driving is against the law and many get away with it over and over.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/28/09 09:44 AM

I think he was a sick **** and needed his **** chopped off I believe he did commit the crime but payed the kids family to save his face

Were you ever molested as a child by a man? If not...then you really have no clue. If so..I regress. But I was. This manchild gave out no such inkling of being one of those monsters. Belief is one thing...experience with a molester is another.


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/28/09 09:39 AM
Steed!? What the hell?? Is that any way to talk to a lady??
She speaks her truth. Shame of it is; many states are doing the exact same thing.

I say "hi" to you lonelyinflor. My name is Kathy "kat" for short.
I am friendly and have no problems with humans in any color race sex or age.

I hope you find life a bit better in the near future.flowerforyou


scttrbrain's photo
Sun 06/28/09 09:19 AM
It is indeed sad that we have lost two icons in the very same day? What are the statistics of that?

Rest in peace Farrah, and Michael.....what a terrible loss.

I do not believe that God takes anyone..but recieves them.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/27/09 09:42 PM
I dont think I will watch those videos yet. I have seen one before about the pis and stuff set to music. I prefer to wait. Not too sure it would set too well right now.

Threads like these deserve more attendance. Thank you for doing these V.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/27/09 04:35 PM
Was thinking about watching Jimmy....changed my mind. So long Jimmy. Shame on you...shame shame shame on you.

Elvis has some jokes made of him but most just laugh because he really did nothing to cause it. Just being him. But, they didnt do it almost to minute of death. Stupid mean heartless people.

People attack what is different. I personally think that the Drs that botched up Michael should have their names plastered all over the no one ever uses them again.

Mean people make me sick.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/27/09 04:27 PM

Bless all those that serve everywhere.

My son Jay "Sgt Wagner" is in Iraq as we type. I talk to him a lot via skype. He tells me we are not as calm as we all would like to think. He worried me when he told me there has been an incident almost daily. Lives have been lost in his unit recently and bombs still being set off. Roadside things happen a lot.
And...there is a roadside bomb they have that our armour can't handle. It is heat activated. Pray our fellas can come up with a solution to protect themselves.

We still need to keep prayers and thoughts for them. It isn't as good as I wanted to hear.


I would also like to say to all those that serve, have served, and will serve..."thank you" thank you for your bravery and willingness to be there when it counts. My heart and the hearts of millions are with you in your fine journey of courage and discipline.


Hi Kat...My youngest is overseas right now. He has told me time and time again...if you want to know the truth about what is going on don't listen to the media ask someone that is there, or has been. He has been over there for four months so far and has sent 15 bodies home. The last one was on Father's Day. The man's wife was on the plane with him. He said it never gets easier. I hate that this is his job, but at least I know these men and women are being handled with the care and respect that they deserve, because my son would have it NO other way. If you ever want to talk with another "military mom" please feel free to contact me. And please tell you son "thank you" for me and God Bless you both!! Journey

Thank you Journey. I will keep that in mind. Mine is also my youngest and last, I hope to go.
He began telling me the truths of the still war in Iraq...I guess after he decided I could handle it. I am wuus about my kids and harms way.

I am a viewer of George Stephanopolas?? on Sunday morning..on OETA (public television) where every week they say and show the names, ranks and the country in which they died and where they are from. Every single week there are names there. We do not hear about it as we should. The injured are many...but we also do not hear about them.

Yes, I live in fear but have begun to breathe a little easier. He has til December to come home. I miss him so.

I just sent him two boxes of goodies and things he may need or just some trivial things. Momma things, you know? lol

I salute all mothers and of course the family members of all our military, but mostly the mothers...our hearts are in another country, where we can not save them or take it away.

Bless your son...and his mother...

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/27/09 01:35 PM

Outside of all the media hype & allegations.
He made a real difference is this world through his music.

Most of the real child molesters live next door too you.
An I'm sure none of YOU have uttered a F#CKEN word to them....

Michael is dead....respect the dead & their families at
least give them some peace.

Many corporate business men make annual trips to Taiwan too rape kids, and the media STAYS SILENT. (Hypocrites & cowards)

If you truly want to make a difference in the world. Start with that Man\Girl in the mirror. Make that change in your local communities.
Make a difference in the world.

The beginning of the day is given, but the end of the day is not promised for any of us.... make a difference daily.

Micheal at least did make a difference in this world through his music..... I respect that.

Thank you; I posted something similar to that myself on another thread.

These silly people are so against a guy that no evidence ever showed did anything wrong to a kid. He was afterall...a kid..a man child..he never got to be a kid so he surrounded himself with kids. He was lonely for a missed childhood.

The molesters and rapers of children are indeed our neighbors, cops, lawyers, judges,politicians, brothers, fathers, uncles, preachers, teachers. Most to never be found out. It isnt hard to figure out who they really are. Eyes and ears and knowledge of the who and what of one is all it takes. And an open mind.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/27/09 01:27 PM
To no one in particular; people can be so petty and snide. The things they come up with amaze me even still.

It shames me that people I like and resolve to be quite nice and humane show themselves to be ugly, seemingly hateful, and with the feelings of a dinosaur.

Give it a break will ya? hangs head and leaves thread....sighhhhhh


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/26/09 10:36 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Fri 06/26/09 10:37 PM
It is kinda odd how we do things as humans. I highly doubt I remember the times of deaths and what I was doing for people I know that have died.

But...I can tell you people who touched me deeply as politicians, entertainers,or what have ya...I can tell you.

JFK, I was sitting in school when it came across the loud speaker and the teacher turned on the tv and we watched it all day. We did nothing else. Almost all of the kids and our teacher cried. I remember the hurt I felt. The sadness of the entire day.

I was washing dishes when Bobby died.

I had just drove out of my driveway to leave for work when on the radio came a news bulletin; Elvis had died. My foot fell off the foot feed and the car came to a rolling stop. I cried. He was an icon in my life. So much of my growing up was based on his movies and music.(didnt hurt that he was so hot either)

There are others

But, I will always remember what I was doing when Farrah died. I was about to take my break at work. I knew she was going to die that was a feeling. I had anticipated hearing it before I left for work.

I had just come home from work and let my dogs out and turned on the tv...when latebreaking news came on the Michael Jackson had just been confirmend dead. It was around 3 or so.

I will always remember how the sh!t started before he was even cold.

There are those that touched our lives in big ways that will always have an affect on where we were, what we thought, felt, and lived. To say that they were just celebrities and what not...isnt correct for some of us. I grew up watching little Michael grow up with me doing what so many other kids only wished they could do with admiration and awe they became his talent, his music, his words. He had that ability to make one feel what he wrote. To think.

I for one will miss him sorely. I had been anticipating his return. I so wanted to hear him make music again. He touched so many for so long that his passing will be rembered for a long long time. His life..his musical dream will forever be shown in almost all the music and dance we will feel and see. He was responsible for many more like him being who they are now.


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:57 PM
Krupa.....what a guy. Awwwwww.....such a sweet thing to do. I bet it was hard wasnt it? She was adorable..I have Chi's...5 of them...I cant let them go. Couldnt, wouldnt... sighhhhh..well maybe if I knew they would be kept safe and secure and loved as I do.


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/26/09 06:51 PM
Its overwhelming to me how so many have convicted a guy that there was absolutely no proof. And how so many did not convict when there was absolutely hard proof that oj did it.
I wish people would quit trying to compare apples to oranges here.

If the very same people would get involved with the missing and exploited children drives...we might get somewhere. Where are these people when child porn is so abundantly advertised and used by our neighbors, uncles, brothers, fathers....where are you then? If you put as much energy in helping these causes...."of course it takes much more than biching to get it done", then some of these children could be helped and the real pedophiles and child molesters would be put away.....but no...some must put down and cry guilty when he was already proven not guilty, not once, not twice, not three times...more times than not...well...not even a not!

Why is it so hard for you to believe that these parents played a huge role in getting rich off Michael....because they could. I hope since his death they get 'nada". This was a witch hunt and nothing else. This man was a sweet, loving innocent in life guy who thought he was doing good.

I will never believe he was guilty til it can be proven.

I was molested as a who has been molested can feel it. See it. We can almost smell a child molester from far away. He was not one.

RIP Michael.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/26/09 04:34 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Fri 06/26/09 04:40 PM
All I can say is; I am so glad I don't have to have any of these hardened people on any jury I am being judged by. One would be found guilty and hanged in one fell swoop. Opinion is all it takes to make one guilty it seems.

The legal system isnt as one thinks. It would have cost Michael more money in the long run what with all the lawyers and hype...he probably would have been found not guilty by all of the jurors. But.....he would have surely been broke quicker than he was.

This system is not fail proof. Money or no money..a deal is a will make things go away even if you did nothing. Sometimes you just have to go with it...what they recommend to keep your life...or as much of it as possible.

But........these parenmts have to be mentioned much as sold their kids down the road if this indeed did happen. Prostituted them for MONEY! I hope it was worth it in the long run. probably was...these types have no conscience..

Now did you mention "Gay"???


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/26/09 03:16 PM
I bumped this up. It needs to stay at the top for us to keep in mind that it still exists.


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 06/26/09 09:10 AM
Just read snopes as well. The dog was called Hercules, but it isnt the same dog named. The dog Hercules is called the worlds largest dog when it should have been "worlds heaviest dog".


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