Community > Posts By > chronicliar75
Feeling Lonely when ill
Humm honestly when I'm sick I like to be left alone so I can sleep... Same after having surgery just let me go home and leave me be so I don't feel as if I have to entertain anyone or feel as if I'm ignoring them.. I can rest best when I'm alone well just me and my dog that is.. ![]() ^^^same here Ms. Kristi ![]() Only I dont have a pet. I can rest best alone with my music. I normally do alright, but every time I'm a bit unwell .. I wished I had someone to cuddle up to, and I can feel really lonely. The silence can be deafening while normally it really doesn't bother me. Thank goodness I'm not ill that often. ^^^ This is what makes us human. This is why we need to interact with people, no matter how independent we are. This is what reminds us, that no matter how successful we are in our chosen career and how convenient it is for us to live alone, There are always times, we will always sometimes wish, we have someone who can lead us and strong enough for us to keep us safe.. At the end of the day, it will always just be, what it is - a wish:) |
Off Thought from Dat
Ummm Where I live we are reminded every day we are "not" at the top of the food chain all the time. There you go lol ![]() |
2KidsMoms Hideout - part 5
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Sat 10/10/15 04:59 AM
((( ChronicLiar ))) ![]() Hi you! Yes, she DOES ROCK... *RRAAAWWWRRR* ![]() ![]() ![]() growl ![]() |
2KidsMoms Hideout - part 5
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Sat 10/10/15 04:57 AM
![]() the image rocks^^^^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nice one Ms. Storm ![]() |
Welcome to Mingle beej02
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keeping them at arms length
My thoughts were that the women really believed they would eventually marry, and not through being led on, because both guys had often said it was never going to happen. In one case they did eventually cohabit and then marry after many years, the other never did, but he passed away aged 49 after only a few years in to the relationship. Both guys were probably not as limiting in time spent with their partners as yourself, and there were no schoolage children, but both were adamant on living separately from their partners with no pretence of marriage, and the arrangements/relationships lasted for years, and in both cases what turned out to be lifelong. Interesting new perspective^^^ A guy who insists to a woman - " no do not fall in love with me" I just want to watch movies with you, spend a little bit of time with you, and have monkey sex with you. I do not like anything full time or anything permanent. Expectations were set properly. The woman - still believes they will eventually marry??? with the guy who just said he wants casual, relationship, say 2 weeks? With all due respect, something is very wrong to the equation. and I beg to disagree. Is it possible, what started as temporary or casual arrangement turned serious. somewhere along the way, your friends & their women actually fell in love with 1 another, enough to risk, living in together, and the other even get married. Because that woud mean, the guy does not mind the woman clearing out a drawer just for him. One even cohabits at a certain point right? The way I see it, and this is just my take I can be wrong - You agree with the Op that casual is a good arrangement. And sometimes out of it, there are cases it could lead to lifelong arrangement. Along the way your friends Sir, if i may say so, allowed the women to fall in love with them. Allow the women to clear out a drawer for them. One of your friend even gave his commitment by marrying the woman. It was no longer casual. It started as one but it ended both of them get emotionally involve, for them to stay that long in a relationship. Living together and then eventually marry right? It does not sound casual to me. |
Thank you, again. This is for YOU Sister Sledge - We are Family (lyrics): You're welcome. By the way, the video rocks ![]() It gives off happy vibes - cant help smiling! ![]() ![]() |
keeping them at arms length
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Sat 10/10/15 12:58 AM
I know what I'm about to lay down here may seem Especially when most people are trying to find someone.. either to get remarried to or settle down with.. or have them in their life full time..... but for myself.. I don't want any of the above... what I would like is someone to go for dinner with from time to time.. catch a movie... enjoy a nice stroll in the park.. And of course have crazy monkey sex with.... what I don't want is clingy needy.. have to text you every morning afternoon and evening.. Spend the whole weekend with you including the evenings....((no)).lol.. Your prerogative. your choice. Im sure there are still plenty of women near you & in your state, who prefers this. what will make it messy & ugly if you fail to set proper expectations to the woman u are dating with or lead her on to believe you want happy ever after. Someone full time.. sure some of them say I want what you want.. I say okay but I warn you do not fall in love with! no!... they say no but sure enough a month later they start demanding to spend more time together... thay even try to clear out a drawer in the dresser drawer just for me...awww.. ![]() ![]() You spent time with her. You even have monkey sex with her. And yet you want her not to feel a thing for you? Emotions, are even prevalent, while you are just reading posts of people halfway across the world, how much more, if you are in a tangled sheet both sweaty & satisfied? Oh cmon! ![]() if I may be blunt. If I may say, set the proper expectations. do not ask her not to fall in love with u. Ask her instead not to - ask commitment from u. You are being realistic with your needs & your situation. Good. Be realistic too in accepting how a woman would react to your demands & conditions. Justsayin ![]() |
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Sat 10/10/15 12:07 AM
come on now fess up.. if you read a profile with spelling errors or bad grammar do you automatically judge? if you read someone's response to a thread and it has obvious flaws in it.. do you make assumptions about the author? are you like a cat with a mouse and like to play with your victim for a bit or do ya just ![]() ^^^this ![]() I dont mind. As long as I understand what he/she means. |
Welcome to Mingle
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Love Storm
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Gratitude List
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Fri 10/09/15 07:40 PM
2 things I am grateful of today: 1.Daughtry first Album 2.Pizza i will make it 3 by bringing the beer to go with the good music and food ![]() ^^^^ i like this very much ![]() thank you for making me smile ![]() 3 things I am grateful today: 1. a post from someone I always respect and like. 2. an instant message from someone whose opinion and approval I really value. 3.Beer ![]() |
![]() ![]() with 1 bottle of cold beer? |
someone just told me
in instant message that: " smiling does the soul good ![]() Let's rock on Minglers! ![]() ![]() ![]() Lighten up people ![]() Beer everyone? ![]() |
I told u a few weeks ago, that what is worst than walking away from Mingle is making another account right? Did u just give me permission to insult your intelligence & deductive reasoning? I understand u confuse me with some else. But it is really insuting to me and who u are dealing with right now, if u ask me to confirm all the time if it is me. One last time: While it works splendid with other people to have an alternate account, I choose not do it. Because: I honestly do not have the time. And why in God's name do I need another account when I can barely keep up with everyone on my 1 & only account? Common sense? And honestly if & when I will be tempted to make another account, dont you think, I would be really sooooooooooo obvious, that I might as well say "Hi Minglers, this is jane, just made another account, even if I said I will never make another one- let's rock on!" ^^^^^Common sense please. Whoever u are dealing with right now, please do not insult her by comparing her with me. If who u are dealing right now is real. I am sure, it matters to her that you can differentiate her from others who just sounded like her. Be cautious and All the best:) |
May I smile for everyone today ![]() |
Gratitude List
2 things I am grateful of today:
1.Daughtry first Album 2.Pizza |
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Fri 10/09/15 03:27 AM
Thank you, I need that. I feel better with less contact & stopped telling her anything even remotely serious. I now stick to food & shopping & childcare etc.. I don't think she can handle anymore than that, for whatever reason. Because I can not handle her with much more. I am not in the position to say something about your friend since I do not know her SassyEuro2. I also know you only, base on your posts since we never instant message, so on this I want to be fair & objective and hold back my opinion. She is not supportive in anyway. And your right about loyalty, because after a serious incident.. I am not feeling it. This is where I agree, that you made the right decision SassyEuro2. I think your friend disappointed you. And it is a big deal to you, that she is not supportive. Maybe because you have always been supportive with her and expects that in return she will do so. I wish she knew how you feel. Maybe things would be different. Why? Because maybe your friend is someone like me - I always distance myself from people I like. In mingle and in the real world. In mingle - I always try to not agree with them all the time. I always remind myself that, there will come a time that I will misinterpret or misunderstands his/her posts and eventually may hurt him/her in the process since I am tactless and disagreeable. I always give space after I share what is in my heart with someone, or after that someone shared something personal to me. I do not want to be clingy. I do no want to be clinged on to. It must be because I am used to being alone. Most of the time, the person has to really verbally say what he/she wants from me, for me to do it. I am just clueless what people expects from me. That is why setting of proper expectations is very important to me. Is it possible that your friend, is just really clueless on what you expects from her? Maybe your friend sees you as a force to reckon with. Unbeatable and someone who does not need support:) I am not making excuses for your friend SassyEuro2, it is just a different perspective, because given what u have posted, I still say, u are better off without her. |
Do you have someone in your life that is a constant state of, questioning ? I do not have anyone like this ^^^^^ in my life SassyEuro2, but there are times I am guilty of asking too many questions here in the forum ![]() Partly because I still do not know how to post politically -correct statements in English. It is easier for me to post it as a question for my take of a certain post to come out right and say what I actually mean. But the most important reason, why I ask questions is because most of the time I misunderstand and misinterpret posts. Even from people I like and respects. I am one of those, who do not agree readily or bond thru short bantering posts, I do not know how. That is why when I admire or agree to a post, it is sometimes corny or too flattering. And when I give my take - it is a long post hahaha Partly because I want to discourage those who does not like me to stop reading my posts. ![]() I know I really have to learn to write posts, in a politically correct way, so it wont sound personal:) I need time for this. If It was a serious issue, the constant "why's" can actually be stressful & by no means helpful. I now realize she understands me & she is not asking 'why' out of a bad habit either, but she is just incredibly NOSEY & suspicious, as if there is a back story to everything & anything & she needs to know it. ![]() * I am sure of this, because when I say ' I don't know, or it doesn't matter', she becomes irritated. She has no problem solving skills,... because she is too preoccupied with, details, descriptions, or a history. I have tried repeatedly to get her to stop, but I now assume it is just her personality. We are friends for over 2 years, but needless to say, I now find myself telling her less & less...because it is exhausting me! I think you did yourself a favor SassyEuro in stopping yourself in communicating with her.Or telling her less & less. Why? Because if you find her nosey & suspicious and basing only on this post, you find her a nuisance. I say,you are both wasting your time & resources being friends. She is certainly not good for you because she does not make you feel good or happy, or challenge you to be a better person. She does not inspire loyalty from you. Real friendship inspires loyalty, even when you get exhausted hahaha. True friends corrects and laugh about each others mistakes hilariously. Even rib each other about it from time to time:) * Her record number of ex boyfriends makes that obvious. I think she questions them to death & they feel like they are under investigation & run. I think you are in a position to criticize your friend because you are the one communicating with her. I can only speak for myself in this, because I do not know your friend. I had only 1 ex boyfriend hahaha and yes I have questioned him too (to death ![]() like your friend. Asks so many questions about his faith. He did not run. It was me who walked away after he answered all my questions. And showed me what real faith is. Found out he was too good, for the likes of me:) |
Lyrics and Songs
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Thu 10/08/15 03:45 AM
I choose not to provide lyrics
for the next song I wanted to post. This is for couples. This is for people who have already found their date of a lifetime. Today, I choose to encourage you to hold on to your love. Today, I choose to encourage you to not look at other man/woman but focus on your partner. While people like me here in Mingle are still floundering and single, you already have what you want. You are 1 step ahead of us. Appreciate your partner. Do not ever- let me repeat this- never believe on - " if you love someone set them free if he/she comes back then he/ she is mean to be yours" ^^^^ I think this is only for people who likes someone and it is one-sided. But if you are in love and your love is reciprocated, hold on to that love, fight for that love, nourish that love, do not take it for granted, others like me are still searching for that, while you already have it in your grasp. Be grateful you already have that. When things get tough, slow dance with your partner, do not even think or care of the lyrics of this song, just focus on the music, focus your senses on your partner. Slow dance with your partner. Said I love you but I lied - Michael Bolton |