Topic: screw obama | |
Cold man Cold....
Cold man Cold.... Well, Bill Gates HAS been overcharging me for his software for years.... ![]() |
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Sat 03/01/08 10:48 AM
earlier in the post's I read about health care, It is a touchy subject for a lot of people but I dont think that maybe they aren't as informed as they need to be.
Right now people are worried that if they get seriously hurt or deathly sick without insurance that they wont be admitted or cared for at a hospital, and the truth of the matter is that ther are laws that deal with this issue. It is simply not the case. It gets pretty detailed so I included a link to a very informative site, now let me say that this is in no way a rightwing site at all and the group that sponsors it also advocates for a universal healthcare plan of some sort or another. However the information contained with in the site about the laws is pretty good. also, some of the things it doesnt go into detail about, and I just wanted to point out that all hospitals, if you are in life or death need ARE OBLIGATED to treat you, now once they have stabalized you if they are not what is called a Health Care Safety Net Provider(obviously it wont say that in it's title of Hospital, and most probably dont advertise the fact either-speculation) then they have the responsibility to transport you to another hospital that is. These hospitals dont provide less help they just have the extra funding that has been paid for by , well, us. which is one of the main reasons healthcare cost so damn much! but anyway check out the site its informative if nothing else. |
earlier in the post's I read about health care, It is a touchy subject for a lot of people but I dont think that maybe they aren't as informed as they need to be. Right now people are worried that if they get seriously hurt or deathly sick without insurance that they wont be admitted or cared for at a hospital, and the truth of the matter is that ther are laws that deal with this issue. It is simply not the case. It gets pretty detailed so I included a link to a very informative site, now let me say that this is in no way a rightwing site at all and the group that sponsors it also advocates for a universal healthcare plan of some sort or another. However the information contained with in the site about the laws is pretty good. also, some of the things it doesnt go into detail about, and I just wanted to point out that all hospitals, if you are in life or death need ARE OBLIGATED to treat you, now once they have stabalized you if they are not what is called a Health Care Safety Net Provider(obviously it wont say that in it's title of Hospital, and most probably dont advertise the fact either-speculation) then they have the responsibility to transport you to another hospital that is. These hospitals dont provide less help they just have the extra funding that has been paid for by , well, us. which is one of the main reasons healthcare cost so damn much! but anyway check out the site its informative if nothing else. Good link, Doc. I'm covered for most things through the VA. They don't do root canals, though. ![]() |
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Sun 03/02/08 05:40 AM
Root canal. Don't even talk about that! One of my sons is 6'4" tall, weighs around 210, was in the ROTC and thinks nothing about repelling from a helicopter, or camping in Alaska, and can handle himself in any type of physical confrontation.
Okay this guy goes in for a root canal. He has never had a cavity in his life. Therefore, this is the first dental work he ever experienced other than getting his teeth cleaned. It seems he broke a back lower tooth, hence the root canal. My son came home after the root canal in agony, advising he has never endured anything so terrible in his whole life. I couldn't believe it .... he stayed in bed moaning and groaning for two days. He even lost a day from work, all over a root canal. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thats kinda like being compare to the mentally impaired 18yr old who takes his clothes off and runs down the aisle in Wal-Mart. You really dont want to see it, but you overlook it when you find out its not really his fault!! ![]() ![]() Cold man....... ![]() ![]() So, in your reasoning, no one is responsible for their posts because of certain circumstances, upbringing, etc... Conspiracy theorists aren't responsible for what they post because they've been oppressed by the government, or whoever the enemy du jour is. Or maybe it's just that they're a couple fruit loops short of a full box. In fact, nobody's responsible! Except those whom I blame and I'll be the judge of that! I blame Bill Gates with all his money! He should give me some of it. Why not, gotta scapegoat someone! ![]() Well it does seem like the American way of life..blame someone else, avoid taking personal responsiblity then try to make money off of it. You can bash me all you want for this opinion, but you all know that's how it is in the good 'ol USA |
what about the people who take personal responsibilty for their actions and make money on something while blaming no one but themslelf? isnt that the american way too?
what about the people who take personal responsibilty for their actions and make money on something while blaming no one but themslelf? isnt that the american way too? Too bad they are in the minority...they're sinking in the quagmire from the personal greed of the "I want it now" mind-set. |
what about the people who take personal responsibilty for their actions and make money on something while blaming no one but themslelf? isnt that the american way too? The REAL American way. I will admit....many have lost sight of this. But I truely believe that most still live this way. |
those with the loudest voices are the ones who get the pub. it is very unfortunate that for some damn reason the microphone cant get snatched from the hands of those clowns(the screamers).
I do not believe that we are to the point where everybody is "its all me baby, and screw everyone else" I think for the most part normal americans, and all people for that matter, just want to live their lives with some symbolance of eae and happiness. Minding their business and trying to raise their kids the best they see fit. Those people are the quiet ones, so you wont hear their stories or side of it. If they want to scream they go out and find some more megaphone chaser to do it for them- still waiting for the megaphone by the way. Its not all bad, we're not all bad, this country isnt all bad, and contrary to the likes of the fridge elements on BOTH SIDES the government isnt all that bad either. people(the megaphone crowd and their supporters) just need to take a damn breath or a pill or a smoke and calm down with the HATE before someone takes their megaphones and inserts them the not so nice way up their collective asses. breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out ![]() |
those with the loudest voices are the ones who get the pub. it is very unfortunate that for some damn reason the microphone cant get snatched from the hands of those clowns(the screamers). I do not believe that we are to the point where everybody is "its all me baby, and screw everyone else" I think for the most part normal americans, and all people for that matter, just want to live their lives with some symbolance of eae and happiness. Minding their business and trying to raise their kids the best they see fit. Those people are the quiet ones, so you wont hear their stories or side of it. If they want to scream they go out and find some more megaphone chaser to do it for them- still waiting for the megaphone by the way. Its not all bad, we're not all bad, this country isnt all bad, and contrary to the likes of the fridge elements on BOTH SIDES the government isnt all that bad either. people(the megaphone crowd and their supporters) just need to take a damn breath or a pill or a smoke and calm down with the HATE before someone takes their megaphones and inserts them the not so nice way up their collective asses. breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out ![]() I agree with you...however I would like to point out that you (like others) have gotten quite agresive, hostil and outright insulting to others (like me) who have different political points of view..I wonder over and over why the banner of HATE, is unfurled every time someone speaks out against the current administration or its policies? From that point of view,(youre either with us or youre against us) its impossible to have any debate. I don't have the answer but I can tell you that just because I dont believe in what you believe in doesnt make me wrong and you right, or give you the right to attack, degrade or label me, it doesnt make me your enemy or you mine. |
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Sun 03/02/08 07:33 AM
i think the ones we get insulting to are the ones insulting us and something that we have willingly dumped our hearts and souls into. I was a lot more neutral until someone started attacking soldiers. The attacks weren't even rational which made me, and some others even more defensive. I do , for one, apologise to anyone for lowering myself to the level of those thinkers. Yes, we should be more constructive with our arguments. But this does go both ways. People need to stop telling soldiers they are "wasting their time" or make it look like they are heartless and cruel. SOME people need to stoop trying to compare us to terrorists and/or making it seem like we don't know what is happening overseas.
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Sun 03/02/08 07:36 AM
those with the loudest voices are the ones who get the pub. it is very unfortunate that for some damn reason the microphone cant get snatched from the hands of those clowns(the screamers). I do not believe that we are to the point where everybody is "its all me baby, and screw everyone else" I think for the most part normal americans, and all people for that matter, just want to live their lives with some symbolance of eae and happiness. Minding their business and trying to raise their kids the best they see fit. Those people are the quiet ones, so you wont hear their stories or side of it. If they want to scream they go out and find some more megaphone chaser to do it for them- still waiting for the megaphone by the way. Its not all bad, we're not all bad, this country isnt all bad, and contrary to the likes of the fridge elements on BOTH SIDES the government isnt all that bad either. people(the megaphone crowd and their supporters) just need to take a damn breath or a pill or a smoke and calm down with the HATE before someone takes their megaphones and inserts them the not so nice way up their collective asses. breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out ![]() I agree with you...however I would like to point out that you (like others) have gotten quite agresive, hostil and outright insulting to others (like me) who have different political points of view..I wonder over and over why the banner of HATE, is unfurled every time someone speaks out against the current administration or its policies? From that point of view,(youre either with us or youre against us) its impossible to have any debate. I don't have the answer but I can tell you that just because I dont believe in what you believe in doesnt make me wrong and you right, or give you the right to attack, degrade or label me, it doesnt make me your enemy or you mine. wow, nicely worded, and honest. You are correct, yes, I hate to admit it but I as well have subcomb to the hostilities of hatred. wow, what a burden of my shoulders. and although we may disagree i will defend that right of opinions and speech that you have. My biggest concern I guess is that when I need somone to defend me they wont be there and it will be purely based on beliefs and not the right to chose. no democrat will respect a republicans veiws(I think its in the platform-hahaha) or defend that persons right to those veiws. so while I'll jump in front of a bullet for a dem, he would gladly push me in front of it to save himself. both sides are guilty of the my way or the highway mentality, but I will say this, the republicans are more likely to offer up an olive branch and comprimise than a democrat, especially the democrats in the congress we have today. so agreeing to disagree with you and the socialist agenda as put forth by the left. you want it, great, i will fight to stop it. |
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Sun 03/02/08 07:41 AM
You just called me a flake in another post...this is my point as a soldier represent your country and I would suggest you remind yourself of that before allowing yourself to get "hot under the collar" reflects not just on you but the country you represent....
set aside the labels and remember we are all humans...I dont know if a Dem will take a bullet for you or not, but certainly another human being might or wont....I am more than just a label as are you....that's where we need to start debating from. We both want peace, love, happiness, to get laid from time to time....we are the same people.... ![]() olive branch from a socialist ![]() |
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Sun 03/02/08 07:46 AM
You just called me a flake in another post...this is my point as a soldier represent your country and I would suggest you remind yourself of that before allowing yourself to get "hot under the collar" reflects not just on you but the country you represent.... I know what I am and I dont need you to remind me, if what you said in the other post was flakey and misrepresenative then deal with it. I have to listen to the beratement of the FINEST people in the country on a daily basis, you have gotten your feathers ruffled by the word flake, they have gotten PTSD because they believe at any minute your congress whill pull the bullets and leave them to die. You trying to say that voicing my opinion of a behavior in detrimental to the representation that I provide for this country? My actions speak volumes in my defense, while you and yours work to tear down the foundations of this country, me and mine are sweating our balls off filling sandbags to plug the wholes youve caused with your text book therories on running a country that have been proven time and time again to be inept and willfully inadequate. but yes you are right we need to sit down with a blank piece of paper and look across the table at the human face not the name. |
Doc, she's not in this country!!
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Just another jealous foreigner without a clue>
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Sun 03/02/08 07:53 AM
Just another jealous foreigner without a clue> I was 2 when I moved to the US in 1962, left 3 years ago (do the math), gave birth to a son that served his country in the Navy...I left because I COULD....not jealous..just very, very lucky........typical arrogant american thinking. |
typical arrogant american thinking.
Now are you or are you not American? If like you say you are then perhaps you refer to yourself as well! |
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Sun 03/02/08 08:01 AM
Not saying that this is the case, but it sounds to me like someone didn't want to handle the fatigue of supporting freedom...