Arafat received a Nobel Peace Prize for being a terrorist. There will never be peace as long as Israel exists. I sit here waiting for your analysis to be parsed into oblivion or for you to be dismissed as uneducated enough to grasp the situation. |
What are you AFRAID of?
Not sure why but lately I've been claustrophobic as anything. I'm
afraid that elevator door will just never open. |
Since I play piano I'd take longer fingers.
Guys- on a first date
S. Florida has always had a certain standard for nightlife and I've
always enjoyed women who dress to kill. A lady is a lady even if her outfit is tiny. A tramp is a tramp. I know the difference and it has nothing to do with fashion. I never make a judgment call about whether a woman is looking for sex until her breathing tells me otherwise. |
Do men like........
Still waiting for my first email from someone who actually lives in the
United States. I don't mind if someone writes, I'm here because I'm bored. |
Of course we had a good time. Glad you remember me even without the hair. I guess the guitar gave me away. Ever get out to Gilley's? That was my side of town. |
One of my good friends is a dwarf I guess. Perfectly proportioned
beautiful charming woman. So, I guess I'll go for the little person, though I did date a woman over six feet for awhile. |
It's still a big country. I have no problem at all with sharing the
opportunities here for happiness and prosperity. Who the heck gave anyone here the right to close the gates? Both sides of my family came here from Ireland in the 1890's. If you're a Native American then I understand where you might be coming from. |
1) The woman who never wants the night to end, ok, we had dinner, a
movie, drinks, no I'm not driving across town looking for an after hours club. (irritating but tolerated) 2) Has a kid who has emergencies every hour like having to call to find out where he left his basketball. Then mom has to coddle him for ten minutes and remind him to do his homework project that isn't due for two weeks. Stay home with the kid if he's the center of your life. (that one is gone) 3) Being so late all the time that I have to tell her the movie starts forty five minutes before it does. (irritating but tolerated) 4) Needing to talk on the phone about nothing and asking me what I'm doing sixteen hours a day. (that one is gone) |
I lived in Houston in the 80's, and yes I went to Studebakers. There
was also one in Miami when I moved there. |
Hail Atlantis
I once had the wonderful experience of having a causeway pass for a
space shuttle launch. The sound was much louder than I expected. What a rush! |
Daddy didn't start the conflict, he just profits from it. (applies to
whatever region you wish to throw the dart at on the map) |
You read between the lines of my post. Overseers, treaties, summits, the U.N., all will fail if there is not a true desire for peace and a passion for the sanctity of human life. There is no workable solution without that foundation. They can't let go of the past and therefore they are not ready for peace. The idea of a certain land, city, site, monument, clump of dirt or collection of stones being worth killing for is just stone age thinking. Until Israel is to Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Egypt, etc. as Florida is to Alabama, Georgia, whatever, there will be no peace. Geography is just dots on the map. Live as one people. |
Sorry, sometimes I need sleep.
Oceans5555, Some solutions were in my post. If you believe in the effectiveness of collective bodies such as the League of Nations or the U.N. you may trust them to form equitable treaties. Treaties must of course be enforced or they are useless. Some may feel that people who will not live together in harmony deserve to have a third party overseer rule them. Overseers may be benevolent, totalitarian, or a blend of methods though all will believe they have some higher ideal attached to their particular mandate. If you are dealing with people that have stubbornly held onto old beliefs and have refused to let their society evolve to a more moderate social system then the less benevolent overseer may be the most effective. The best solution I can offer you is to stop trafficking in the blame trade. Truly believe that what has happened there can be put in the past. Spend your time encouraging new leadership that seeks a more spiritual approach to mankind. Without a belief in the sanctity of life that transcends religions, borders, and multi-generational hatred there will never be peace in the area. |
Perhaps we should be blaming the League of Nations, the British, the
U.N., and the failure of world political leaders to find a peaceful solution to this problem every step of the way since the end of World War I. It's a multi-generational conflict/war that finger pointing by intellectuals and assigning blame to either side will never solve. How about assigning solutions that all can live with? That one is likely beyond your grasp. |
I've used Skype for teleconferencing.
I live two miles from a police station. Don't get in their way at the
end of a shift because they stop for nothing on the way back to the station. I'll never understand why I'm a safety hazard with no regard for the law or humanity if I get stopped for doing 42 in a 35 mph zone but there is no similar rule for them when they are doing 55 in the same area. |
autisitc child
I had a brother-in-law who apparently was autistic as a child and didn't
speak to anyone for years. He was talking pretty well in his 20's but mostly preferred to keep to himself. Funny, I could swear at times he was telepathic. Had an incredible memory too. |
I'm Sorry Ladies.. If.....
Or you could be a guy a woman would marry and step out on for some
adventure. Be the adventure guy instead and all will work out for you. |
I'm Sorry Ladies.. If.....
That's funny, the word censor is programmed to **** the name of mixed
drinks. |