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Topic: Word on the Street is...
Slim gym 's photo
Wed 03/20/24 09:41 AM
WOTS is Don Juan is contemplating a name change soon .....

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Wed 03/20/24 05:31 PM

WOTS is Don Juan is contemplating a name change soon .....
How soon?

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 03/21/24 02:56 AM
So I heard right ....in fact , very soon .... perhaps ... Mr Slimme ?

no photo
Thu 03/21/24 03:11 AM
Pfft, says Bonnie, she told me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Mr. Slimme gym:yum:

no photo
Thu 03/21/24 03:16 AM
Yeah, I'll have to change it, unless Pumpi chimes in, cuz it's her pet name for me, or at least for that Mike guy!

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 03/21/24 06:24 AM
wots ... is the name giver is on a much needed break ... even though I dont hold it against her for tattling on me !!tongue2 tongue2

no photo
Thu 03/21/24 03:22 PM
Wots , Tennessee Tuxedo is back!

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 03/23/24 03:54 AM
WOTS ... Don Juan has left the building , once again to pursue a political career or he just fell asleep at his computer!!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sat 03/23/24 10:10 PM

Yeah, I'll have to change it, unless Pumpi chimes in, cuz it's her pet name for me, or at least for that Mike guy!

And Don Juan appears while I'm on my world tour & vanishes mysteriously.:joy:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 03/25/24 10:20 AM
WOTS is that Hollywood Beach is the place to be , the Broardwalk is filled with beauties ....

no photo
Sat 03/30/24 01:21 AM
Wots is , the world traveler maybe flirting!?

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 03/30/24 04:22 AM
WOTS .... you maybe right , she is flirting with you ..., probably likes the Hammer part of you ...:hammer::hammer:

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 04/15/24 06:33 AM
bump bump!!

WOTS is the Hammer is slowing down as he thinks he has fallen in a trap .... oops , I mean... in love ... with that pretty one in Idaho or is that Chicago.... anyway some kinda ... O .....

no photo
Mon 04/15/24 07:13 AM
Wots is Two has dibs on those two, as per guy code.... maybe.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 04/16/24 03:59 AM
wots is for once I gotta agree with Hammer in reading that correctly ... now awaiting confirmation from Two!!!

no photo
Tue 04/16/24 06:27 AM
Word on the street is , Leah is AWOL

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 04/16/24 09:25 AM
wots Is she may have , in fact , she has found another victim who has succumbed to her beauty snd charm !!!

no photo
Thu 04/18/24 10:46 AM
Wots is, one of the regular mingle ladies is frisky, she might need her some!

no photo
Thu 04/18/24 10:59 AM

Wots is, one of the regular mingle ladies is frisky, she might need her some!

I know you are talking about me. :laughing:

This is me :point_right: :innocent:
This is my Widow’s fire :point_right: :fire::smiling_imp:🥵

no photo
Thu 04/18/24 11:07 AM
Looks like this is the perfect time for me to join this little party!
Maybe I'll become a not so unwilling victim to one of these regular mingle ladies:wink:🤣

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