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no photo
Fri 03/25/22 05:19 PM
today I vote for
. Apple Love :hammer:

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 03/25/22 06:35 PM
u the OP and you control the vote count .... so try not to stuff the ballot and make your crush win ....another vote from me for you .... that should now put on tie with crush Apple .... Larsi is watching you !!!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 03/25/22 06:37 PM


Slim gym 's photo
Fri 03/25/22 06:40 PM
betcha u about to get a vote !!!!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 03/25/22 06:44 PM
I get votes when I'm not even around!tongue2

Plus the OP changes his rules at will so...

I'll probably get a bonus 5 points for cheekiness laugh

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 03/25/22 06:46 PM
you probably will end up winning ... even though you never pit your name on the ballot .... yes , cheekiness will get bonus points for sure ....

no photo
Fri 03/25/22 08:04 PM
I get votes when I'm not even around!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Plus the OP changes his rules at will so...

I'll probably get a bonus 5 points for cheekiness :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

you ain't getting any votes, ya don't stir things up any more :kissing_heart:

the first post states " 1 vote a day", the other three stooges have posted more than 1 vote a day , I'm the only one who's keep it to 1 vote a day, I'm not changing rules they're stuffing ballots, luv ya cheeks but no vote from me, I already voted today. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::kissing_heart::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 03/26/22 04:08 AM
In early voting , today, I mail in a straight vote for Don ... for STP and suggesting a gal from Montana... when u know she is from Crystal Lake !!!

no photo
Sat 03/26/22 02:56 PM
Today I vote for
. Apple Love :hammer:

no photo
Sat 03/26/22 06:23 PM

Mark :hammer::hammer:
Apple Love :hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer:
Larsi :hammer:
Bonnie :hammer::hammer:
Don :hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer:
Cyrax :hammer:
CoolchicDee :hammer:
Slim :hammer::hammer:

Apple Love WINS the March 26,2022 vote!!!
. :apple::apple::apple::green_apple::green_apple::green_apple::scream_cat:

no photo
Sun 03/27/22 11:05 AM
I vote for Apple Love to set the time frame and to tally the votes for the next election :hammer::kissing_closed_eyes:.

Slim gym 's photo
Sun 03/27/22 05:32 PM
why ??? you getting to old for the gig or not enough bribes coming thru .... either way , you started it .... now is your chance to bail without been branded the most famous STPer of all..... lol !!!

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Sun 03/27/22 10:37 PM
I vote for Apple Love to set the time frame and to tally the votes for the next election :hammer::kissing_closed_eyes:.

Wowwwww..I won,I Won!!!but why does my price not monetary or a crown?why are you giving me another stressful job Don?Lemme enjoy my winning moment lol.besides im not good in counting,Math is my waterloo :stuck_out_tongue::pray:✌...you own the thread,u do the counting

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 03/28/22 03:34 AM
I am in total agreement! The OP is trying once again to pass the buck , after he was caught out rigging the votes and shifting the STP title away from him.. Good for you Apple , and hope you enjoying the Cheesecake !!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Mon 03/28/22 07:34 PM

This thread is pure trouble 🊓

no photo
Mon 03/28/22 09:50 PM

This thread is pure trouble 

thats why it is here, it scared off Mark, Bonnie , Pumpilicious and Robin :angry::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Mon 03/28/22 11:42 PM
thats why it is here, it scared off Mark, Bonnie , Pumpilicious and Robin :angry::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

survival of the fittest.lol

no photo
Tue 03/29/22 12:33 AM
I vote for Pumpilicious :hammer::sob:

no photo
Tue 03/29/22 12:35 AM
thats why it is here, it scared off Mark, Bonnie , Pumpilicious and Robin :angry::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 03/29/22 03:26 PM

I vote for Pumpilicious :hammer::sob:

For saying you're thread is trouble?

But it is, so another :hammer:?:smile:

And what did Robin do? He's an :innocent:

@apple, true words though laugh

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