Community > Posts By > Gwendolyn2009

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Wed 01/05/11 12:41 PM

now see,this whole "successful men" this pisses me off big time!.why do women think just because a guy isn't "successful" then they want the woman to support them?my ex brother-in-law isn't successful at all and he's raising my nieces and nephew by himself but those kids always have clothes on their back and food on the table and yet,he only seems to attract the crazy @$$ women

i think you ladies need to rethink your idea of "successful" and quit using that same excuse of "i don't want to support a man" because maybe he doesn't need your support anyways

I don't need to rethink anything. I think that because a man isn't "successful" that he wants some support is because I lived it, and I won't do it again.

I have also had dates with "un"successful men, including one who got so agitated that his father hadn't bankrolled him so he could be a millionaire by now that he began to spit when he talked. I spoke to another one on the phone who worked as a part-time groundskeeper for a golf range. He lived with his son who paid the rent. The guy couldn't wait to drive to meet me (he lived about 150 miles away), but didn't know if his car could make it.

Oh, yeah, who would be supporting HIS ***? Not me!

Kudos to your ex brother in law for taking care of his family, but there are probably more factors than money that attract only the crazy women.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Wed 01/05/11 12:31 PM

Im not considering myself special I was asking who else gets them! An my profile is the way it is to weed out people. Don't sit there and judge me! You know NOTHING about me.

What I know about you is what you want people who read your profile to know. If you don't want people to judge you by what you write, hide your profile. If you don't want people to judge you harshly by what you write, write something else.

On a venue such as this, you are here to be "judged," we all are. And that judgment is made, again, based on how people present themselves.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:23 PM
Yes I do not believe and or worship a "religion". I believe and worship our father.

This is the problem with anthropomorphizing deity: if there is a "father," then by default, there is a mother. The Virgin Mary does not qualify.

Humans make gods in our image and give them names, faces, and personalities. The god of the Christian Scriptures, even more so than the Hebrew Scriptures, is male because it is a male dominated religion.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:21 PM
I didn't wade through all the pages, but OP, you speak of deism as opposed to theism.

Deists basically believe that a deity created the world then walked away.

Theists believe in a personal god who watches over them and cares about whether they wipe their noses or not.

It is my understanding that Christian gnostics were deists, but they were branded as heretics and stamped out by Pauline Christianity.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:17 PM
What about Elohim?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:15 PM

Eh .. right now people are far from God ...

You are SO right about this! I was talking to god last night and She expressed how totally pissed off She is that people ignore what She has to say and keep chasing after those silly male poseur gods.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:08 PM
Argh. If you are concerned about the so-called Mayan prophecy, I suggest that you immediately start sacrificing people to keep the gods happy and the universe intact.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:04 PM
Like attractiveness, "successful" is subjective according to the person defining it.

I like "successful" men, and that includes financial aspects, but not because I am a gold-digger but because I don't want to support anyone's lazy ***. I do not expect a man to support me.

Also, men who are successful are usually, not always, more confident and comfortable with themselves. I dislike whining, and I have met one too many men who whined about their place in life because they have not been successful.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 11:00 PM
No, there is no man for you who is the total package: it is a useless quest.

Why? Because you make it so.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:58 PM
What does asking if men can't love women for who they are have to do with trust issues? Did I miss something?

If men don't love women because they are women, wouldn't those men be gay?

Let's use some logic.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:57 PM
Please, don't consider yourself special because you get those types of emails--almost all of us get them.

By the way, are you REALLY looking for dates on this site? If I were a guy, after reading what you say on your profile, I would take your advice and not waste my time.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:53 PM
I find your post both whiny and bragging.

Figure it out yourself.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Sat 01/01/11 10:18 PM
All religions and deities are created by humans: deity is created in the image of humans, not the other way around.

All religions share an ancient, common source, much older than Judaism.

Each new religion builds on the back of the ones preceding it: there is nothing new in any religion.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:33 PM

I often wonder...... Has anyone met any one or gotten replies because they post here? I know it is true. Just want others here to chime in with their opinions. I have just had thoughts going back and forth and just wanted to mention it also.waving waving

This site has been a bust as to meeting men, but it is not the site, per se. The same people are on ALL the sites--paid or free, I seldom see a new face.

I have had people email me about my posts, but on this site, I haven't met anyone as a result of a post.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:30 PM

Who were they? Who, through the centuries, have these people been? And, what did they have in common? What made them "enlightened"? What did they do differently from the rest of us that allowed them to become "enlightened"?

No one is "enlightened." It is a perception founded by those who seek a path outside of themselves.

Anyone who claims enlightenment is to be avoided.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:29 PM

Been looking into it more an more, really starting to like it. I am starting to get it now. So to the Pagans out there...when did you become Pagan? What can I do to let this new religion into my heart?

One does not seek to be pagan: to be pagan seeks the person.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:26 PM
Edited by Gwendolyn2009 on Fri 12/03/10 02:27 PM
X-rated odd included, or just odd?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:25 PM
It isn't hard for older women to find love, but many of us are more realistic in our expectations--and it is not being jaded.

I married my ex husband because he was cute (at 21) and promised to be a good provider. Now, a man must meet my criteria of attractiveness, but as long as he supports himself, I don't need a provider. He must be smart and he must be creative and able to make me laugh.

Older people who continue to fall in love as do teenagers need to examine their maturity. I have women friends who, if a man gives them the slightest bit of attention, they are in LOVE.

I can understand that finding a partner whom we can truly love is difficult, but finding a man is easy.

But not just any man (or woman) will do, eh?

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:19 PM
Dozens and dozens of men--few worth seeing more than once.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Fri 12/03/10 02:18 PM
As an English teacher, I will reserve my opinion.

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