Community > Posts By > Thoughtfulthug

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:44 PM
Edited by Thoughtfulthug on Mon 05/25/09 01:45 PM

Is anyone knowledgeable in this area?
Probably not. Just go and wikipedia it up. Or unless you are searching for some lovin from a Native American guy like something out of a trashy cowboy/indians romance novel.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:40 PM

I am hurt and Heartbroke. She said I was not a roughed and a Rough enough guy or her and I am too nice. WTF! LOve Stinks. To make matters worst my brother came to visit and now she is with my lil bro

Love only stink when the feeling and declaration is not reciprocal from the object of your love.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:36 PM
Edited by Thoughtfulthug on Mon 05/25/09 01:37 PM

Our forthcoming attack on Saudi Arabia, where 16 of the 19 came from, of coursefrustrated oops slaphead
You know that in Arabic "al-qaeda" means base? So where are the primary base of the defender of the "Islamic Revival of the Caliphate?" - that is Afganistan. :) Those supposed operatives where only on a mission in the land of the House of Saud.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:32 PM

If country A gets attacked by a beligerent group or individual from country B, and Country A attacks country B for not doing anything to prevent the said attack, then it is by no means an unjustifiable war by Country A on the basis of the individual or group not being ordered by its own host country.

Since Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, I know you are not refering to us. So who are you talking about?
I am referring to the US invasion of Afganistan during the Taliban rule.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:29 PM
"Don't file a claim unless you've got some good high-powered lawyers behind you," says Holden, "because as the little guy, you're just out of luck."

To me, that is pretty much self-referential. The reason is better to have an attorney to handle such matters is because they know what to do to get the claim processed forward. You don't need a "high-powered" lawyer (which is a misleading term since "high-powered lawyer" typically denote "high paying corporate lawyer"). You can easily get a small town lawyer. The price isn't that high to win a claim.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 01:19 PM
If country A gets attacked by a beligerent group or individual from country B, and Country A attacks country B for not doing anything to prevent the said attack, then it is by no means an unjustifiable war by Country A on the basis of the individual or group not being ordered by its own host country.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:46 PM
Edited by Thoughtfulthug on Mon 05/25/09 12:46 PM

I donno thug....been cheated on plenty of times. But, I would have to be a friggen 'tard to assume that some gossip columnist half way across the country would have even the slightest idea about my personal relationships. I would have to be even more bone headed to accept some random strangers heavily generalized advice over my own powers of observation.
Quite true indeed. To let you know, I don't endorse these silly columnists who I don't even know, and how they can publish such nonsense anectdotal evidences which are questionably vague if you ask me.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:42 PM

Cynicism is better than paranoia. I guess paranoia can be one of the many symptoms of having such a cynical world view (or viewing women or men in a way that they are inherently selfish).

Paranoia is much simpler and can be the result of a variety of perceptions. Jealosy, self worth and general misunderstandings to name a few can cause paranoia not to mention the general fear of love that some have.

That is interesting that you contribute the notion that these list of things - such as jealosy, self-worth, and miscommunications- are in fact what cause paranoia. I think that is an erroneous description and meaning of the word paranoia. Have you even consider looking up the etymology of that word?

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:33 PM


Girl friends who think thier opinion matters

Guy friends who don't give a sh*t if it works out for you or not

Everylast magazine or internet article telling you the "Top 10 things to tell if your mate is thinking of Cheating"...great idea!!!! Give em something to be paranoid about without thier mate having actually done anything wrong.

People who actually buy into those bullsh*t articles.
Depends on whether you have been cheated on. So the articles can be relevant to only to people who had the same experience.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:29 PM
Cynicism is better than paranoia. I guess paranoia can be one of the many symptoms of having such a cynical world view (or viewing women or men in a way that they are inherently selfish).

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:25 PM
I usually get e-mails from them first. Sometimes they "nudge" me or "wink" me first. I guess women do know how to bait a guy for in order to see the response will be. Kinda fun.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:21 PM

To those wanting me to abridge the entire thing I say either read it or let it go as I already did abridge it. Any way yes I told her how I felt but only in a way as to not sound so weird. more like a HEY! I have interest in you sort of sentence. As for my friend she is JUST a friend I honestly can't say that we would be anything else because she and I just don't seem to see eye to eye on anything and we fight more than we just relax.

Finally to those that gave me some real advice and not cliche remarks! THANK YOU! I may not use some of it or I may use all of it but I really mean it when I say thank you. I've had such a hard time trying to think of something to do about this whole thing. I think what I'll do is try to just sit back and watch for a while. Then see how it all works out for me. Either way I've still got my school, my health, my job, and officially a new (not literally new XD) car. So in reality the only aspect in my life that is missing is romance which can always wait until the time comes.
So your decision rest on prolonging the agony of not conquering your object of love?

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:16 PM

I thought I've meet a very good woman,than after x-mas she told me she was tried of lowering her standards being with me,so I didn't call her back,now she keep on asking me "Why don't you call me once in a while" I DON'T UNDERSTAND !!!!!!!!!explain this to me please
She is undecided, but want you to wait around for her much longer.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:07 PM
Luck has nothing to do with this. It is in the cards: so have fun and be yourself is what counts.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 12:02 PM
The thing is that what some people in here will prefer that there are such things as "good girls" and then a guy like me comes in and say otherwise. I don't know how can that not be controversial, but I do feel that there isn't no such thing as a geninuine human being that can be completely good at all time.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 11:59 AM
Talking to friends and family helps. Mainly my fellow employees as of late is hearing most of my despair. :(

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 11:56 AM

"Extremely talkative. And really don't take anything remotely serious. Great sense of humor with the addition of me being able to make other people laugh".

Yeah, we are rolling on the floor! noway
Ok, maybe I should erase the part about me being funny. I guess I am myself funny and not to you.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 11:52 AM

That is because that is only saved for the ones special enough to get close to us! Can you say "dutch oven"?
I don't buy that. I think a real good girl would also be special in the way that she will automatically be kind to anyone.

That's okay. I'm not trying to sell you anything.

It's a good thing C, he wants a robot who is automatically kind to anyone. Maybe if you get the do laundry attachment, she can be kind and clean your skivies.laugh
Jokes aside. So you do confess there is no such thing as a good woman? And that when a girl claim she is a good girl, she is only playing on the idea that she can be potentially good most of the time as long as she likes him.

That is how i see it. It is just a game.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 11:48 AM
The enemy of love is the same as loving to hate someone.

Thoughtfulthug's photo
Mon 05/25/09 11:46 AM

To me, a good girl doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a girl who doesn't fart too.

I am a good girl and I have NEVER farted. *expecting spontaneous combustion any minute*
I laugh out loud about not you farting, but your claim that you are a good girl.

I have references, don't make me use them.
What make you think I would easily assume that your references are from good people?