Community > Posts By > TheLonelyWalker
My only confusion is the same since I started in this religion forum.
If the atheist, non-christian, pantheist or whatever you want to call it have reached such level of enlightment to render christianity and christians delusional why they feel so threatened? I mean a new ager can come to me and start talking about aliens, karma, tarot reading, and I don't know what other kind of things that for me are an absolute non-sense. I can hear this person, I can find his/her points very amusing, but that's it. I don't need to feel paranoic. I see some atheists who just feel because a christian call them "son of evil" (which is just wrong) they freak out. I don't support the use of the Bible to judge others. However, if the one who calls me "son of evil" is a delusional to me. wel his/her statements must be very funny and amusing to me. |
New Thread.... - part 4
![]() ![]() Guess what???? I met one of our own IRL...Ms. No1slove...and I just gotta tell you - as beautiful as she is here - she exceeds that 10-fold in person. Just a beautiful, beautiful person. ![]() ![]() That's awesome No1slove is an awesome lady. I hope some I can also meet her. I know I'm gonna meeto somebody soon though ![]() |
I was born an atheist. I can say that because one must be taught and then adopt a belief system. No one is born with an inherant belief in supreme beings. Like many others, I was guided through the teachings of several religions, most intensively the Christian religion. Now most people who walk away from that experience simply shrug their shoulders and in a somewhat disbelieving, confused state, consider themselves agnostic. I did not. When I walked away I did so after I have spent many years doing my own research and asking a million questions. When I walked away, I did so with a belief that the Christian religion has been proven to have harmful side effects upon all of society. Recently, in about the last 8 to 10 years, I realized I have an agenda. That agenda is to show all those who question the status of their monotheistic beliefs EXACTLY what those beliefs are and what they entail. All too often those who are suffering are considered by these religions to be just so much fodder for their god, even another feather in the cap of one who NEEDS others to believe as they do. NOW mind you, this is just my opinion, but I still feel that EVERYONE is entitled to a complete understanding of what others might be trying to lead them into. So there you have it that's my agenda. What about you - tell us yours. Chirstians, Jews, muslims (if you're there)agnostics, other atheists, wiccans, pagens, anyone. WHAT'S YOUR AGENDA when writiging in the religious forum? share information about my beliefs. convert or lead others to the right path? ![]() ![]() |
According to Spider, biblical hate is simply disapproval of something. Clearly Christians disapprove of not believing in Jesus. Therefore by their own admission they hate all non-believers based on the biblical meaning of hate (assuming that Spider has a clue ![]() I'm not spider my views and understandings of the Bible are far far from where Mr. Spider stands. |
Voices in his head? ![]() Are you suggesting that Abra is psychotic? ![]() Lonleywalker, you should not take his statements personal and I think that is what you are doing. This is his experience with the doctrine and he studied it with a fine tooth comb like any mathmatician would, with the idea that he was going to teach it. It did not add up for him. That made him angry. He is not angry at you or any Christian. We already know you disagree with his assessment. We already know what Christians believe. We already know they feel compelled to preach the word. We already know they feel persecuted and misunderstood. We already know how happy they are about it. We hear it all the time, over and over, not from just one person, but from every preaching Christian. Be happy. Don't worry. You are right and everybody else is wrong. Have faith in that and sleep well. Yours is a faith based doctrine. It can't be proven. Yet we are constantly looked at and preached at like we are the crazy ones for not believing it. If we are crazy ... I can give you a guess what makes us crazy. Hearing the same old tired so-called truth about God over and over and being treated like we are crazy or heathens or lost souls headed for Hell, for not believing in something unreasonable. Be at peace. Preach your gospel. Don't fret the non-believers. There is no reason to. JB you are so cute when you defend James. I even feel goosebumps. |
why is it that wrong?
it was just a title. |
this should not be a question with regard a nation.
religion is a personal choice which starts with the family, but at the very end the individual is the one who decides secularism or religion. as far as the government is concern, its only responsability is to guarantee all the liberties for each individual to practice his/her beliefs with all freedom. As long as he or she doesn't impose his/her beliefs to others who don't wish so. |
Bible with the help of
Edited by
Mon 08/11/08 06:06 AM
the answer to the OP is very simple.
Since the intended audience of the apostles was the knowk world at the time which was a world extremely influenced by greek culture. They had to use a kind of language for this people to understand their message. for instance in the gospel according of St. Luke he used the imagery of an angel who brings the message to the Blessed Mother of God that she is going to be the Mother of Jesus. It was done with the intention to make it easy to the people with greek culture to understand because they were used to the images of angels as God's messangers. the important thing to understand is that the greek imagery used to write the new testament (specially) had the purpose to convey in a clear manner the theological principles intended by the authors. |
God is not human...
I agree with you. But aren't WHY and WHAT FOR kinda the same thing? I think a better way to put it would be in terms of the difference between OUR GOALS and GOD'S GOALS. Yeah? the WHY is when we try to find the reason of the thing. the WHAT FOR is when we try to find the purpose of the thing. when we find the purpose we can start acting upon it. the cause becomes unnecesary because belongs to the past. whereas the purpose helps us realize how to behave in the future. ![]() I still agree with you, but I don't think it has to be that complicated. ![]() perhaps the sort of speech i used make it seem to be complicated, but its very simple. furthermore, it agrees with your assertion with regard our goal and God's goals. |
God is not human...
I agree with you. But aren't WHY and WHAT FOR kinda the same thing? I think a better way to put it would be in terms of the difference between OUR GOALS and GOD'S GOALS. Yeah? the WHY is when we try to find the reason of the thing. the WHAT FOR is when we try to find the purpose of the thing. when we find the purpose we can start acting upon it. the cause becomes unnecesary because belongs to the past. whereas the purpose helps us realize how to behave in the future. |
Edited by
Mon 08/11/08 05:49 AM
I have to agree with the OP in the sense that most of the times when the ego of man is bigger than his butt even God is reduced to what He is not.
However, I find one point very unreasonable. Asserting that if God is perfect He should have been careful enough to leave just one book with His world. There is one book, that is the Bible. However, as in every literary piece of work, the book belongs to the audience whence it leaves the hands of the author. Since this is a reality we have to accept the fact that every single reader will have a position when trying to understand what the author tried to say depending upon what fits better one agenda or the other. That is why in order to read and understand the Bible it is necessary to have some sort of knowledge of several things (which I already mentioned in another thread). The sad thing is that the Bible is used to support things like Waco, Tx or several other nonsenses. That is why there is always good to rely in a qualified authority in order to avoid distortion, even though such authority can be deviated from the original message. Such a deviation is the result immadurity and not ill intentions. That is why not even 2000 years has been enough to reach the level of perfection to understand the bible at its best. |
God is not human...
I honestly think that one of the basic problems with people is that we try to understand God with human standards. We try to give God a personality define as one of ours. We try to reduce God to a scientific or conceptual definition.
Our little minds try to grab something that is so big that occupies the whole thing. So when logical reasoning fails what comes next is rejection because my mind can't apprehend God's nature. It's not even a matter of being a christian or not, it's something way simpler. God created everything. We come from God, and eventually we are going to come back to Him. God is in everything, but at the same time He trascends everything because He is substance is different from His creation. Since He is in and above everything our minds won't be able to comprehend his nature in this lifetime. The only thing we can do is understand that everything in this life has a purpose as TELEOLOGY proposes. When we stop wondering the WHY of the things, and we start wondering the WHAT FOR of things we will start seeing more sense to this world and its events. TLW |
I am not sure of my "beliefs." Mostly because they have changed over the years in the evaluation of new information. So my beliefs are temporary conclusions. I think they are as right as can be, but I can't declare with certainly that I am right. I exist. That is all I know. Everything else is an opinion. Jeanniebean A lot of people can't handle that. They need the security of an ultimate authoritarian who can protect them and who knows the answers to every question. It's a terrible shame that men didn't invent a religion that could provide that without the need to denounce non-believers as being hostile enemies of God. That's where the real problem lies. The religion wouldn't have been a problem at all had it been invented with genuine love and compassion. But it wasn't invented with that in mind. It was invented with the purposes of controlling people. Contolling how women behaved with their husbands. Telling people what they can and cannot do, and denouncing anyone who doesn't go along with the authority of the religion as being a heathen who is rejecting God and siding with evil. It's truly a negative religion toward non-believers. I don't care what anyone says. It's in the Bible. There are even places in the Bible where God instructs people to destroy non-believers, their chilren, they livestock and their entire villages, and to burn them to the ground and never build on that site again. It is an extremely negative and violent toward non-believers, and therein lies it's nemesis. again and again, the same statement. we already know you feel hated by christians. we already know you feel surrounded by us. we already know the oxygen levels get lower when christians are around you. we already know all that my friend. is the world going to change because you feel some sort of paranoia towards the Bible and christians? my only joy is that your distorted view about christianity is far from real. at least from my christian personal experience. BTW tell the voices in your head that they aren't christians. |
![]() ![]() ![]() she knows it. |
old are the roads, and we still use them.
do ya'll feel old?
my positives thougts are with you.
with youtube. OMG it's amazing the amount of old music videos from my teenages that I have found there. It brings so many memories.
Anybody remembers lambada or macarena? |
who is...
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() mmmm sweet thoughts. |
OK ... the shots of the background show a really beautiful and diverse country ...I even get the whole 'arty' I am an eagle chick in the video ... ...but .... WHY in the world does he keep YELLING at me? ![]() ![]() Hi (((Miguel))) ![]() ![]() (((artgurl)))) |