no photo
Mon 05/27/24 12:50 AM
Basically, it implies that the person is showing little or no interest in chatting with you. It can also be ignoring or avoiding you for some previous reasons etc.

no photo
Mon 05/27/24 07:27 AM
Basically, it implies that the person is showing little or no interest in chatting with you. It can also be ignoring or avoiding you for some previous reasons etc.

Well, you got that understanding at 18 :clap: Good luck! Sometimes, people are held up with multiple things in life but fact is, people aren't busy all the time vs all the days, priority matters. If you're been treated that way, then you should know that he/she isn't your monkey n it's not your jungle :smile:

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 05/27/24 02:22 PM

Basically, it implies that the person is showing little or no interest in chatting with you. It can also be ignoring or avoiding you for some previous reasons etc.

Or they're not on site twenty four seven.

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 05/27/24 02:42 PM
I agree it could be either or of those you mentioned.

no photo
Thu 05/30/24 01:09 PM
can mean a wide range of things the person could be a single parent for example or just finished work or something may of happened ....

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 06/06/24 06:43 AM

Basically, it implies that the person is showing little or no interest in chatting with you. It can also be ignoring or avoiding you for some previous reasons etc.

Or they're not on site twenty four seven.

I'm finding I am spending less and less time on here lately...

So I gotta agree with Mr Motown Downtown...

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 06/06/24 09:56 AM
Many are on other Paid only sites that are not Free.
So they would spend more time on a site that
has more potential for dating. IMO

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 06/06/24 01:59 PM
basically they are saying beat it , no interest at all .... and dont bother me ... unless you are 6 feet tall and have a six figure income and like to travel !!!!

no photo
Thu 06/06/24 03:40 PM
I only look at my phone to see if my sister is calling me. I don't look at my computer every day.

no photo
Thu 06/06/24 05:32 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 06/06/24 05:33 PM
It means you are not patient. I am bad at sending messages back right away, it doesn’t mean anything. I have things to do that’s all and can’t handle pages and pages of writing overwhelms me.

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 07/02/24 02:06 AM

Basically, it implies that the person is showing little or no interest in chatting with you. It can also be ignoring or avoiding you for some previous reasons etc.

If you send a message to anyone who has not been here in Mingle2 for over a month, 'Last seen over a month ago' (it tells you this on their profile page). Then I suspect you will be very unlikely to ever receive a reply. The more recent the member has visited the better the chance of a reply, and nothing wrong with a late reply in my opinion, and as often said here in Mingle2, "no reply is a reply", meaning thanks for the interest but you are not for me.

Jayaprakash 's photo
Tue 07/02/24 02:12 AM
Well, you got that understanding at 18 :clap: Good luck! Sometimes, people are held up with multiple things in life but fact is, people aren't busy all the time vs all the days, priority matters. If you're been treated that way, then you should know that he/she isn't your monkey n it's not your jungle :smile:


Rock's photo
Tue 07/02/24 09:30 AM

Basically, it implies that the person is showing little or no interest in chatting with you. It can also be ignoring or avoiding you for some previous reasons etc.

Understand, that most people simply
don't have time to sit online 24/7,
waiting to respond to messages from
professional victims.

Chinsun's photo
Tue 07/02/24 09:49 AM
May be the person who replied late was really busy and couldn't reply that moment at all so what you need to do is to give the person more time and wait for the person to come online and give you reasons why he or she couldn't reply you that particular moment.

no photo
Tue 07/02/24 08:54 PM
in context of the scammers here it could also mean they are delaying responses to see if you're gonna message them more to show that you are desperate for a hook up.

they usually hit you up first then nudge you, you reply and two days later they hit you up with that im not here often and can we make use of the external chat spiel. Quite pathetic really.