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Topic: Word on the Street is...
Slim gym 's photo
Fri 11/24/23 02:18 AM
WOTS is that the rut is nothing but another drought , being endured by Mikey ....

Vibes's photo
Sat 12/16/23 09:08 PM
WOTS is nobody has posted here for a long

no photo
Mon 12/18/23 02:31 PM
Word on the Street: Vibes is correct.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 12/19/23 02:21 AM
WOTS chaos rules the world and nothing much can be done to change the course !!!!

no photo
Thu 12/21/23 12:53 PM
Wots is someone is flying the coup tomorrow.

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 01:55 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 12/22/23 01:55 AM
WOTS: I have a coffee meet and greet.

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 01:29 PM
WOTS is, time is short.

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 12/22/23 01:57 PM
wots... Slim is at the departure gate ready to board the jet plane to Sydney... will be checking in in three weeks time ....

no photo
Fri 12/22/23 02:23 PM
WOTS is... The Canadian Goose, aka the village elder, has taken flight!

Safe trip bro.

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Fri 01/12/24 03:42 PM
Wots is im back,hows Slim.is he still single?how about Mikey?:grin::blush::wave::wave::wave::wave:

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 01/13/24 03:25 AM
WOTS is Slim is back from vacation and is looking for trouble .... the woman kind .... any takers ???

Vibes's photo
Sat 02/17/24 11:18 PM
Wots is Everyone is busy

no photo
Sun 02/18/24 09:54 AM
Word on the street is mingle is a ghost town now. :ghost:

Where did everyone go?

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 02/19/24 04:08 AM
WOTS is the three Amigos are pretty boring to post with and since they tend to hog the forums ... the result is obvious.....

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Thu 02/22/24 04:04 AM
Slim tries to nudged me out from his sleeves by matching me with Sir.

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 02/22/24 06:23 AM
WOTS is Apple only has married suitors ... whats up with that ?

Sir's photo
Thu 02/22/24 06:34 PM
WOTS is...Sir is not married. Never ever again :joy::joy:

OT: Slim and Apple are back together !

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 02/24/24 04:38 AM
wots .. forums are turning into a sausage fest.....what with the lack of female posters !!!

no photo
Sun 02/25/24 01:28 AM
WOTS is 2024 is going to be a fun year! :hearts:

Apple and Slim make a good duo, but did she make his new top 5-tier list? :see_no_evil:🤣🤣

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 02/25/24 05:08 AM
WOTS is women are celebrating the two days The Men are always right , on February 30 and 31st and no ... unfortunately Apple did not make the cut and the list went down to three only .....

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