Topic: The Wrong Answer Game - part 2
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Tue 09/10/24 04:49 AM
Because someone forgot to turn it off before going to bed.

Where can you find the best burgers?

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Tue 09/10/24 01:56 PM
In the nostrils

Why don't peaches grow on apple trees?

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Tue 09/10/24 02:05 PM
Because apple trees don't allow peachfuzz

How long does it take to charge a phone?

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Tue 09/10/24 02:24 PM
If it's red, a bull will charge it immediately

Why do so many people have two left feet?

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Tue 09/10/24 04:06 PM
Because they keep getting up on the wrong side of the bed

Why did the chicken cross the road?

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Tue 09/10/24 09:29 PM
To get on the menu at KFC

Why do cows moo?

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Wed 09/11/24 09:00 AM
It’s more of a meh than a moo but they don’t care.

Why do people shrug when they don’t know the answer?

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Sun 09/22/24 11:16 PM
Because scratching your behind in public is rude.

Who came up with the song "Twinkle, twinkle little star" ?

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Mon 09/23/24 02:58 AM
The man in the moon so he could have assistance in lighting up the sky.

Who came up with the song, "Row, row, row your boat"?

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Mon 09/23/24 10:53 AM
The Tarpon did,because they want you to feed them.

Why aren't there rainbows over campfires?

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Tue 09/24/24 05:30 AM
Because you’re not wearing your sunglasses at night

How low can you go when you limbo?

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 09/24/24 02:26 PM
Never been in limbo , so no go !!

If you hear " reach for the sky" what's your first reaction?

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Tue 09/24/24 07:03 PM
Exit stage left

Why was Godzilla so big?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 09/25/24 02:38 AM
Cause he was a premature baby

Wat did one duck say to the other ?

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Wed 09/25/24 03:30 AM
It's raining today so remember to wear your boots

What makes the sound of thunder?

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Wed 09/25/24 10:01 AM
Jan Brady talking to the rain storms.

Why are the Florida islands called the Keys?

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Thu 09/26/24 03:22 AM
Because they open the doors to so many possibilities.

Where does wind come from?

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Thu 09/26/24 03:11 PM
The birds and the bees

What makes the world go around?

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Fri 09/27/24 01:41 AM

Why do leaves change color during the fall season?

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Fri 09/27/24 02:23 AM
Leaves swap out their summer wardrobe for fall.

Why does it flood with every hurricane?