Topic: screw obama | |
The dems have been rigging elections for decades starting in Chicago. They think the people are too stupid to decide for themselves. It is why they pass all the nanny state laws they do. They wont be happy until we are protected and provided for from cradle to grave.
The question is, when they get us all on the public dole, where will the money come from? The media is out of control and have scewed this election cycle so badly its a joke. We need a national primary with a results/exit poll blackout until all the polls close. We need to do the same with the general election and keep the media from choosing the candidates. The NY Times chose the GOP's man and then a week after he is a shoe in, throws him under the bus with a fake story. Why have we allowed things to get to the point where anyone can just throw any allegation out there as often as possible just to see if they can get something to stick? Is there no integrity left in this country? Or has it all become the Jerry Springer Show and reality TV? |
Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider... We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917. We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941. We could have let Russia take over after 1945. We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990. The question is, would you want to live in that world? The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world. The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself. |
Edited by
Tue 03/11/08 07:35 AM
Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider... We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917. We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941. We could have let Russia take over after 1945. We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990. The question is, would you want to live in that world? The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world. The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself. oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() |
Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider... We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917. We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941. We could have let Russia take over after 1945. We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990. The question is, would you want to live in that world? The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world. The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself. oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now.... ![]() |
Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider... We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917. We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941. We could have let Russia take over after 1945. We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990. The question is, would you want to live in that world? The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world. The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself. oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now.... ![]() maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them... |
Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider... We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917. We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941. We could have let Russia take over after 1945. We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990. The question is, would you want to live in that world? The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world. The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself. Im thinking that the earlier quote was about other people benefiting from the U.S. greatly contributing to keeping these things from happening. This is where you and i disagree. Sometimes it is worth it. Things would have been much worse if, lets say, Hitler took over the world. I agree, i don't think the government really cares that much. And war is hell. However, as long as there are people wanting to fight, we will have to resort to certain "inhumane" measures to keep a certain sense of security. I really do wish we could all live in peace, but, unfortunately, humans are animals, and to have no conflict would be unatural according to laws of mother nature. I think what the world needs is a common goal... |
Edited by
Tue 03/11/08 10:20 AM
oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now.... ![]() maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them... your comments are thinly veiled attempts to antagonize and get a rise out of me. I dont know why you personalize everything I say,and then attack me... maybe your hot for me..? ![]() |
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Tue 03/11/08 10:24 AM
oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now.... ![]() maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them... your comments are thinly veiled attempts to antagonize and get a rise out of me. I dont know why you personalize everything I say,and then attack me... maybe your hot for me..?
![]() hot for you??...I despise want to take my earnings and spread it out to pay for the people who lack the ambition be self reliant...and my comments are not attempts to antagonize comments are my opinion of you and those like you... |
Im thinking that the earlier quote was about other people benefiting from the U.S. greatly contributing to keeping these things from happening. This is where you and i disagree. Sometimes it is worth it. Things would have been much worse if, lets say, Hitler took over the world. I agree, i don't think the government really cares that much. And war is hell. However, as long as there are people wanting to fight, we will have to resort to certain "inhumane" measures to keep a certain sense of security. I really do wish we could all live in peace, but, unfortunately, humans are animals, and to have no conflict would be unatural according to laws of mother nature. I think what the world needs is a common goal... well its one thing to answer a call for help...its another to interfere in the doings of souverign countries. The US has a history of sticking its nose into Latin American politics and has been the direct link for much of the social unrest...for those of you who will demand "proof"..look it up yourself..start with Nixon's "Condor Plan"... Look at the propaganda you guys are being fed against Chavez..hes a great socialist, the working and poor people of Venezula adore him..the rich who pander to foreign interests are leaving by the droves and buying condos in Miami...I only hope that my country and the rest of Latin America will follow his lead and kick out all foreign interests that come here, take everything they can and leave nothing behind except their garbage (including the politician/pimp that work for them).... |
oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now.... ![]() maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them... your comments are thinly veiled attempts to antagonize and get a rise out of me. I dont know why you personalize everything I say,and then attack me... maybe your hot for me..?
![]() hot for you??...I despise want to take my earnings and spread it out to pay for the people who lack the ambition be self reliant...and my comments are not attempts to antagonize comments are my opinion of you and those like you... baby.... ![]() |
Yes it is true we Americans stick our nose in everyone else's business. The world would be a very different place if we didn't. Consider... We could have let the Kaiser take over Europe in 1917. We could have let Hitler and the Japanese take over in 1941. We could have let Russia take over after 1945. We could have let the communists take over South America in the 80's We could have let Saddam take over the middle east back in 1990. The question is, would you want to live in that world? The world would be a different place...I can speak volumes to your quote...but its not worth it. I will say that hundreds of thousands of people who were tortured and killed all over the world all in the name of protecting US interests, certainly would have wanted a different kind of world. The US acts only when her interests are threatened and as far as the US is concerned the world is there for her needs, nothing more...there is nothing heroic about saving the world when you are saving it for yourself. You have been paying far too much attention to the propaganda machine in your own sick country. Rampant crime, poverty, government corruption. Your own city is a cesspool of little kids in street gangs preying on the tourists. Now as to the US taking things for themselves, in all of the actions I mentioned above, we have not kept one inch of ground for ourselves, although sometimes I think we should have after spending so much of our treasure on cleaning up everyone else's mess. If we wanted to, we could take it all including your miserable backwards communist country. But you see, we do not take, we help, we defend including your country so be grateful. Putin will be coming back for you some time in the next decade, should we let them have you? The US does NOT torture anyone you foolish girl, you have no idea what your talking about. Finally, the American is ALWAYS first on the scene to any disaster anywhere in the world, even our enemies. We offer more aid to more people in more places and spend more money that all the rest of the world COMBINED! We may not be perfect, but we strive to be. |
spoken like a true patriot Jura...
![]() ![]() ![]() |
You have been paying far too much attention to the propaganda machine in your own sick country. Rampant crime, poverty, government corruption. Your own city is a cesspool of little kids in street gangs preying on the tourists. right...that's why Americans and European come here by the boat-loads, to stare at the little street urchins from their restaurant tables forking over 300 dollars for a steak and salad. Now as to the US taking things for themselves, in all of the actions I mentioned above, we have not kept one inch of ground for ourselves, although sometimes I think we should have after spending so much of our treasure on cleaning up everyone else's mess. If we wanted to, we could take it all including your miserable backwards communist country. But you see, we do not take, we help, we defend including your country so be grateful. Putin will be coming back for you some time in the next decade, should we let them have you? great attitude, and youre still clueless as to why there is so much anti-American sentiment in the world..where can you go as an American where you are actually welcomed anymore? The US does NOT torture anyone you foolish girl, you have no idea what your talking about. naw...of course teach other people to do it in that Famous School of the Assasins..oops I meant Americas. Finally, the American is ALWAYS first on the scene to any disaster anywhere in the world, even our enemies. We offer more aid to more people in more places and spend more money that all the rest of the world COMBINED! We may not be perfect, but we strive to be. Dont think for a moment that the US acts without its own agenda, set aside striving for perfection and work a little bit more on being humble and joining the rest of the world, instead of acting like you own it or it owes you something. |
You have been paying far too much attention to the propaganda machine in your own sick country. Rampant crime, poverty, government corruption. Your own city is a cesspool of little kids in street gangs preying on the tourists. right...that's why Americans and European come here by the boat-loads, to stare at the little street urchins from their restaurant tables forking over 300 dollars for a steak and salad. See, thats all you see. Thats the problem with people that think the way you do. So a tourist spends $300 for a steak. The waiter gets paid, the cook, dishwasher, bus boy, owner, butcher, farmer. They all have jobs and can support their family. But you can not see that for your blind and ignorant hatred. The crime here is that the steak is $300, not that a tourist paid it. |
Now as to the US taking things for themselves, in all of the actions I mentioned above, we have not kept one inch of ground for ourselves, although sometimes I think we should have after spending so much of our treasure on cleaning up everyone else's mess. If we wanted to, we could take it all including your miserable backwards communist country. But you see, we do not take, we help, we defend including your country so be grateful. Putin will be coming back for you some time in the next decade, should we let them have you? great attitude, and youre still clueless as to why there is so much anti-American sentiment in the world..where can you go as an American where you are actually welcomed anymore? Anywhere I take my dollars. Like I said you listen to your propaganda TV too much. Those that hate us are jealous they dont have what we do. They want to be us, but their socialist side is repulsed by us. Since they cant be us they have to hate us so as to overide their envy of us. Else they would self distruct. |
Edited by
Thu 03/13/08 08:16 AM
The US does NOT torture anyone you foolish girl, you have no idea what your talking about. naw...of course teach other people to do it in that Famous School of the Assasins..oops I meant Americas. More propaganda and lies. Just because you say it does not make it true. I could say the moon is made of cheese and the sky is really green. It will not make it so. |
Finally, the American is ALWAYS first on the scene to any disaster anywhere in the world, even our enemies. We offer more aid to more people in more places and spend more money that all the rest of the world COMBINED! We may not be perfect, but we strive to be. Dont think for a moment that the US acts without its own agenda, set aside striving for perfection and work a little bit more on being humble and joining the rest of the world, instead of acting like you own it or it owes you something. Yes, we have an agenda. PEACE WORLDWIDE. But you see, not everyone has rose colored glass's and thinks if we just be nice to everyone they will be nice back. There will always be Bin Ladin', Hitler', Chavez', Stalin'. And we will always be there to save you from them despite the fact that you are ungrateful. Lastly, the great thing about America is you can say what you want, even if you have no clue. You have a right to say it. But you, not being an American, can pretty much buzz off. We dont care what you think. Oh wait, that would require that you actually THINK rather than spew garbage someone force fed you in school your whole life. |
And clean up your own garbage pit before you comment on your neighbors yard.
oh yes the US is the worst place in the whole world... ![]() I wouldnt be taking any opinion polls in the Middle East right now.... ![]() maybe you should....and maybe you'd meet some of those terrorists you don't think exist....I know you'll have a lot in common with the terrorists but be careful not to lose your head over them... your comments are thinly veiled attempts to antagonize and get a rise out of me. I dont know why you personalize everything I say,and then attack me... maybe your hot for me..? ![]() Hey, leave him alone. I'm the one he's hot for! ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 03/13/08 09:24 AM
Rampant crime, poverty, government corruption
Crime in the United States accounts for more death, injuries and loss of property then all Natural Disasters combined. The Disaster Center is pleased to be able to provide you with access to the statistics of crime compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. . . . . . . . Poverty Overview * About 9.8 percent (7.7 million) of the nation’s families were in poverty in 2006. Married-couple families had a poverty rate of 4.9 percent (2.9 million), compared with 28.3 percent (4.1 million) for female-householder, no-husband-present families and 13.2 percent (671,000) for those with a male householder and no wife present. The poverty rate for these types of families in poverty showed no statistically significant change between 2005 and 2006. * As defined by the Office of Management and Budget and updated for inflation using the Consumer Price Index, the weighted average poverty threshold for a family of four in 2006 was $20,614; for a family of three, $16,079; for a family of two, $13,167; and for unrelated individuals, $10,294. As for the corruption look at the current problems of a NY politician among others. Corrution walks hand in hand with power in any country. Now as to the US taking things for themselves, in all of the actions I mentioned above, we have not kept one inch of ground for ourselves, although sometimes I think we should have after spending so much of our treasure on cleaning up everyone else's mess.
Take note that there have been American Bases in Japan an Europe since end of war. These bases are considered American territory for jurisdiction questions. If we wanted to, we could take it all including your miserable backwards communist country. But you see, we do not take, we help, we defend including your country so be grateful.
It`s this very attitude of if we want it we can take it and everybody owes us which has made Americans so unpopular though. The US does NOT torture anyone you foolish girl, you have no idea what your talking about. spoken like a true patriot Jura...
![]() ![]() ![]() patriot /paytrit, pat-/ • noun a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it. — DERIVATIVES patriotic adjective patriotically adverb patriotism noun. — ORIGIN Latin patriota ‘fellow countryman’, from Greek patris ‘fatherland’. Adlai Stevenson: What do we mean by patriotism in the context of our times? I venture to suggest that what we mean is a sense of national responsibility ... a patriotism which is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime. Carl Schurz: The peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: "Our country -- when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right." G. K. Chesterton: "My country, right or wrong" is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying "My mother, drunk or sober." Seems that one must also be prepared to correct the problems when they are there and not blindly defend. To blindly defend is to accept whatever the leaders of a nation may decide, realizing too late that Patriotism means no freedoms. btw I'm still trying to figure out what any of this has to do with Obama |