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Topic: Say something to the person above you - part 3
no photo
Tue 08/02/22 02:43 PM
Okay, I get the hint, I'll take you fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:,

you clean & fry the crappies? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 08/02/22 03:05 PM
getting the hint? wow you sure smartened up after that little fishing expedition????

no photo
Tue 08/02/22 03:13 PM
getting the hint? wow you sure smartened up after that little fishing expedition????

Must have been the whiskey, beer, lake and forest that gave me all kinds of vowels.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 08/02/22 06:49 PM
Yup ! Weekends are made to enjoy ..... catching fish is bonus huh !!??

no photo
Tue 08/02/22 08:00 PM
So are entire weeks

ladyliz1417's photo
Wed 08/03/22 05:03 AM

Okay, I get the hint, I'll take you fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:,

you clean & fry the crappies? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I'll catch, cook and eat. But I don't clean them.

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 08/03/22 04:09 PM
nothing wrong with learning a new skill , could come in handy , along with the other non- fishing skills ...

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 08/16/22 06:22 AM
Time for a bump

I don't like cleaning them either

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 08/16/22 03:07 PM
big bump ... good for ya

no cleaning .... just fillet and get rid of the rest in a soup concoction!!!

no photo
Sat 08/20/22 11:40 AM
Be sure to bet against the Bison,
btw they're called long shots for a reason !!!

no photo
Sun 08/21/22 11:18 PM
What am I supposed to eat mike? I'm allergic to fish.

Catch me a chicken and I'll come. You gut, pluck and clean it and I'll cook it.

Funny my daughter came home with a fish she paid a dollar for and wanted me to teach her how to clean and cook it. I told her your dad did that, I'm allergic ... ask your uncle. Lmao

She tried to do it herself (she's stubborn) and by the time she took the bones out and gutted it there was nothing left. I asked her did it have bones?, she looked at me and said name one fish that doesn't have bones. My bad. 🤣

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 12:31 AM
Gia tell your daughter to get a good filet knife and v shaped sharpener, keep knife extremely sharp , learn how to filet fish , it is easy to learn and no scaling, no guts to deal with.

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 04:50 AM
What do you do on rainy fishing days?

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 08/22/22 10:19 AM
keep on trolling ....for fish !!! thats me ...Mike goes ashore and hits the rum !!! lol !!!

OT.... when are you planning on visiting Paris , ontario , Canada ???

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 01:40 PM
After I get my Canadian Citizenship? laugh noway

Is Paris, Ontario where the greasy spoon thrives?

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 08/22/22 02:32 PM
Nah ... Paris , Ontario is where everyone thinks they are French ... very artsy crowd .... roadside cafe galore in the summer ..

Dang ! You lucky we ain't too picky ... anyone can get a Canadian passport ...lol !!!!

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 04:27 PM
What do you do on rainy fishing days?

Watch TV, drink some beer.

@Slim. How much you think you'll lose on :football: bets this season?

no photo
Tue 08/23/22 02:33 AM

Nah ... Paris , Ontario is where everyone thinks they are French ... very artsy crowd .... roadside cafe galore in the summer ..

Dang ! You lucky we ain't too picky ... anyone can get a Canadian passport ...lol !!!!

I have a US passport. Tis the Citizenship I had looked into. laugh

OT: Mike, whats next after football season? Baseball? Golf? <giggle>

no photo
Tue 08/23/22 03:58 AM
Stormy has onyx reappeared ???
Hope so :cry:

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Tue 08/23/22 04:05 AM
Hi Blondey :wave::wave::wave:

i hope this will be posted...my other posts are not showing in other threads:sleepy::sleepy:

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