Topic: Say Something Vague - part 17
pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 12/14/23 04:04 PM
Fear & anger are like drugs.

no photo
Sat 12/16/23 02:36 AM
Could be.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 12/16/23 12:08 PM
Should be.

no photo
Sat 12/16/23 01:39 PM
Shoulda coulda.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 12/17/23 05:23 PM
Forgot woulda!

Brook's photo
Sun 12/17/23 05:39 PM
Hello all

no photo
Wed 12/20/23 03:27 AM
Biltmore Estate.

no photo
Wed 12/20/23 05:51 AM
Something Vague

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 12/20/23 01:23 PM

Biltmore Estate.

I'd love to go there!

no photo
Wed 12/20/23 08:20 PM

no photo
Wed 12/20/23 09:13 PM
No rubine.

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 12/21/23 01:39 AM
tis time ....

stan_147's photo
Thu 12/21/23 01:06 PM
Blinded by cognitive dissonance!!

no photo
Thu 12/21/23 04:01 PM
Goose taking flight

no photo
Thu 12/21/23 04:19 PM

Biltmore Estate.

I'd love to go there!

$$$ as heck to get in. Never been but have driven passed it.

Will go in honor of my mom one day.

OT: Filet mignon.

no photo
Thu 12/21/23 04:23 PM
Tiny homes.

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 01:49 AM

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 02:27 AM
Silicon chalking might temporarily help

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 02:45 PM
Sooo.... when

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 07:23 PM