Community > Posts By > stan_147

stan_147's photo
Wed 03/19/25 09:58 PM
Still with me:

Little Miss Rose
JJ (Jesse James)
Button (Dolly Daggers)

Passed on:
Rosie Ann

And those are just the cats…

stan_147's photo
Sun 03/09/25 05:46 PM
Just posted in the other thread…

My neighbors and I have been hearing whistles, howls and tree knocks for the last two weeks. Today, two of us went looking and may have found a foot print. We’re going back to cast the print, and will contact a more experienced person to analyze what we found.

stan_147's photo
Sun 03/09/25 05:32 PM
Where I live, there is a high incidence of encounters. Just came down from a place called Burnt Mountain and documented what looks like a foot print. Definite heel and splayed toes with a deep big toe. I weigh 100Kg, and I barely make a print. There is a plan to go cast it. Marked its location with GPS. Definitely not in a place where you’d want to go barefoot.

We’ve been hearing whistles and howls, and tree knocks over the last two weeks. Which is what motivated us to go look for signs.

I was a scoff skeptic, but I’m not so sure anymore.

I’ve been a hunter/tracker all my life and spent thousands of hours in the wilderness. I’ve never heard sounds like this before. I can’t tell you what is making them. If I hadn’t heard it from my front porch, I would have scoffed at the idea.

The Patterson-Gimlin film was shot a little over 200 miles south of me, in the same mountain range.

stan_147's photo
Sun 03/09/25 05:06 PM
If this was a movie script, it would be a flop. You couldn’t write this stuff, nobody would suspend their disbelief.

stan_147's photo
Tue 02/04/25 06:39 PM
22 U.S.C. § 2151


EO 10973 for its reorganization.

stan_147's photo
Fri 01/10/25 11:12 AM

Why was Kamala addressed as Madam President as opposed to Madam Vice President when she
was certifying the elections?

Because the VP is the president of the Senate. Sometimes casting a deciding vote when it’s 50/50 deadlocked.

stan_147's photo
Wed 11/06/24 05:30 PM

She didnt get 1 vote talk about a threat to democracy!! Its called a presidential coup!

We weren’t supposed to notice that!

Biden out, Harris out, Trump in… damn it feels good to say that…


stan_147's photo
Sun 06/09/24 03:32 PM
I’m learning that I live in a well known hotspot. I haven’t seen anything yet. But, I have heard some strange things after dark.

stan_147's photo
Wed 06/05/24 05:31 PM
The list keeps growing WTH?!?

stan_147's photo
Wed 03/27/24 08:33 PM
100 liters a day to drink? That would be lethal.

stan_147's photo
Fri 03/22/24 08:44 PM
I need a popcorn emoji :popcorn:

stan_147's photo
Fri 02/23/24 06:52 PM
If the Earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge.

stan_147's photo
Fri 02/23/24 06:47 PM
And OP vanished into the ether.

stan_147's photo
Tue 02/06/24 05:27 PM
I’m thinking things are much worse than we’ve been told. Even MSM is starting to show that which has been denied.


stan_147's photo
Thu 02/01/24 04:54 PM
Yes, it is possible, but most likely not probable.

stan_147's photo
Sun 01/28/24 07:05 PM
I wonder if, Yahoo! now owns The Drudge Report….

stan_147's photo
Sun 01/28/24 06:02 PM
It has occurred to me that some folks need their dosages adjusted.

stan_147's photo
Sat 01/27/24 02:19 PM
It’s already here, just hasn’t turned hot yet.

No war is a single sided issue. Nothing is ever that simple, and sanitized.

stan_147's photo
Thu 12/21/23 01:06 PM
Blinded by cognitive dissonance!!

stan_147's photo
Wed 12/20/23 06:26 PM
Where is Palestine actually? I’ve looked at a lot of maps trying to find it. Going back hundreds of years.

From the history I read, before the current state from the 40’s, the British ran it after WW1, and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for about 400 years… The oldest reference I found was coined by a Roman general with a derogatory meaning.

So how far back in time do we go?

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