Topic: Looking for the best book ever! | |
Don't forget about The Little Engine That Could Ya, thats a classic too! |
i hear the dictionarys quite has words an all
i hear the dictionarys quite has words an all LMAO! |
Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson.. better yet.. any Hunter S. Thompson Yep |
My favorite book is "Wolf by The Ears"
not that anyone will even see htis post or k now the book. |
i hear the dictionarys quite has words an all LMAO! |
i hear the dictionarys quite has words an all LMAO! It means laughing my ass off! |
i hear the dictionarys quite has words an all LMAO! It means laughing my ass off! |
Edited by
Mon 01/28/08 05:29 PM
The bible. Truly, it is GOD who will have the "last laugh" and "last word"!!! NO ONE will ever successfully negate and eliminate the absolute truth of the Bible! As Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35) A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! And "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7) ahhhh a thumper... i love thumpers... You act as if we "non believers" simply dont know better or we just turn a blind eye to your book. You never stop to consider, maybe some of us walked your path. Some of us know this book better than you do. SOME of us, EVEN went farther down the road of enlightenment than you!! I wont argue the faults of a book with you because i know you have already formed an opinion. But i will say this.... The bible has suffered MORE damage and change from its believers and writers than it will ever suffer from its foes. I and others like me are watching your book and your faith fall apart from its own protectors. In the end, a man wrote that book, and a man is failable. When you show me a book with GOD'S OWN SIGNATURE and GOD ready to show up and say.... I wrote this with MY OWN HAND and not that of one of my staff, i'll be more apt to believe it. |
this is going to sound a liitle strange to everyone im sure..
but the book that will change the world is not out in circulation yet.. stephan king has writen an appearent non-fiction book which is currently in his safe,at his home in bangor maine. it will be unleashed unto the world after his death. and word has it that it is an actual raising the dead. only he knows where he got this information on bringing the dead back to life but it was proclaimed by him durring an interview.. SPOOOOOOOKY |
The bible. Truly, it is GOD who will have the "last laugh" and "last word"!!! NO ONE will ever successfully negate and eliminate the absolute truth of the Bible! As Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35) A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! And "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7) ahhhh a thumper... i love thumpers... You act as if we "non believers" simply dont know better or we just turn a blind eye to your book. You never stop to consider, maybe some of us walked your path. Some of us know this book better than you do. SOME of us, EVEN went farther down the road of enlightenment than you!! I wont argue the faults of a book with you because i know you have already formed an opinion. But i will say this.... The bible has suffered MORE damage and change from its believers and writers than it will ever suffer from its foes. I and others like me are watching your book and your faith fall apart from its own protectors. In the end, a man wrote that book, and a man is failable. When you show me a book with GOD'S OWN SIGNATURE and GOD ready to show up and say.... I wrote this with MY OWN HAND and not that of one of my staff, i'll be more apt to believe it. All I can say is, it is YOU that will be what you obviously are now. And that is THE LOSER! You make such "off the cuff" "Pat answer statements" as you post here, and this is NOTHING NEW! Trust me, in 29 years as one saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, I have heard just about every excuse under the sun and every so called "valid arguement" about WHY the Bible is NOT TRUE! You are SO TYPICAL! When are you infidels gonna come up with something ORIGINAL? But then, YOUR MASTER (Satan) has you so blinded that all you can see is YOU! These statements you make, about how you are "watching your [my] book and your [my] faith fall apart." Really? Since when? And HOW? In what way? If you're gonna make such statements, please have the decency and INTEGRITY (something you atheists and agnostics know NOTHING about, by the way, so full of LIES are you!) to not make such GENERALIZATIONS! Instead, give me SPECIFICS! And you say this about ME PERSONALLY! That's pretty amazing, especially since we've NEVER met! Nor do you KNOW the literally HUNDREDS of people that I do whose faith is NOT "falling apart" as you claim, but whose lives have been radically changed FOR THE BETTER due to FAITH IN THE BIBLE AS THE WORD OF GOD! You know NOTHING of my personal life and the things I've been through over just the past (almost) 5 years! Things such as THE DEATH OF A YOUNG CHILD! Things such as DIVORCE and all the "bloody aftermath" that goes with that! Dude, were I to subscribe to YOUR philosophies and "personal beliefs", I would have NO HOPE! NO PEACE! NO REASON FOR BEING! It is a FACT that you have NOTHING of REAL SUBSTANCE, nothing LASTING, nothing SURE AND CERTAIN to offer me. Nor THE REST OF THE WORLD, for that matter! The so-called "enlightenment" you THINK you've experienced is nothing more than so much SELF DELUSION BASED IN STINKIN' SATANIC PRIDE! You are just TOO PROUD AND FULL OF YOURSELF to acknowledge YOUR OWN NOTHINGNESS AND VANITY AND WICKEDNESS! And that's really sad! Because the SAME eternal salvation that I KNOW I have is available to you! But you reject THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF GOD and instead choose YOUR OWN PRESUPPOSITIONAL MYTHS! Like your supposed "proof" that "the Bible is just another book written by fallible men"! HOW WRONG YOU ARE! And you show yourself and CONDEMN YOURSELF as what God calls you: AN UNBELIEVING FOOL! "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22) You say you "have walked my path" and "know this book better than I do". Oh really? Since when? Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me....and a stranger will they NOT follow." And the apostle John tells us, "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for had they been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us." You "bagged out" on God and His word for one simple reason, according to scripture: you were a FALSE convert, one that has NEVER "known the truth" and been "made free", as Jesus said! Because when you REALLY see yourself as what you REALLY ARE in the sight of as HOLY God: A WICKED HELL DESERVING SINNER, you can NO LONGER walk in the SELF CENTERED PRIDE that you have here exhibited! You are instead HUMBLED in the sight of the Lord, realizing your UTTER DEPENDENCE UPON HIM! Instead, YOU, puffed up in your "self sufficiency", think that SOMEHOW you will escape the judgment of God! And the ONLY one you are fooling is YOU! You certainly don't fool your Creator, NOR do you fool "seasoned veterans" of this "good fight of faith" like me! Like I said, I've heard it all, and all you unbelievers do is come up with the SAME TIRED OLD LINES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Junk like, "The bible has suffered MORE damage and change from its believers and writers than it will ever suffer from its foes." Again, WHERE'S YOUR PROOF OF THAT? What "damage"? As I said, I know literally HUNDREDS of true Christians, and NOT ONE of them has EVER "damaged" God's word! NOT ONE! I'd like you to NAME these so-called "believing damagers" of the Bible, and also give SPECIFICS as to HOW that is being done! You remind me of an old poem called "The Anvil of God's Word", which speaks of how a man visited a local blacksmith, and upon close observation, noted how this man had MANY hammers lying BROKEN on the ground around the anvil. He then asked the blacksmith, "How many hammers have you broken?" To which the blacksmith replied, "Many! The Anvil wears them out, you know!" Then the observer asked the blacksmith how many ANVILS he'd had in all his years as a blacksmith? "Just one", was the prompt reply. And thus, the writer noted, "So it is with God's word. Skeptics throughout history have done their best to STRIKE BLOWS at the Bible, yet that Book still stands unaffected and unchanged, while all the hammers of skepticism lie BROKEN ON THE FLOOR, WORN OUT BY GOD'S WORD!" You can feel justified in your own little mind, but it is YOU, and not GOD, HIS WORD AND ALL TRUE BELIEVERS, who will SUFFER LOSS once this life is over! For now, you live in the FALSE SECURITY of the SENSUAL realm! But that will ALL end the moment you "breath your last breath"! And then, REALITY will hit you HARD as that BOOK that you treat with such contempt and take SO LIGHTLY will COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU ON JUDGMENT DAY! And you will EAT YOUR OWN WORDS, while you also are FORCE FED THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD! Because, unlike NOW, you will have NO CHOICE then! Your freewill will be GONE! And you shall hear Jesus Christ declare, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!" Yes, then you will encounter the GREATEST "thumper", THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, who will be THUMPING YOU...with HIS WORD in judgment! Sleep on if you want to, but you are in for a VERY RUDE AWAKENING as your ARROGANCE comes back ON YOUR OWN HEAD! Just WHO do you think YOU are, trying to dictate to God HOW he gave us His word? Oh PUNY LITTLE MORTAL! You are living in A FANTASY WORLD, you'd rather believe in YOUR BUBBLE than THE BIBLE! But guess what? At death, your "bubble" will be POPPED, while the Bible will continue IN POWER! You lose! We win! Bye bye! Eternity rolls on! Too late then! You have THIS MOMENT, and THAT'S IT! "And as it is appointed unto men to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27) "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) YOUR condemnation is YOUR choice! And it will be JUSTLY DESERVED! I hear THUNDER in the background behind you, and can see the FLAMES growing HIGHER AND HOTTER all around you! "Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation." Take the ONLY way out NOW, while you still can! God has been SO GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL to you, even allowing you to BE BREATHING! Let alone offering you the FREE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE! And yet, like those in Noah's day, you SCOFF AND LAUGH at God's way, settling for YOUR OWN! How stupid! How Satanic! How SAD! |
Edited by
Mon 01/28/08 10:48 PM
The bible. Truly, it is GOD who will have the "last laugh" and "last word"!!! NO ONE will ever successfully negate and eliminate the absolute truth of the Bible! As Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35) A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! And "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7) ahhhh a thumper... i love thumpers... You act as if we "non believers" simply dont know better or we just turn a blind eye to your book. You never stop to consider, maybe some of us walked your path. Some of us know this book better than you do. SOME of us, EVEN went farther down the road of enlightenment than you!! I wont argue the faults of a book with you because i know you have already formed an opinion. But i will say this.... The bible has suffered MORE damage and change from its believers and writers than it will ever suffer from its foes. I and others like me are watching your book and your faith fall apart from its own protectors. In the end, a man wrote that book, and a man is failable. When you show me a book with GOD'S OWN SIGNATURE and GOD ready to show up and say.... I wrote this with MY OWN HAND and not that of one of my staff, i'll be more apt to believe it. All I can say is, it is YOU that will be what you obviously are now. And that is THE LOSER! You make such "off the cuff" "Pat answer statements" as you post here, and this is NOTHING NEW! Trust me, in 29 years as one saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, I have heard just about every excuse under the sun and every so called "valid arguement" about WHY the Bible is NOT TRUE! You are SO TYPICAL! When are you infidels gonna come up with something ORIGINAL? But then, YOUR MASTER (Satan) has you so blinded that all you can see is YOU! These statements you make, about how you are "watching your [my] book and your [my] faith fall apart." Really? Since when? And HOW? In what way? If you're gonna make such statements, please have the decency and INTEGRITY (something you atheists and agnostics know NOTHING about, by the way, so full of LIES are you!) to not make such GENERALIZATIONS! Instead, give me SPECIFICS! And you say this about ME PERSONALLY! That's pretty amazing, especially since we've NEVER met! Nor do you KNOW the literally HUNDREDS of people that I do whose faith is NOT "falling apart" as you claim, but whose lives have been radically changed FOR THE BETTER due to FAITH IN THE BIBLE AS THE WORD OF GOD! You know NOTHING of my personal life and the things I've been through over just the past (almost) 5 years! Things such as THE DEATH OF A YOUNG CHILD! Things such as DIVORCE and all the "bloody aftermath" that goes with that! Dude, were I to subscribe to YOUR philosophies and "personal beliefs", I would have NO HOPE! NO PEACE! NO REASON FOR BEING! It is a FACT that you have NOTHING of REAL SUBSTANCE, nothing LASTING, nothing SURE AND CERTAIN to offer me. Nor THE REST OF THE WORLD, for that matter! The so-called "enlightenment" you THINK you've experienced is nothing more than so much SELF DELUSION BASED IN STINKIN' SATANIC PRIDE! You are just TOO PROUD AND FULL OF YOURSELF to acknowledge YOUR OWN NOTHINGNESS AND VANITY AND WICKEDNESS! And that's really sad! Because the SAME eternal salvation that I KNOW I have is available to you! But you reject THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF GOD and instead choose YOUR OWN PRESUPPOSITIONAL MYTHS! Like your supposed "proof" that "the Bible is just another book written by fallible men"! HOW WRONG YOU ARE! And you show yourself and CONDEMN YOURSELF as what God calls you: AN UNBELIEVING FOOL! "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:22) You say you "have walked my path" and "know this book better than I do". Oh really? Since when? Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me....and a stranger will they NOT follow." And the apostle John tells us, "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for had they been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us." You "bagged out" on God and His word for one simple reason, according to scripture: you were a FALSE convert, one that has NEVER "known the truth" and been "made free", as Jesus said! Because when you REALLY see yourself as what you REALLY ARE in the sight of as HOLY God: A WICKED HELL DESERVING SINNER, you can NO LONGER walk in the SELF CENTERED PRIDE that you have here exhibited! You are instead HUMBLED in the sight of the Lord, realizing your UTTER DEPENDENCE UPON HIM! Instead, YOU, puffed up in your "self sufficiency", think that SOMEHOW you will escape the judgment of God! And the ONLY one you are fooling is YOU! You certainly don't fool your Creator, NOR do you fool "seasoned veterans" of this "good fight of faith" like me! Like I said, I've heard it all, and all you unbelievers do is come up with the SAME TIRED OLD LINES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Junk like, "The bible has suffered MORE damage and change from its believers and writers than it will ever suffer from its foes." Again, WHERE'S YOUR PROOF OF THAT? What "damage"? As I said, I know literally HUNDREDS of true Christians, and NOT ONE of them has EVER "damaged" God's word! NOT ONE! I'd like you to NAME these so-called "believing damagers" of the Bible, and also give SPECIFICS as to HOW that is being done! You remind me of an old poem called "The Anvil of God's Word", which speaks of how a man visited a local blacksmith, and upon close observation, noted how this man had MANY hammers lying BROKEN on the ground around the anvil. He then asked the blacksmith, "How many hammers have you broken?" To which the blacksmith replied, "Many! The Anvil wears them out, you know!" Then the observer asked the blacksmith how many ANVILS he'd had in all his years as a blacksmith? "Just one", was the prompt reply. And thus, the writer noted, "So it is with God's word. Skeptics throughout history have done their best to STRIKE BLOWS at the Bible, yet that Book still stands unaffected and unchanged, while all the hammers of skepticism lie BROKEN ON THE FLOOR, WORN OUT BY GOD'S WORD!" You can feel justified in your own little mind, but it is YOU, and not GOD, HIS WORD AND ALL TRUE BELIEVERS, who will SUFFER LOSS once this life is over! For now, you live in the FALSE SECURITY of the SENSUAL realm! But that will ALL end the moment you "breath your last breath"! And then, REALITY will hit you HARD as that BOOK that you treat with such contempt and take SO LIGHTLY will COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU ON JUDGMENT DAY! And you will EAT YOUR OWN WORDS, while you also are FORCE FED THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD! Because, unlike NOW, you will have NO CHOICE then! Your freewill will be GONE! And you shall hear Jesus Christ declare, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!" Yes, then you will encounter the GREATEST "thumper", THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, who will be THUMPING YOU...with HIS WORD in judgment! Sleep on if you want to, but you are in for a VERY RUDE AWAKENING as your ARROGANCE comes back ON YOUR OWN HEAD! Just WHO do you think YOU are, trying to dictate to God HOW he gave us His word? Oh PUNY LITTLE MORTAL! You are living in A FANTASY WORLD, you'd rather believe in YOUR BUBBLE than THE BIBLE! But guess what? At death, your "bubble" will be POPPED, while the Bible will continue IN POWER! You lose! We win! Bye bye! Eternity rolls on! Too late then! You have THIS MOMENT, and THAT'S IT! "And as it is appointed unto men to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27) "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) YOUR condemnation is YOUR choice! And it will be JUSTLY DESERVED! I hear THUNDER in the background behind you, and can see the FLAMES growing HIGHER AND HOTTER all around you! "Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation." Take the ONLY way out NOW, while you still can! God has been SO GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL to you, even allowing you to BE BREATHING! Let alone offering you the FREE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE! And yet, like those in Noah's day, you SCOFF AND LAUGH at God's way, settling for YOUR OWN! How stupid! How Satanic! How SAD! That was special. |
Instuctions Before Leaving Earth |
ahhh Satan,
its a good thing i dont believe in Satan. but he makes a great scapegoat. As For Jesus... hard as this may be for you to believe, hes a good friend of mine. If only his follower would follow his example!! Cause i am sure he wouldnt be calling me names like "loser" or telling me i worship someone i dont. He would be there for me, just like he is now. but hey, what do i know, ive never lost anyone to death, or gotten divorced or any of the bad things you have gone through.... Oh Wait I HAVE so much for that arguement |
LifetimeLover, thats just the way that some people are gonna be dude.
I totally am on board with what you are saying. It is funny, but when you pray to God you get what you need, and it works for everyone. Seemingly that isn't enough for alot of people. Now I have made that claim before and had lots of people tell me " I have prayed to God and didn't get what I was praying for..." I hope that no one mistakes their wants from their needs, in this life the only thing that we NEED is redemption. I tell them that we are like a kid that has fallen down a well, and God is at the top with a rope , he wants us to take the rope so he can save us, yet alot of us aren't asking him to lower the rope for us , we are asking for toys ,or something to make the well more comfortable or less painful to deal with. All the while he just wants us to take the friggin rope already. I am with ya man, and I pray for those that just don't see how serious it really is. |
LifetimeLover, thats just the way that some people are gonna be dude. I totally am on board with what you are saying. It is funny, but when you pray to God you get what you need, and it works for everyone. Seemingly that isn't enough for alot of people. Now I have made that claim before and had lots of people tell me " I have prayed to God and didn't get what I was praying for..." I hope that no one mistakes their wants from their needs, in this life the only thing that we NEED is redemption. I tell them that we are like a kid that has fallen down a well, and God is at the top with a rope , he wants us to take the rope so he can save us, yet alot of us aren't asking him to lower the rope for us , we are asking for toys ,or something to make the well more comfortable or less painful to deal with. All the while he just wants us to take the friggin rope already. I am with ya man, and I pray for those that just don't see how serious it really is. i do thank you for praying for me... as i pray for you and others. |
I'm just going to say my piece the run for the hills.
My side of the Mountain (great kids book some of the survial stuff actually works). Roots by Alex Hailey (can't figure out why read my bio) When i need lifting for my trouble the Bible even if it is made by have think that they might of got some of it right. And when i just want to be bad .. any dirty smutty book will do. Waves...and runs for the hill. |