Community > Posts By > Hardcandy

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Thu 03/06/08 05:38 PM
Yellow screw driver

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Thu 02/28/08 04:04 PM
Do Crack heads have computers ?

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Tue 02/19/08 10:43 AM
grumble sick

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Fri 02/15/08 03:50 PM
LOL ...To cool to cool. laugh laugh

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Fri 02/08/08 01:16 PM
laugh laugh laugh

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Thu 02/07/08 11:10 AM
What about salt you need to add salt

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Wed 02/06/08 11:25 AM

The Senate is looking to turn North America into a "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT" by 2010!!!! That would mean our country would consist of Canada, United States AND Mexico!! VOTE NO ON THIS!!!!! WOULD BE PURE CHAOS!!! What do you think about it!!!! Let the opinions flow!!!!

Sorry before i make an oppion ...where did you get your information ?

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Wed 02/06/08 11:16 AM

i think there'd be a rastling match for the top bunk!

LOl so your saying they would fight to see who would be president ?

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Wed 02/06/08 10:31 AM
Sorry folks but i'm going to change topics on you.

DO you think its possible that Hillary and Obmama might creat the dream ticket where they work together and one become vice and the other president ?

If so ..what do you think would happen ?

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Tue 02/05/08 05:50 PM
laugh laugh laugh drinker drinker I know just how he feels and -40 today...Global warming looks like a joke to me.

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Tue 02/05/08 05:35 PM
laugh RFLOLlaugh I think i'm scared

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Mon 02/04/08 01:39 PM
Tommo you asked a qeustion.

1. weather or not the men were being honest or just saying what i wanted to hear. I say that would be about 50/50.

2. When you first responded the the topic question you said that looks were extreemly important.

but since you object to being labeled as right wing ..would you being saying that looks do not mean anything to you at all :) In that case i am sorry i been calling you rignt wing all this time.

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Mon 02/04/08 01:32 PM
Yeah Baby :) I wear a skirt and not a kilt.

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Mon 02/04/08 01:26 PM
Tommo: it apears we have gotten off topic. And people are apearing confused. If i have offended you i am sorry.

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Mon 02/04/08 01:20 PM

Do you feel i have misunderstood you ?

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Mon 02/04/08 01:19 PM

I have already said i am going off the response here. You have been expressing the extreeme side of the argument from the get go. Whats the problem ?

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Mon 02/04/08 01:12 PM

I'm looking at your respsonse verse the other guys response on here. If i was to rate them your oppion would be the furthests from the norm.

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Mon 02/04/08 01:07 PM

Now now... lets be civil. You are all beautiful. I want to hold all your hands... run through a field... cure you all of your heartache... lead you to your hearts desire and watch you all go crazy in your own little field of destruction. Then I might, just might write a poem about it... no seriously... Ha!

Tommo i dont care if your view is the farthest right wing possible. but at least be honest and true and stick to them. In words and deeds.

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Mon 02/04/08 01:03 PM

Thanks indn.
Hard candy. You want some truth.

I must tell you. I would be more turned off by your smoking than I would be by the way you look.
Not being nasty, but trying to show you some real priorities people have.

And i can understand that. Smoking is a health problem for you and your partner. No bones about it..

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Mon 02/04/08 01:00 PM

Ok dollface, enough questions for one day. May I ask one? Why do they call you Hard Candy?

Tommo i stole the nick name from a movie.

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