Community > Posts By > TheLonelyWalker
!!!!Happy Birthday!!!!
Thank you everyone.
specially you!!!! ![]() |
The Dangers of Obedience
Why does that scare you? JB are you for real? or you are just being funny as you are when you talk about hollographic matrix? It's not a matter of being scared. It's a matter of plain logics. He is in me because He has imprinted in me His image and likeness (not His substance as in the case of my Lord who is the same substance as my Father). I can discern between good and bad because I have traces of my Father within me. But if I were the same as Him I would need to be a pure spirit. |
amusing positions
I tell you the native indians were smart. They invited the white man to discuss territory or deals of whatever, but figured tobacco is something the white man doesn't know. We can have peace yet for another day just by offering a peace pipe. And as the white man sucked away he became dizzy and happy that he forgot the whole reason why he came to the chiefs home in the first place. lol so Miguel pass the pipe will you. go on and enjoy the nature of the south american jungle. lol |
amusing positions
So as long as they push their unproven truths, I will push mine back at them. JB don't push me too much smoking this pipe I may get touchy with you. lol |
amusing positions
It won't have anything in it if Abra sucks it all out. lol I passed it to Miquel. He's Bogarting it. ![]() what about some herbal products from the south american jungle for this pipe? maybe I'm finally be able to see JB hollographic matrix. ![]() |
amusing positions
For example the following is a circular argument: Person A: "The Bible is the word of God" Person B: "How do you know?" Person A: "Because the Bible tells me so". That's circular. ![]() just for the record that has never been my argument. that is the fundie record. |
amusing positions
sweet, dude
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The Dangers of Obedience
Edited by
Wed 08/27/08 10:17 AM
Miguel and Jeannie, There is a hill ahead that gives us view of peace and serenity. Please let us meet there and just enjoy the scenery. ![]() I will meet you there my brother. I got tired of banging iron walls |
amusing positions
Everyone, including you, push an agenda. You are no different. really, now? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
amusing positions
I think he is the most direct and focused poster on this entire club. He does not dance around his point looking for back doors to slip it in. It may seem harsh at times, but everyone knows where he is coming from. There is no trying to guess what he means to say. hey, I have some coupons of Olive Garden may you and Abra can use it for a date in which both of you can talk face to face on how nonsensical christians are. with some candlelight and some wine, ![]() |
The Dangers of Obedience
You believe you are separate from god, and that you are only his creation. who told you that? My Father is in me, but He is so big that He transcends me. If my Father weren't in me I would not believe in Him. If my Father weren't in me, my life would not have any sense whatsoever. None of this means that God and I have the same substance as the pantheist position sustains. |
The Dangers of Obedience
I believe that voice of conscience is the higher authority of anything earthly. You can call it what you wish, I believe it comes from my own higher self. My higher self is the true self, it is the ultimate authority over my little self or life. I can choose to listen to it or not. That is my Heavenly Daddy talking in a very personal manner to me. There is no way out for me. I would be very arrogant if I say that is my higher self. Because the reason of my being is not me, it's my Creator, my Father. You toss around the word "arrogant" a lot as if to call me that. Is that what you believe? That I am arrogant? I am nothing without the life force and spirit that sustains me. It is not "arrogant" to realize that I am part of God and God is part of me. It is in fact, rather humbling. You believe you are separate from god, and that you are only his creation. That is your belief not mine. Please do not assume that because I do not believe as you do that makes me "arrogant." You and I are both NOTHING without that life force that sustains us. It sustains us because we are connected to it. To me, that makes me part of that which is. Part of God. That is my precious belief, and it is not arrogant" so stop using that word to define what you think I might be because I believe differently than you. JB dear lady: I'm using the first person of the singular (I), that means I would be so and so, in so and so circumstance. As I said before your life is your life. I'm not here to judge, but to tell you what I believe. And also to tell you that some of the negative views are based upon misconceptions thanks to some so called "christians." (me included when I don't let my Lord act through me). |
I'm not exactly sure what your ultimate point is. I do think I get what you're saying about the feeling of futility we sometimes get...and I very much agree. Is there a point beyond that which is escaping me? Or is that all you were saying? you are wise woman. ![]() |
amusing positions
LW, ![]() Abra is not circular, he in my opinion, is very direct and focused. It is you who are circular. JB If spidey were saying something and quickstepper would come to defend his position. would be exactly the same as when you defend abra position all of you are so cute when you back up each other. however, then again is your opinion. my opinion it's argument circular which loses validity because is based upon generalizations which don't make an analysis in a larger strata. The same as the examples in your thread about authority. They lose any validity because they are picked example to prove a point in a agenda. If you were have give a wider spectrum of data in different positions within different belief systems in which there is a center deity who designs and controls everything. If you would have made an analysis of different points of view with regard the same topic, and at the end you would have stated your own opinion then your thread would be valid. It loses validity because you just pick one side of the subject, and you start arguing thereon. |
a question for the faithful
I am wondering if you were raised Catholic. I have known many Catholics that fell away from the faith. I have alot of pronlems with the heirarchy of the Catholic church. People put too much clout into what the pope says. There is also praying to Mary and the Saints( and by the way, a Saint is anyone that shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with another person, NOT someone that the pope cannonizes). Neither Mary, nor the Saints, can hear your prayers. Only God can, so pray to Him. read more. inform yourself better. make more inquiries in different sources. and don't follow blindly what the pastor says. FYI Luther and Calvin prayed to the Virgin and the Saints. Their only problem was that they questioned the authority of the Pope because of the corruption in which the Church fell in those days. They did not question the Blessed Virgin and the Saints. This is fundie tendency which started in the USA in the 19th. The Fathers of the fundies believed in the intercession of the blessed virgin and the saints as Catholics do. |
I just wonder what God would say about posting this on a dating website? the same God who gave you a mouth to cry. |
Edited by
Wed 08/27/08 09:43 AM
Jer. 20, 7-9
You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped; you were too strong for me, and you triumphed. All the day I am an object of laughter; everyone mocks me. Whenever I speak, I must cry out, violence and outrage is my message; The word of the LORD has brought me derision and reproach all the day. I say to myself, I will not mention him, I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart, imprisoned in my bones; I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it. The same as Jeremiah, the faithful sometimes get tired when he/she finds him or herself in the middle of a secularized world in which everybody makes fun of God. Sometimes I just would like to stop, and let ignorance triumph. However, in the same way of the prophet, there is some sort of fire inside me which I can't endure. I need to keep speaking the word of my Father and my Lord. THERE IS NO WAY OUT FOR ME. I bet that somebody will use this phrase: "violance and outrage is my message" to start the usual circular argument. Feel free. TLW |
I'm part INCA. Does that count?
The Dangers of Obedience
I believe that voice of conscience is the higher authority of anything earthly. You can call it what you wish, I believe it comes from my own higher self. My higher self is the true self, it is the ultimate authority over my little self or life. I can choose to listen to it or not. That is my Heavenly Daddy talking in a very personal manner to me. There is no way out for me. I would be very arrogant if I say that is my higher self. Because the reason of my being is not me, it's my Creator, my Father. |