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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 77
Slim gym 's photo
Wed 12/29/21 12:18 PM
Thinking if that scammer took the bait I put out last night.... or did she figure she had been made !!!

no photo
Wed 12/29/21 01:48 PM
her </3

no photo
Wed 12/29/21 02:38 PM
Thinking... I'm really enjoying working with Eric. And I'm learning office skills as well, very cool.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 12/29/21 03:36 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Wed 12/29/21 03:38 PM
My son's birthday today (gone midnight over here so it's the 3oth).
Kids birthdays always go hand in hand with memories and looking back a bit, at least they do for me.
Unbelievable that when they're young you're looking forwards to their first everything, and now that he's 31 it's like, what the bleep happened?
It goes by so damned fast! One minute you hold a new born baby, smaller than you ever could've imagined when pregnant. Thinking, OMG that baby bed might not be big enough, then having the wee one sleep at the lower quarter and still looking so tiny in that suddenly huge baby bed (that I also slept in as a baby).
Then the next minute he's taller than I am, haha.

Where does time go...

no photo
Wed 12/29/21 08:32 PM
Lost so much weight that now I have no butt padding and sitting is uncomfortable


no photo
Wed 12/29/21 08:34 PM
have you considered plastic surgery, it's all the rage these days. even kim kardashian is doing it

no photo
Wed 12/29/21 11:24 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 12/29/21 11:27 PM
how much i enjoy wine with some good music - someone to share both with right now would be grand, though.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 12/30/21 02:35 AM
Thinking... where is the sun??

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 12/30/21 02:36 AM

Thinking... where is the sun??

Thinking…..Australia perhaps laugh

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 12/30/21 02:47 AM

Thinking... where is the sun??

Thinking…..Australia perhaps laugh

Thinking Floridatongue2 :sun_with_face:
86 degrees today and sunshine all day laugh well once it gets up

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 12/30/21 02:48 AM

Thinking... where is the sun??

Thinking…..Australia perhaps laugh

Thinking Floridatongue2 :sun_with_face:
86 degrees today and sunshine all day laugh well once it gets up

Thinking…rub it in why don’t you. I’m freezing my bits off here 🥶

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Thu 12/30/21 02:52 AM

Thinking... where is the sun??

Thinking…..Australia perhaps laugh

Thinking Floridatongue2 :sun_with_face:
86 degrees today and sunshine all day laugh well once it gets up

Thinking…rub it in why don’t you. I’m freezing my bits off here 🥶

laugh and I'm disgusted with having to run ac in decgrumble
But winter is coming...
Monday dropping to 43 only warning up to 58 🥶
Then Tuesday back in the upper 70s

no photo
Thu 12/30/21 03:01 AM
Thinking... Bed at 1AM. Up by 4AM.

I shall make another cup of coffee.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 12/30/21 03:03 AM
I was thinking closer to home :p ...

Barcelona, sun 19C...
Or Malta maybe! Sun and 18C.

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 12/30/21 03:56 AM
Thinking a second coffee ,may just about wake me up from this slow wake up .....

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/30/21 08:32 AM
Thinking just 30 more minutes then company is taking us to lunch and then we are off till Monday~~~drinker bigsmile

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 12/30/21 09:38 AM
Thinking that it was so cute a chipmunk took a peanut right out of my fingers.

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 12/30/21 09:56 AM
Thinking if Kit Kat is around, I can stick around, for some more fun and fluff !!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 12/30/21 10:03 AM

Thinking just 30 more minutes then company is taking us to lunch and then we are off till Monday~~~drinker bigsmile

I just checked out your new photo and other photos at the same time :) I like the Santa photos.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/30/21 12:29 PM

Thinking just 30 more minutes then company is taking us to lunch and then we are off till Monday~~~drinker bigsmile

I just checked out your new photo and other photos at the same time :) I like the Santa photos.

Aww thanks.. they are my best friends, they love to dress up at Christmas in their suits and we go cruising through the Stockyards here in Fort Worth... It is a blast we have a lot of fun stopping and letting some take pictures... As we are cruising through I have Christmas music blaring.. As we wave to the crowds..the adults seem to love it as much as the kids lmao..

Next year we are going to put lights all over our trikes and see if we can get a few more to join us..

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