Ireland - Gay Marriage
King james Bible. Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God." |
the truth
what Bible are you reading? My bible doesn't say or mention any of those names.
sex before marriage
Say what? No no no. I disagree with sex not being good 6 months into a marriage? First of all people do not realize what love and marriage is about. I don't understand how people can think like that! Love conquers all. If you find love and get marriage you are truly blessed. As long as you have each others love any other problem that comes up in your life together can be handled. Because you always have each other. You always share EVERYTHING!!! All your thoughts all your dreams all your fears. You communicate openly you don't get offended by each others words for you ask your mate to explain what they mean and im sure it wasn't meant to be offensive. But you love each other always. And that would never happen to me
sex before marriage
Well according to God sex before marriage is bad. "Bless me father for I have sinned" I just tell God I don't think I can do that. But send me the right man cause I do believe in marriage. Then once I get married it won't be a sin any more and it won't be a sin Im doing.
rude or not?
Im am not rude to people. i try to make people smile. Yet I will speak the truth when it comes to God. He expects me to. He also expects me to explain what he says and God loves everybody. BUT he has rules. He gives us free will the path we choose is up to us. We can go the right way or the wrong way.
I would never give anyone false hopes.
It'sn American thing You all wouldn't understand it!
Im thinking about how I can not believe they put the clerk from kentucky in jail because of her religious beliefs. She would not issue a marriage license to two men. She should of resigned from her job. Just thinking how much of the bible and what it says is coming to past the end is alot closer then people care to realize. I may not see it but bet my children will.
I disagree it is NOT over rated. Not over here in Pa. And when you meet them and don't give it to them you just never hear from them again. I met a guy from here we sat down talked 10 minutes later he said your cute and sweet let go to bed now. I said gee wouldn't you like to go out a few times. Suddenly he had to go back to work. Lol when he just got off work. Met a guy I really really liked a week before that we went out and had a great time laughed and we both paid our own way but later on when I said no I don't even you know you well enough. Oh well the next day he ignored me. We were working the same place for the rest of the weekend.
Wham, Bang, thank you ma'am...C'mon ladies, do you really want that? Where is your self respect ?
I totally agree with you. I guess I was just raised different. and just because the whole world is doing doesn't mean Im going to follow in everyones footsteps. I will make my own path and walk down it. When I made the post I was speaking for me, about me. I believe they call it having morals. And of course you may think about wanting to have sex who doesn't. When I became of age 18 and was dating a man did not want a fast women well they did for a one night stand. They didn't want a woman who ran around sleeping having sex with everyone she met. And if any man thinks that if he takes me to dinner Im suppose to give it up. That man must of fell and bumped his head. I can take my own self out to eat. Im a lady and I will be treated as such. People only treat you the way you let them. |
Confederate Flag.
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 02:32 PM
Confederate Flag.
Yeah right, it is inappropriate to fly the confederate flag BUT its not inappropriate for washington to fly the rainbow flag. Its not inappropriate for congress to re define what Almight God defined as what marriage is. Im sorry there is something wrong with this picture
Confederate Flag.
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 01:21 PM
Im flying it. I have sold this flag for 20 years. In all honesty I believe the flag is part of American history. People are going to make it what they want to make it. I don't think it should be banned though. I try to live my life right the way God wants me to. I pray for him to help me and he has. I have sold so many confederate flags it isn't funny. Im sure some people will come down on me. I really don't care because im in business and its all about supply in demand and Im thankful I had source to obtain these flags. I have put a healthy amount of money in my savings account. But I find it odd our president wants this flag banned. I think he is a bit racist. I am not .
I am thinking about this purse order and knife order I need to check and un pack that needs priced and put in my truck. and all im doing is playing on my laptop.
I have heard of a few people meeting and getting married. My one friend her daughter met the man she married. I had a girlfriend from meet her boyfriend there and they got married. In my area there are lot more woman then there is men. And then I remember seeing a special on what states are the worse states for people dating. Lol Pittsburg was one of them.I have met people off of plenty of fish maybe 3 or 4. I only talk to one as a friend.
I don't trust our gov't and believe they will put in there who they want in there. Thanks for all of your answers. I been working morning till night and by time I get home I don't get to post in between.
He sure tells it like it is. I do realize they all promise lots of things before they get elected. Im not a republican but I may vote for him.
ok Iwill have to do that. I enjoy coming to the forums That you hun
I would say yes the body language once she also knows you like her.
nice answer