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Topic: Say something to the person above you - part 3
no photo
Tue 08/30/22 03:17 PM
How long have you known Slim?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 08/30/22 05:04 PM
All my life !!!!!

How long you known Mike .... does he live close to you ???

no photo
Tue 08/30/22 05:07 PM
Known of Mike since he joined M2. Nope. Doesnt live near me.

Wonder if youre traveling abroad before the end of the year?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 08/30/22 05:21 PM
I have residual health issues which limits my international travel , especially to Australia ... But I am not ruling out travel south of the border .... fingers crossed !!!

I wonder if she has a timeline for travelling ... hmmm!! Like ....north !!!!

no photo
Tue 08/30/22 06:28 PM
How long have you known Slim?

Since I started in the forums last September.
He's quite the character, entertaining thoughts of teachers, apples and detention!

Get healthy ya knuckle head !

no photo
Tue 08/30/22 10:06 PM
Put money on the Bison to outright beat the Wildcats...

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 08/31/22 01:56 PM
Don't encourage his gambling habit by offering any tips or advice .... he loses his shirt , sometimes , his pants .... much to our amusement !!

no photo
Wed 08/31/22 02:35 PM
Don't encourage his gambling habit by offering any tips or advice .... he loses his shirt , sometimes , his pants .... much to our amusement !!

Hey Slim, stop talking to yourself in the mirror, you're online now!

no photo
Wed 08/31/22 06:22 PM
Hey Mike. I have a joke for you. Last one scared you so much mingle deleted both our pictures. :sweat_smile:

Mike just assaulted me with milk, cream and butter. How dairy. 🤣

no photo
Wed 08/31/22 07:50 PM
I work around cows, that's how I dairy.

Vibes's photo
Wed 08/31/22 08:12 PM
I take only vegetarian food and apply coconut oil daily . don't use shampoo. That may be reason for my black hair

no photo
Thu 09/01/22 02:22 AM
Sounds good to me.

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 09/01/22 02:25 AM
How's the coffee from the gas station ???

no photo
Thu 09/01/22 05:55 AM
Delish! Im not a fan of flavored coffee but Im desperate. One of the cashiers was uber friendly. Nice stroll back.

Wheres your coffee?

no photo
Thu 09/01/22 12:23 PM
How did your date with Wolf go? bigsmile

no photo
Thu 09/01/22 03:50 PM
It went really well. I havent laughed like that in a long time.

Thanks for asking. waving

no photo
Fri 09/02/22 04:33 PM
you are an amazing person and friend!

no photo
Fri 09/02/22 04:46 PM
It is good to see you! waving

no photo
Sat 09/03/22 02:06 PM
I want details! laugh

no photo
Sat 09/03/22 02:12 PM
Since it means so much to you ( lol )

halftime score is 42 -7

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