State of the Economy
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? Obama is planning on giving us all alot of money, I just wonder where he plans on getting it all. Maybe he owns a field of pots of gold or has a money tree. He is the golden child after all. Actually, he just plans on tax tax taxing the same people that hire you and I for jobs. New government programs, increased spending, new social programs, giving money back to the people, eliminating taxes for a few, increasing global aid with the Global Povery Act. That is sure a big spender there. Glad we don't have an overspending issue in government already. How did George Bush Jr. get all the money to fund the war in Iraq? He didn't have the money so he raised the debt of this country billions and billions of dollars, debt borrowed from China. Who is going to eventually pay for that? Answer: People's children and grandchildren. And he lowered taxes on the wealthy as he was doing it, so no one who was wealthy who didn't have a son or daughter serving in Iraq or Afghanistan had to pay any costs for the war whatsoever. How fair is it to those generations to pay for a war that they did not begin or didn't have a say in? |
The anti-christ
Edited by
Wed 07/16/08 11:41 AM
Don't spew your crapola and tell me to settle down. It's a prison. Every inmate in every prison would tell you they had been mistreated. Not only that but the prisoners in this particular prison (who have the support of the bleeding heart libs) want nothing more than to get out and KILL YOU. You are correct in thinking that there will never be any convictions. The reason for this is because there have been no laws broken. No, the fact that there were no convictions just means there either wasn't enough evidence or they didn't want to pursue convictions. And whether or not the Geneva Convention applies in those cases. |
the ugly side of war
What was the purpose of this? I'm sure to bring intelligent and deep discussions on the topic of a few a-holes in a force of over 500,000 that have served in Iraq. No, I doubt that was even slightly close to your intentions. even if just one soldier acts in a questionable manner, he or she is representing the US and ALL OF YOU....their "isolated" actions are what the victims experience..and every single American should be outraged that even just ONE "a-hole" brings shame, disgrace and dishonor to your country.... Or do you condone it (as some of the previous replies insinuated) and think its ok??? then I guess they are representative of Americans and you guys deserve then what you get.... The actions of those few soldiers depicted are not representative of THIS American. Although the soldiers that did this are representatives of the United States, their actions do not represent the actions of all soldiers or all Americans. In fact, I think that most Americans would condemn this type of behavior. There was something lacking in those soldiers' lives that caused them to do these things. |
The anti-christ
What happened in Guantanamo? Where are the convictions? You lie. How's that feel? I lie? OK, don't take my word for it. I think so. Maybe not intentionally. It's likely you just eat and regurgitate whatever you read. Don't read both sides do you? Fact of the matter is that the inmates in Guantanamo are there for a reason. If it takes forcing them to eat while they are hunger striking, tickling them, making them listen to Hillary's chuckle at 93db, or any other form of "torture" to get information that helps our military's cause in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism then it's OK by me. The Supreme court kicked us all in the groin when they decided these scum deserve the same rights as you legally. They DON'T deserve the same rights. Again I ask you for the proof of conviction for those who are guilty of abusing detainees in Guantanamo. Settle down. Asking me for proof of conviction is just ridiculous. There were no convictions and probably never will be. But absence of convictions is not proof that the abuses were never done! |
The anti-christ
Club Gitmo. Four meals a daycooked by professional chefs, free plush rugs, nice tropical view, free reading material, tropical climate though with good air conditioning, nice recreation, and employees waiting on you 24/7. Sign me up. Do you like being a parrot for Rush Limbaugh? Why don't you lighten up and stop being so angry and rude all the time? I'm just making the point that 'Club Gitmo' was not your idea. So why pretend that it is? At least acknowledge the original source. Yes Master? I never claimed that it was my own idea. But, you use McSame, McConfused, NeoCon, and so on all the time without acknowledging that you were not the original source for that, but that is alright? Chill out, oh wise You don't have to call me Master, this isn't an episode of Kung Fu. But I realize it is just sarcasm. You didn't claim Club Gitmo, but when you present something without acknowledging the source, isn't it representing it like it was your own? With monikers like NeoCon, McSame, etc... it is common knowledge that someone else came up with them, while with Club Gitmo, not everyone knows Rush Limbaugh came up with that. But this is off topic anyway. My original post was how much Bush Jr. is like the Middle Age Crusaders who wanted to force Christianity on the Muslim world of the time. |
The anti-christ
Club Gitmo. Four meals a daycooked by professional chefs, free plush rugs, nice tropical view, free reading material, tropical climate though with good air conditioning, nice recreation, and employees waiting on you 24/7. Sign me up. Do you like being a parrot for Rush Limbaugh? Why don't you lighten up and stop being so angry and rude all the time? Not angry. I'm just making the point that 'Club Gitmo' was not your idea. So why pretend that it is? At least acknowledge the original source. |
The anti-christ
Everyone focuses on Gitmo and ignores the rest of what I posted.
Here is the rest, with Gitmo removed: There are modern Crusaders, and George Bush Jr. leads the pack: Barbaric and cruel treatment in 'secret prisons' overseas so we could keep our hands clean. Not to mention what happened in Abu Ghraib. Scores of innocent people were killed and who knows how long this war will last. |
The anti-christ
Club Gitmo. Four meals a daycooked by professional chefs, free plush rugs, nice tropical view, free reading material, tropical climate though with good air conditioning, nice recreation, and employees waiting on you 24/7. Sign me up. Do you like being a parrot for Rush Limbaugh? Why don't you lighten up and stop being so angry and rude all the time? I'm just making the point that 'Club Gitmo' was not your idea. So why pretend that it is? At least acknowledge the original source. |
The anti-christ
Club Gitmo. Four meals a daycooked by professional chefs, free plush rugs, nice tropical view, free reading material, tropical climate though with good air conditioning, nice recreation, and employees waiting on you 24/7. Sign me up. Do you like being a parrot for Rush Limbaugh? |
State of the Economy
Let's put one of those evil NeoCon as VP then, they know how to manage money. Had to edit because some people may think I was attacking a certain group of people. We all know who a NeoCon is, it's another term for people that live in Israel. It's the good way to attack an ethnicity. Rumsfeld, who is a NeoCon, did a great job managing the Iraq War. Billions and billions of dollars later, we are still in Iraq. And Bush Jr., a NeoCon, has done a great job for this economy! He spends more than a French hooker in a perfume factory (my apologies to the French). |
State of the Economy
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller? |
The anti-christ
What happened in Guantanamo? Where are the convictions? You lie. How's that feel? I lie? OK, don't take my word for it. |
State of the Economy
And, Obama has an extensive economics background? What? Mccain MUST put Romney in the VP slot for the economy aspect. Maybe Romney isn't as successful at economics as some might think: Also, managing a national economy is a lot different than managing an economy for just one state. |
The anti-christ
How about there was no such thing as a Muslim when the book of Revelations was actualy written. Kind of makes you wonder who exactly changed the wording and to what goal. YOu think maybe it happend during the crusades when the catholic church was trying to protect "Christiandom"? History people, its written down for a reason. Copies of the books of the Bible all dated as older than the Catholic Church exist. The Catholic Church didn't change the meaning of the scriptures, if they had, it would be easily verifiable. But maybe you could use a history lesson, because by the time of the crusades, 3/4 of the Christian world (Christendom) had been converted to Islam by sword and fire. Those who refused to convert were given reduced status (dhimmitude) to being on the level of livestock. Their lands and possessions were given to Muslims. It's only because of the Crusades that Europe wasn't fully taken by the Muslims. Did you know that Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country which was peacefully converted? The Palestinian people (including most of the Middle East) were Christians before Islam was spread violently through the Middle East. To see some sort of ulterior motive in the Crusades requires that you ignore about 500 years of history. The Christian crusades were a barbaric and cruel treatment of humans .They killed scores of innocent people .It is a fact Christianity spread violence and hatred for centuries . There are modern Crusaders, and George Bush Jr. leads the pack: Barbaric and cruel treatment in 'secret prisons' overseas so we could keep our hands clean. Not to mention what happened in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Scores of innocent people were killed and who knows how long this war will last. |
Anyways, I've said what I need to on this topic. And, I'm off to bed. I know many people personally and myself included who would jump on the opportunity to enter into energy fields of oil and natural gas if there was a huge increase of employment opportunities and benefits. But those people and you are ignoring the facts provided by experts. You are only listening to what the NeoCons and the oil companies are telling Bush to say! He too is ignoring the experts opinions just like he did before invading Iraq! Also, we do have the technologies, a combined number of them needed to change in less time than we can lift the oil from the ground! Plus these technologies, combined, will produce far more employment opportunities than oil drilling! Even if Congress lifts the law keeping them from drilling tomorrow. They will still have to battle every State government who's shores they wish to drill off of, negotiate deals with the ones that let them, destroy natural wilderness refuges, and battle every ecological group in the nation before they can even move an oil drilling platform into place! This is not Russia, Venezuela, or Cuba where the government can just do what they want without confronting the people or following proper procedures! Fanta, I agree. While additional drilling might serve our short-term needs, it will not solve our energy problems in the long run. We need to increase efficiencies and develop more alternative sources of energy. |
the ugly side of war
war makes people do ugly things..even the most "noble" of soldiers..the scary part is that these men will be returning home...wonder what kind of citizens they'll make...? wonder how long this post is going to last???? I don't believe this is representative of all U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq. However, it would indicate a problem with some units. Perhaps they were 'stop-lossed' or something else happened that frustrated them enough to be so cruel in their actions. |
State of the Economy
'Both the NYT and the Post front new polls about the presidential race. The Post shows Barack Obama leading John McCain by eight points nationally. Those polled said Obama is far more able to deal with the economy, the deficit, immigration, and social issues like abortion and same-sex civil unions. But McCain pulls even with him on international affairs and national security.' It's the economy, stupid, again: So if you think John McCain will be the best leader as far as keeping our nation secure and best able to manage the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and nothing else matters to you, then he's your guy. But if you care about anything else, maybe you should take a look at someone other than McCain. Like Barack Obama, for example. |
rush limbugh
I listen to Rush sometimes just for a laugh. I can't believe anyone takes him seriously. Perhaps he doesn't even believe half the bullcrap he spouts. He's the clown prince of the Republican Party. Maybe he's really a liberal in disguise. I agree hiker. If you look at both of the extreme wackos, Rush (I'm as full of sh1t as a porta potty next to the cheese curd booth at the Taste Of Minnesota) and the other mouthpiece as Al (no chance in hell of being elected to anything beyond door guard at a high school in North Minneapolis) Franken, from an entertainment viewpoint they are occasionally funny but usually they both reek of extremist bile and I have to turn the dial. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 07/14/08 10:47 PM
In the Year 2012:
1. Aliens will finally have contacted us. 2. An Independent will be President. 3. Life is discovered on Mars, but it is not intelligent life. 4. The moon will be mined and crops will be grown under huge domes. 5. We will still be in Iraq. 6. One country will launch missiles at another country. Chaos ensues. 7. One person will be able to accurately predict the future through a combination of Chaos Theory and Sociology, but he will be a mental savant, like 'Rainman'. 8. A genetically altered pig with wings will be able to fly. But not very well. 9. A prophet will predict the end of the world. 10.More crime. 11.Antigrav cars like the The Jetsons create new traffic problems. 12.Somebody somewhere is going to do somebody wrong. |
Edited by
Mon 07/14/08 10:34 PM
I would have to go for Obama. Not as much as he says which some of it i do like.. We need NAFTA repealed and go back to tariffs on foriegn goods. What i have noticed is how many Politians have said he does not have the experience. That says something to me very loudly. He is not on track with these politains They may not beable to control him. A president picks his cabint and has plenty of advisors around him to make informed judgements.. But his is the final word.. When someone is being picked out from what i c thier inability to run the country because of inexperience when know body knows what it is really like to be Pres. untill you are thier. Tells me Obama is not the normal Politian. Washington is scared of him. Just think about it but my vote is OBAMA Not only Washington, but the corporate elitists, talk show hosts, etc... That's why all the lies, hyperbole and bullshyt thrown by the bucketful at him. I've never before seen so much hatred and vitriol against one man running for President in modern times. |