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Topic: what makes you happy?
Duttoneer's photo
Thu 11/30/23 11:25 AM

Seeing family and friends, staying healthy, and contentment in my life.

Carltonville's photo
Thu 11/30/23 11:32 AM
is to have someone really loving you and stand with you never mind what happen...to wake up next to that person and to know he is there with you

no photo
Thu 11/30/23 01:50 PM
4 humans that call me mama :family_mmgb:

My animals :dog2:‍🦺 + :cat2::cat2:‍⬛

Headphones (prescription :headphones::joy:)

Wine (again prescription :wine_glass:)

Chocolate :chocolate_bar:

Lisa Dillon 's photo
Thu 11/30/23 07:25 PM

She does

Text me

no photo
Thu 11/30/23 09:16 PM

no photo
Thu 11/30/23 10:09 PM

no photo
Fri 12/01/23 03:07 AM
Hope, faith, and believing without reservations... is what makes me happy

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 12/01/23 06:22 AM
Fridays always make me happy !!

no photo
Fri 12/01/23 11:25 AM
Real people.

Momma boy's photo
Sun 12/03/23 10:33 PM
care loves and Travel

Jaan Doh 's photo
Thu 12/07/23 12:04 AM
My beautiful kids :heart::pray:
Good banter,
Having a lie in :sleeping_accommodation::joy:
Oh and pay day too :pound::moneybag::joy:

Haley's photo
Thu 12/07/23 12:28 AM
Besides my kiddos.......um I don't know anymore. I need something new in my life. I need that that....well that feeling again.

Rock's photo
Thu 12/07/23 02:00 AM
A new can of hippy spray.

no photo
Thu 12/07/23 04:37 AM
Vasectomies / Lobotomies / Cattle Prods

Vijander Kumar's photo
Thu 10/24/24 09:10 AM
My kids

hello baby

Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Fri 10/25/24 03:11 AM
When bottom is ready to settle with bottle on table to fill the glass with ice & Soda 30 30 30🥃🤏

CrazyCreative's photo
Sun 10/27/24 08:21 PM
Colors, animals, using the Law of Attraction deliberatly.

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