Topic: Can somebody please.... | |
give Sean Penn the clap or a plutonium key chain?
First Amendment be damned . . . If Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn had his way, any journalist who called Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a dictator would quickly find himself behind bars. Penn, appearing on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday, defended Chavez during a segment in which he detailed his work with the JP Haitian Relief Organization, which he co-founded. "Every day, this elected leader is called a dictator here, and we just accept it, and accept it" said Penn, winner of two Best Actor Academy Awards. "And this is mainstream media, who should -- truly, there should be a bar by which one goes to prison for these kinds of lies." It was just the beginning of a busy weekend for Penn. When asked on CBS' "Sunday Morning" about those who question his motives for his humanitarian work in Haiti, he said: "Do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah. You know, but I'm not going to spend a lot of energy on it." Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News' senior judicial analyst, said the same constitutional protection that applies to journalists also applies to Penn, who can say pretty much anything he wants in the "political arena" -- aside from an immediate incitement of violence. "What he is saying is protected, as wacky and weird as it is," Napolitano told "But the substance of what he's saying would be absolutely contrary to the First Amendment, which fully protects all political opinions. So if a journalist says Dick Cheney should go to jail, the journalist is privileged to say that." "Mr. Penn is calling for a communist-like regime in which journalists who criticize the government are sent to jail because of that criticism," Napolitano added. "That is utterly un-American and hasn't happened here since the Civil War." Lis Wiehl, a former federal prosecutor and Fox News legal analyst, echoed Napolitano’s comments, saying Penn’s statement is "completely counter" to First Amendment protections. "Unless you're yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre, i.e. stirring up immediate violence, you have the right as an American to voice your opinion, even if others (including Penn) disagree," she wrote "And, yes, Penn has the right to voice his opinion as well -- that's the beauty of the First Amendment. And, don't forget, truth is an absolute defense to any defamation or slander lawsuit." According to a study by the Business and Media Institute, news coverage pertaining to Chavez from 1998 to 2006 found the Venezuelan president's human rights record was mentioned in only 10 percent of stories, and he was described as a leftist in 12 percent of stories. Napolitano, meanwhile, said Penn apparently prefers "thuggery" to democracy. "In light of his ignorance of freedom of speech, his wishing rectal cancer on his detractors, and his embracing tyrants, Mr. Penn obviously prefers thuggery to democracy," he continued. "Were he free to do so, he'd be a tyrant. Now we'll see if he can get me jailed for saying that!" |
everyone is entitled to their opinion, again, acting on words is different than speaking them. Penn seems to have some violence/anger issues clearly, although I dont completely disagree with him regarding the way we, as a country, tend to buy into popular labels like 'dictator' and 'terrorist'
I just wonder why someone feels the need to decide what I can or can not hear. Do some buy into everything a media source says....sure. But there are many that can think for ourselves.
He may not like it, but that is what a remote control is for ![]() |
everyone is entitled to their opinion, again, acting on words is different than speaking them. Penn seems to have some violence/anger issues clearly, although I dont completely disagree with him regarding the way we, as a country, tend to buy into popular labels like 'dictator' and 'terrorist' If Chavez wasn't a dictator then I wouldn't call him one, just the same if Mockmood ockmadiderod wasn't a terrorist dictator I wouldn't call him one either. But you are right, Penn has the right to say what he want's. |
lol @ ahmadinijad a dictator...have ypu been to Iran yes or no?
lol @ ahmadinijad a dictator...have ypu been to Iran yes or no? this is my point as well, when I think of 'dictator', this definition comes to mind 1. An absolute ruler who governs without restrictions. 2. A ruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner. 3. An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person. I have not lived in Venezuela or Iran , I dont see venezuelans on television complaining about Chavez so I have no reason to just BELIEVE he is a dicatator because the media claims so. |
Edited by
Mon 03/08/10 04:37 PM
everyone is entitled to their opinion, again, acting on words is different than speaking them. Penn seems to have some violence/anger issues clearly, although I dont completely disagree with him regarding the way we, as a country, tend to buy into popular labels like 'dictator' and 'terrorist' If Chavez wasn't a dictator then I wouldn't call him one, just the same if Mockmood ockmadiderod wasn't a terrorist dictator I wouldn't call him one either. But you are right, Penn has the right to say what he want's. 'Mockmood ockmadiderod' !!! ... a terrorist dictator!!! WHO the heck is MOCKMOOD OCKMADIDEROD ??? Never heard of MOCKMOOD OCKMADIDEROD. Could you please enlighten me? Especially if that person is a 'terorist dictator', I sort feel silly not knowing who this dangerous person is!!! And something else that has been on my mind: when you say '... If Chavez wasn't a dictator then I wouldn't call him one...'. Well, I can't seem to be able to make my mind up about the man. I know it would simpler to go with 'Fox, and settle the case once and for all, but it just feel too sleazy to me. I mean easy!!! The US really seems not to like this guy Chavez. And I know he has different views on different things, but I would appreciate, since you have done your homework, if you could share some independent opinions on 'Chavez' which helped you come to the conclusion you have. Thanks. P.S.: By the way 'boredinaz06', in your opinion, would Greg Palast be a good independent source of information for such matters? |
sean penn has never been a really good actor . He's about as good as Reagan .. but I do remember when he was talking $hit all the time he got sent to jail and he was so scare he spent his money and rented a jail in BISHOP CA to do his time safely . he must of been scare of the other guys . Rather than do it in LOS ANGELUS CA . like the poor guys have to .....
lol @ ahmadinijad a dictator...have ypu been to Iran yes or no? Obviously never been to Venezuela either. A lot of poor folks there actually support Chavez. |
there's always an opposition to the govt no matter where you go. i've been to tehran and still talk to many iranians that may disagree with some of his actions, would laugh at the thought of him being a dictator.
just go to any tea party gathering, they call obama a dictator..although i laughed when liberals called bush a dictator during his retarded circus reign, compared to obama bush was freakin stalin. fact is, the trend of any american administration esp bush's was to call anyone who didn't cow tow to america's imperialism was labled dictator. saudi's govt is more of a dictatorship than Iran's yet i never once heard bush call the Prince one. |
Edited by
Tue 03/09/10 05:51 PM
give Sean Penn the clap or a plutonium key chain? First Amendment be damned . . . If Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn had his way, any journalist who called Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a dictator would quickly find himself behind bars. Penn, appearing on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday, defended Chavez during a segment in which he detailed his work with the JP Haitian Relief Organization, which he co-founded. "Every day, this elected leader is called a dictator here, and we just accept it, and accept it" said Penn, winner of two Best Actor Academy Awards. "And this is mainstream media, who should -- truly, there should be a bar by which one goes to prison for these kinds of lies." It was just the beginning of a busy weekend for Penn. When asked on CBS' "Sunday Morning" about those who question his motives for his humanitarian work in Haiti, he said: "Do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer? Yeah. You know, but I'm not going to spend a lot of energy on it." Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News' senior judicial analyst, said the same constitutional protection that applies to journalists also applies to Penn, who can say pretty much anything he wants in the "political arena" -- aside from an immediate incitement of violence. "What he is saying is protected, as wacky and weird as it is," Napolitano told "But the substance of what he's saying would be absolutely contrary to the First Amendment, which fully protects all political opinions. So if a journalist says Dick Cheney should go to jail, the journalist is privileged to say that." "Mr. Penn is calling for a communist-like regime in which journalists who criticize the government are sent to jail because of that criticism," Napolitano added. "That is utterly un-American and hasn't happened here since the Civil War." Lis Wiehl, a former federal prosecutor and Fox News legal analyst, echoed Napolitano’s comments, saying Penn’s statement is "completely counter" to First Amendment protections. "Unless you're yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre, i.e. stirring up immediate violence, you have the right as an American to voice your opinion, even if others (including Penn) disagree," she wrote "And, yes, Penn has the right to voice his opinion as well -- that's the beauty of the First Amendment. And, don't forget, truth is an absolute defense to any defamation or slander lawsuit." According to a study by the Business and Media Institute, news coverage pertaining to Chavez from 1998 to 2006 found the Venezuelan president's human rights record was mentioned in only 10 percent of stories, and he was described as a leftist in 12 percent of stories. Napolitano, meanwhile, said Penn apparently prefers "thuggery" to democracy. "In light of his ignorance of freedom of speech, his wishing rectal cancer on his detractors, and his embracing tyrants, Mr. Penn obviously prefers thuggery to democracy," he continued. "Were he free to do so, he'd be a tyrant. Now we'll see if he can get me jailed for saying that!" I would be more than glad to pay for and give Penn a one way, permanent plane ticket to Venezuela............ And yes, Chavez is a dictator..........the entire world knows this.......and for those who do not know what the meaning of a dictator is in relation to a type of government leader, go back to school and learn............ |
I can't believe that the people who supported our dictator Bush Jr would be offended at anyone supporting a dictator.
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I can't believe that the people who supported our dictator Bush Jr would be offended at anyone supporting a dictator. ![]() I suggest doing a google for the word 'dictator' NOW, WE ALL KNOW IF PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH WERE A dictator, HE WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ELECTED FOR TWO (2) TERMS AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.....WHICH, BY THE WAY, AS MOST INFORMED INDIVIDUALS KNOW, IS A REPUBLIC............GOT THAT............A REPUBLIC..........LESSON 101 ON THE USA............. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 03/09/10 10:51 PM
Chavez was elected THREE times in a Federal Republic.
And the American government seems to create these "dictators"...Panama, Iraq, Iran, Israel..what puppet government that America created haven't they turned on and labled dictatorships besides Israel
And the American government seems to create these "dictators"...Panama, Iraq, Iran, Israel..what puppet government that America created haven't they turned on and labled dictatorships besides Israel ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The USA created the above mentioned countries? Strange.........I was taught in history class that they were formed in biblical many thousands of years ago?........always have been here.............What history book did you learn from????? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 03/10/10 01:26 AM
Chavez was elected THREE times in a Federal Republic. Whatever that has to do with anything........but since you fail (intentionally?) to explain to the post readers what a Federal Republic is: This entry gives the basic form of government. Definitions of the major governmental terms are as follows. (Note that for some countries more than one definition applies.): I have omitted many forms as they are lengthy and irrelevant to this matter. Venezuela: Federal republic - a state in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters who chose their governmental representatives. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Republic - a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation. (ELECTED DEPUTIES [REPRESENTATIVES] VOTE ON LEGISLATION) "I pledge allegience to the Flag of the United States of American, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." OTHERS APPLICABLE TO THE USA: Commonwealth - a nation, state, or other political entity founded on law and united by a compact of the people for the common good. Several states remain a Commonwealth, my state of Pennsylvania being is a Commonwealth. Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government. Constitutional democracy - a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution. OTHER COUNTRIES CONTINUED: Dictatorship - a form of government in which a ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not restricted by a constitution or laws). Hugo baby is attempting to bring this about. Socialism - a government in which the means of planning, producing, and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that theoretically seeks a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor; in actuality, most socialist governments have ended up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling elite. [Hmmmmmmmm sounds like obama.....especially the "dictatorships" secton.] **************** ttps:// VENEZUELA: Political parties and leaders: Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order. A New Time or UNT [Omar BARBOZA]; Brave People's Alliance or ABP [Oscar PEREZ]; Christian Democrats or COPEI [Luis Ignacio PLANAS]; Communist Party of Venezuela or PCV [Oscar FIGUERA]; Democratic Action or AD [Henry RAMOS Allup]; Fatherland for All or PPT [Jose ALBORNOZ]; For Social Democracy or PODEMOS [Ramon MARTINEZ]; Justice First [Julio BORGES]; Movement Toward Socialism or MAS [Felipe MUJICA]; United Socialist Party of Venezuela or PSUV [Hugo CHAVEZ]; Venezuela Project or PV [Henrique SALAS Romer] "United Socialist Party of Venezuela or PSUV [Hugo CHAVEZ]" "Mr Chavez has said he needs another 10 years for what he calls Venezuela's socialist revolution to take root." wonder Hugo baby likes obama........"birds of a feather flock together",as the saying goes...... |
and you obviously didn't pass reading comprehension. I never said America created the country..i said they created their puppet governments.
Let me slowly type out some examples for you. Helped over throw the govt in Panama with Noriega being put in power as the result...then helped in a genocide of people..yes that was Reagan's doing. 2. Helped the Islamic revolution overthrow the shah with the result of Khomeni being put into power..he doesn't cow tow to America's demands , and gets labled a terrorist. 3. Helped in Iraq's coup, put Saddam in power, aided in their war with Iran. the rest of that is history. 4. Assisted Israel in the creation of Hamas in response of the PLO. Now they're labled terrorists because they didn't cow tow to their "creators" and the list goes on and on and on...while we're talking about elections, Hamas was also elected democraticly by the people. |
And the American government seems to create these "dictators"...Panama, Iraq, Iran, Israel..what puppet government that America created haven't they turned on and labled dictatorships besides Israel The American government has had tremendous success in nation building where the Catholic Church wasn’t a dominate force , for example Germany, Korea and Japan. Where the Catholic Church is a dominate force. We , the Americans have been miserable failure. Examples, I believe, Nicaragua and the Philippines |
,logic here is that people wont vote in a dictator several times,,yes? ok then, my answer to this assumption was Chavez was elected THREE times in a Federal Republic which relates DIRECTLY to the above statement that implies dictators dont get elected to office in a republic |