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Topic: Does my bum look big in this.
Bigsy8's photo
Mon 05/01/23 09:02 AM
If you could change 1 aspect of your physical appearance what would it be?

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 05/01/23 09:34 AM
The size and contents of my wallet.

motowndowntown's photo
Mon 05/01/23 10:40 AM
Smaller feet so I'd quit stubbing my toes on this dam coffee table leg.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 05/01/23 11:09 AM
Smaller boobs so I could see what I was tripping over.

Rock's photo
Mon 05/01/23 11:35 AM
Maybe not be as tall.

Douglas's photo
Mon 05/01/23 12:06 PM
Perfect eyesight so I don't have to change glasses just to look at my phone.

no photo
Mon 05/01/23 05:33 PM
I like the click bait. :joy:

Flat stomach - I’ve always been the chunky bigger girl with a little extra biscuits.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 05/02/23 12:49 AM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Tue 05/02/23 12:54 AM
I don't really need to change anything...I'm comfortable as I am.

I 'm wondering the sanity of anyone who fantasizes about changing their current condition.
But, hey...To each their own...

When you reach my age, if you ever do, you might understand what I'm 'sayin'.

Try to realize as you age, things fall apart.
That tummy you might be so proud of will turn into a belly. This biceps and pecks, well, sorry, they go bye bye as well.

Eventually, a jar of pickles will be a challenge.
But...don't fret because unless you have some type of degenerative brain disease, you will gain wisdom of life, which will only be important if the ones you are advising are receptive or not.

BUT... to stay on topic....
...The scar over my left eye...
When I was 4 yo I saw my dad shaving.
He used a straight razor.
After he left for work and mom was down stairs, I was looking in the bathroom mirror and saw the only 'hair' I could shave.
I commenced to cut my eyebrow from my face.
It hurt, so I stopped.

All my life (especially in school) I tried to hide that scar. I would 'color it in' (using a black ink pen) and hope nobody noticed.
Luckily for me, my ruse was effective, for the most part.
Now that I am older and not out to 'impress; anyone, it seems silly.
But...If there is anything I would have liked to change it would be that scar. It directly affected my young self-esteem.

no photo
Tue 05/02/23 05:26 AM
Tom, if your disability is due to some abnormalities in genes, then you could wish you had better DNA.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/02/23 08:05 AM
I'm guessing you've watched the Fast Show and remembered one of their catch phrases?

I'm basically quite happy with myself but if I had to choose one thing it'd be my nose.
I've had a nose operation some 15 yrs back for medical reasons as I couldn't breathe properly. They did a li'l bit cosmetic stuff too, but not much.
I wished they had or that I'd had the money at the time to pay for that part myself.

As for the rest I'd like to have my eyes lasered a 2nd time -and I will likely have that sorted- but that's not really appearance.
Unless I have to wear glasses at some point, which I really friggin' hate!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 05/02/23 08:06 AM

Maybe not be as tall.

Unless it causes you physical trouble with your back for instance... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

no photo
Tue 05/02/23 01:59 PM

I don't really need to change anything...I'm comfortable as I am.

I 'm wondering the sanity of anyone who fantasizes about changing their current condition.
But, hey...To each their own...

When you reach my age, if you ever do, you might understand what I'm 'sayin'.

Try to realize as you age, things fall apart.
That tummy you might be so proud of will turn into a belly. This biceps and pecks, well, sorry, they go bye bye as well.

Eventually, a jar of pickles will be a challenge.
But...don't fret because unless you have some type of degenerative brain disease, you will gain wisdom of life, which will only be important if the ones you are advising are receptive or not.

BUT... to stay on topic....
...The scar over my left eye...
When I was 4 yo I saw my dad shaving.
He used a straight razor.
After he left for work and mom was down stairs, I was looking in the bathroom mirror and saw the only 'hair' I could shave.
I commenced to cut my eyebrow from my face.
It hurt, so I stopped.

All my life (especially in school) I tried to hide that scar. I would 'color it in' (using a black ink pen) and hope nobody noticed.
Luckily for me, my ruse was effective, for the most part.
Now that I am older and not out to 'impress; anyone, it seems silly.
But...If there is anything I would have liked to change it would be that scar. It directly affected my young self-esteem.

Perfectly said. :slight_smile:

no photo
Tue 05/02/23 07:48 PM
I agree with Tom once you hit a certain age it doesn't matter what you look like because we no longer feel the need to impress anyone.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 05/03/23 02:15 PM
All my life I tried to make reality fit my fantasy.
When it almost lined up, it was only because I was deluding myself.

My disability (as severe as it was) caused me to have to look at reality. It caused me to have to remove my delusions. Realizing reality doesn't care helped me over-come my inner turmoil and find equalibrium in my life.

Looking back, it was my disability that forced me to change. Since I like who I am now and like living as I do now, I wouldn't change a thing.

My life WAS a series of conflicts. Poor decisions and a rush to find the fantasy I built for myself caused me to have too much on my plate to manage it well.
It wasn't till I slowed WAAAY down, started seeing the reality around me and making decisions which actually work within that reality that I started to flourish.

So, no. I wouldn't want different DNA or a different past because how I am now is the product of my life. I like me!

Swampratuk's photo
Mon 06/05/23 12:59 AM
And there's nothing wrong in that love.personally I find skinny women a turn off

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 06/05/23 01:27 PM
I really don't need to change a thing ... I love me .... now , if only she did .... ???

Pascal 's photo
Wed 09/13/23 04:49 PM
I really don't need to change a thing ... I love me .... now , if only she did .... ???


no photo
Mon 09/25/23 09:21 PM
I like big bums. I saw one at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City who had a really hot-looking bum that I couldn't take my eyes off. Man, she was hot

no photo
Mon 09/25/23 09:23 PM
I'd eat them.

Rhonda's photo
Thu 09/28/23 06:48 AM
smaller feet so I wouldn't have to buy premium shoes in size 11B

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