Topic: Looking for the best book ever!
missy51970's photo
Sun 01/27/08 09:20 PM
Anything by Bo Lozoff...he has several books available.. they are all amazing and they truly will tear awway at everything you believe and then build you back up strong then ever...

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:45 AM
Island of the Blue Dolphins makes me cry every timeflowerforyou

duckiegiggles's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:54 AM

The bible.

thats a great book if you are looking for laughs, murder, rape, incest, double crossing, infant slaying, magic, theft, and all the other vices availible to man.

aahhh hahaha
i'll second that!

duckiegiggles's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:13 AM
The Feminine Mystique?

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:17 AM

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:18 AM
i Suggest 14 months of deep psychological testing and therapy first........then the pokey lil puppy!!!bigsmile drinker

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:29 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh Don't forget about The Little Engine That Could

LifetimeLover's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:30 AM
There's only ONE correct answer to this: THE BIBLE (King James Version), because it is NOT of human origin! "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16&17)

Rergardless of what the "critics" (skeptics) say, the Bible is GOD'S word, not "man's opinion", and it is UP TO DATE in all it has to say! It is the ONLY source on earth that tells us the "how" and "why" of life! It explains our origin, our nature, our purpose, and our destiny.

I've been saved for 29 years, and the longer I walk with Christ, and the more I read & study His word, the MORE RELEVANT I see that Book to be for our day! It is NOT "outdated", nor is it "nice mythology". It is ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Those who want to criticize and condemn it have NO UNDERSTANDING of what they are saying! They either have NEVER read it, or AT BEST, can NEVER truly grasp its meaning, as you must have the Holy Spirit of God IN YOU in order to do so! The Bible is a "closed book" to the unbelieving! Because, while we must have FACTS to base what we believe on, we must have FAITH to grasp and comprehend that evidence! Believe me, I have talked to HUNDREDS of people about this, and what this boils down to is not EVIDENCE, but MORAL RESPONSIBILITY!

There is PLENTY of "factual, substative evidence" for ALL the critics to examine, but you must be WILLING to accept that! And that's just it! It's a matter of OUR WILL, of THE HEART! Because there are certain things, such as the nature of God as a triune Being (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) and the realm of ETERNITY (Heaven and Hell) that goes WAY beyond what our finite minds can grasp! But I tell you this in all sincerity as one who is CONSTANTLY wanting to know "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God!"

I HATE being lied to and taken for some "gullible fool", and also, I need "just the facts" as they said on the old "Dragnet" show, because if there's one thing I've learned in almost 50 years on planet Earth, it is that we CANNOT afford to be wrong when it comes to these matters! To blindly follow MERE MORTALS LIKE ME is to play "spiritual Russian Roulette"! NO THANKS!

I have found the Bible to be 100% accurate, relevant, and PRACTICAL after reading it through no less than 50 times! And every time I read it, I learn something new! It NEVER "gets old", but it sure gives me PEACE, COMFORT, AND HOPE in a world that gets crazier BY THE MINUTE! It is my strength, my stability, my security in an increasingly uncertain and dangerous world where there is NO real, lasting peace, joy, hope or love! That is ONLY found in knowing what the Bible says PERSONALLY, because that "Book of books" will ALWAYS point us to THE AUTHOR, which is GOD HIMSELF! And after all, that is the reason we were put on this earth: TO KNOW OUR CREATOR!

I would suggest reading PRAYERFULLY and with an OPEN MIND AND HEART the first 3 chapters of Genesis, Exodus 20:1-17, the first 3 chapters of the gospel of John, and the first 3 chapters of Romans. Those passages will give you a complete enough picture of the "how" and "why" of life! Knowing if there is "life on other planets" won't help us deal with life on THIS planet! And refusing to believe in the God of scripture just because we can't see and comprehend Him will NEVER bring anyone any closer to solving the mystery of "life on planet earth". All it will do is further confuse and complicate things! And I don't know about you, but life is too short and too stressful to NOT follow the "KISS" system: KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID! Having suffered the death of our youngest child (age 2) and divorce in the past 4+ years, along with all the hassels that come with everyday life in America, I can't afford what the unbelieving have to offer, which is basically: "Go it on your own, and hope for the best! And by the way, GOOD LUCK! But if things don't work out, OH WELL! That's just life!"

Like I said, NO THANKS! I only have ONE shot at this thing called "life", so I better make certain to make it COUNT! I need a 100% GUARANTEE! And there's only ONE place I know of where you can get that: GOD AND HIS WORD! If you will take that posture, be objective enough to consider the facts in light of REALITY, you will discover, as I have, that the Bible REALLY IS what it presents itself as: THE VERY WORD OF THE LIVING GOD!
I pray that you will do so!

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:31 AM
Good answer LifetimeLover

kaya011's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:59 AM
you can read me like a book, and I'll surely change your life

LifetimeLover's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:16 AM

The bible.

thats a great book if you are looking for laughs, murder, rape, incest, double crossing, infant slaying, magic, theft, and all the other vices availible to man.

That "great Book" merely CHRONICLES all of those "vices" that were and are committed by SINFUL MAN, NOT GOD, by the way! You imply, like so many unbelievers, that it is somehow GOD'S "fault" for all the evil that's in the world! But the last I knew, no one has witnessed GOD doing those things, but rather, MAN in all his self-centered, prideful depravity! "Available"? Tell me WHO is it that not only DOES, but LOVES those "vices"? It is MANKIND in all his unashamed pride and wickedness!

Rightly and accurately does the Bible tell us, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9) Jesus said, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, OUT OF THE HEART OF MEN, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: ALL THESE EVIL THINGS COME FROM WITHIN, AND DEFILE THE MAN." (Mark 7:20-23) No one understands what we are and what we're about like Jesus Christ does, because HE IS OUR CREATOR, and He ALWAYS tells it like it is with NO shame or regret! And He has "laid things out" VERY clearly in His word, that "great Book" known as THE BIBLE!

What the Bible does is "tell it like it is". It paints our picture, "warts and all". Unlike man-inspired writings, the Bible NEVER "whitewashes" sin! Nor does it GLORIFY EVIL, as Hollywood and the whole "entertainment industry" does! I find it quite ironic that the very SAME "critics" of holy writ have absolutely NO PROBLEM with all of the FILTH, DEGRADATION, PERVERSION & OBSCENITY of the "great works" of man that is put on display for all to view and absorb via the media, publishers, and the electronic "promoters" of such GARBAGE as they try to foist upon us under the guise of "art" and "entertainment"! And that's because they have NO PROBLEM with their OWN sinfulness that THRIVES on that junk! And you claim that it's we Christians who are "brainwashed"! Gimme a break!

But they ABHOR AND DETEST the absolute truth of God's word, because it is a CONSTANT REMINDER that death is unavoidable, and so is PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILTY TO OUR CREATOR, ie, JUDGMENT! But being "willfully ignorant" of God's truth, as the apostle Peter said, will no more negate that inevitable "date with destiny" than some fool standing on the railroad tracks blindfolded and with his arms crossed in defiance would stop a speeding fully loaded freight train from PLOWING INTO HIM AND DESTROYING HIM!

Jesus said that "condemnation" comes from man's "love affair" with DARKNESS rather than LIGHT! (John 3:18) Consequently, sinful man seeks to "hide" from the "exposing light of truth" behind PATHETIC EXCUSES like "blaming God" for all of MAN'S evil, amd "fault finding" with all of the so-called
"contradictions" in the Bible, when the only "fault",
"contradiction", and "blame" lies with MAN HIMSELF! And that INCLUDES YOU, oh "critic of God's word"! One day, it will be THAT VERY WORD by which God "turns the tables" on you, as you find THE BIBLE "criticising", "finding fault with", and CONDEMNING YOU!

Truly, it is GOD who will have the "last laugh" and "last word"!!! NO ONE will ever successfully negate and eliminate the absolute truth of the Bible! As Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35) A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! And "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7)

CuriousinPhoenix's photo
Mon 01/28/08 04:51 AM
Read anything by Noam Chomsky -

otterman's photo
Mon 01/28/08 11:11 AM
The sermon on the mount- by emmet fox

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 11:13 AM
The dog that wouldnt Farley Mowatbigsmile

otterman's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:08 PM
judge ye not your brethren for you are all children in the eyes of the lord

The bible.

thats a great book if you are looking for laughs, murder, rape, incest, double crossing, infant slaying, magic, theft, and all the other vices availible to man.

That "great Book" merely CHRONICLES all of those "vices" that were and are committed by SINFUL MAN, NOT GOD, by the way! You imply, like so many unbelievers, that it is somehow GOD'S "fault" for all the evil that's in the world! But the last I knew, no one has witnessed GOD doing those things, but rather, MAN in all his self-centered, prideful depravity! "Available"? Tell me WHO is it that not only DOES, but LOVES those "vices"? It is MANKIND in all his unashamed pride and wickedness!

Rightly and accurately does the Bible tell us, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9) Jesus said, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, OUT OF THE HEART OF MEN, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: ALL THESE EVIL THINGS COME FROM WITHIN, AND DEFILE THE MAN." (Mark 7:20-23) No one understands what we are and what we're about like Jesus Christ does, because HE IS OUR CREATOR, and He ALWAYS tells it like it is with NO shame or regret! And He has "laid things out" VERY clearly in His word, that "great Book" known as THE BIBLE!

What the Bible does is "tell it like it is". It paints our picture, "warts and all". Unlike man-inspired writings, the Bible NEVER "whitewashes" sin! Nor does it GLORIFY EVIL, as Hollywood and the whole "entertainment industry" does! I find it quite ironic that the very SAME "critics" of holy writ have absolutely NO PROBLEM with all of the FILTH, DEGRADATION, PERVERSION & OBSCENITY of the "great works" of man that is put on display for all to view and absorb via the media, publishers, and the electronic "promoters" of such GARBAGE as they try to foist upon us under the guise of "art" and "entertainment"! And that's because they have NO PROBLEM with their OWN sinfulness that THRIVES on that junk! And you claim that it's we Christians who are "brainwashed"! Gimme a break!

But they ABHOR AND DETEST the absolute truth of God's word, because it is a CONSTANT REMINDER that death is unavoidable, and so is PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILTY TO OUR CREATOR, ie, JUDGMENT! But being "willfully ignorant" of God's truth, as the apostle Peter said, will no more negate that inevitable "date with destiny" than some fool standing on the railroad tracks blindfolded and with his arms crossed in defiance would stop a speeding fully loaded freight train from PLOWING INTO HIM AND DESTROYING HIM!

Jesus said that "condemnation" comes from man's "love affair" with DARKNESS rather than LIGHT! (John 3:18) Consequently, sinful man seeks to "hide" from the "exposing light of truth" behind PATHETIC EXCUSES like "blaming God" for all of MAN'S evil, amd "fault finding" with all of the so-called
"contradictions" in the Bible, when the only "fault",
"contradiction", and "blame" lies with MAN HIMSELF! And that INCLUDES YOU, oh "critic of God's word"! One day, it will be THAT VERY WORD by which God "turns the tables" on you, as you find THE BIBLE "criticising", "finding fault with", and CONDEMNING YOU!

Truly, it is GOD who will have the "last laugh" and "last word"!!! NO ONE will ever successfully negate and eliminate the absolute truth of the Bible! As Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." (Matthew 24:35) A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! And "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7)

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:15 PM
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoo Puffs by Chuck Klostermen

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:10 PM

The dog that wouldnt Farley Mowatbigsmile

Thats Funny! We have been snooping through the same books gypsy! May I also say that old yeller is a great book. Proceed with caution though because it might make you cry. Its a sad story!

chuck366's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:11 PM

no photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:11 PM


I don't, I just need to suprise it a little bit! Things feel stale.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:14 PM

The bible.

Best book in the world that I know of! flowerforyou