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Slim gym 's photo
Thu 04/07/22 02:18 PM
i never dreamed my compadres would gang up on , the most in -
no-cent guy around ... i could see that for Two as he is all over the women ... but poor Slim... thank goodness Apple is in my corner .... with her Cheesecake!!

OT: my vote today for Pumpi...and one for Don !!! They know what they did !!!???

no photo
Thu 04/07/22 02:23 PM
me and Pumpi innocent ya dang STPer:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

a 1/2 vote for Slim:round_pushpin:

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 04/07/22 03:35 PM

me and Pumpi innocent ya dang STPer:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

a 1/2 vote for Slim:round_pushpin:

Pumpi ..... she fooling around all over town . with random strangers and luring guys by giving them , hot pet names etc... and I am the silly rabbit .... nope , a vote for Pumpi for sure

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 04/07/22 04:46 PM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Thu 04/07/22 04:47 PM
Fooling around all over town?ðŸĪŽtongue2

You were huni buni. Now you're demoted to silly rabbit. laugh

Quit deflecting! You cast me away like some old shoes to some dude that likes traitors and sunsets!!

1 point for Slim today!rofl

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Thu 04/07/22 05:13 PM
Pumpi ..... she fooling around all over town . with random strangers and luring guys by giving them , hot pet names etc... and I am the silly rabbit .... nope , a vote for Pumpi for sure

There,there Slim...be consoled..you and pumpi are just having an LQ...who shouldnt?u were actually sharing or endorsing her to somebody else and wanted me to MM u with Angie too.now you are given your own dose of medicine lol.PEACE to you Siwi wabbit oh i mean Pumpi's Hunie Bunnie.:stuck_out_tongue::blush:

vote for Slim

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 04/07/22 05:22 PM
So much for impartial MM ... go ahead ... join others and throw me under the bus .
I still have boots from 20 years ago ... they are very comfortable and cannot be discarded willie Nellie ....
who is this Angie ??? Okay ah! We played footsie for awhile .... but like most ladies on here ... if the kitchen gets too hot they vamoose....

My vote goes to Apple :green_apple:

no photo
Thu 04/07/22 06:46 PM
OMG, 4 votes in one day by Slim, that gotta be ballot stuffing my! :hammer::round_pushpin::hammer:

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 04/07/22 08:12 PM

Pumpi ..... she fooling around all over town . with random strangers and luring guys by giving them , hot pet names etc... and I am the silly rabbit .... nope , a vote for Pumpi for sure

There,there Slim...be consoled..you and pumpi are just having an LQ...who shouldnt?u were actually sharing or endorsing her to somebody else and wanted me to MM u with Angie too.now you are given your own dose of medicine lol.PEACE to you Siwi wabbit oh i mean Pumpi's Hunie Bunnie.:stuck_out_tongue::blush:

vote for Slim



no photo
Thu 04/07/22 08:38 PM
polls close Friday at an undisclosed time! :scream_cat:


no photo
Fri 04/08/22 02:53 AM
The results are in, it's a landslide, and deservedly so!!!!!

Don Juan/Mikey :hammer::hammer::hammer::round_pushpin:
Larsi/Cheesecake :hammer:
Applelicious :hammer:
Pumpilicious/ lovely :hammer:
Slim/hunibuni/sillyrabbit :hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer:

Siwi wabbit WINS!!!!


Slim gym 's photo
Fri 04/08/22 12:22 PM
Absolutely thrilling.
I'd like to thank God ... first , he is the Man
Then I like to thank M2 for tolerating such mundane games .
All my compadres , who took part and were nominated .. keep it up and you will win , one of these days, when the Director is sober enough to count !!
And for all watchers ... don't feel limited to showing your acting abilities on other threads ... cause this is the fun game .... where some lose and I win.
Please stand for the :flag_ca: Anthem !!!!
Thank you Thank you very much !

Slim gym 's photo
Fri 04/08/22 12:22 PM
Edited by Slim gym on Fri 04/08/22 12:25 PM
Once upon a time..... in a galaxy far away .....oops double post ... sorry about that ....

no photo
Sat 04/09/22 12:23 AM
I vote for Blondey :hammer:, she's having "blonde" moments. I wonder if she'll try being a red head.

no photo
Thu 04/14/22 12:17 PM
After a few days of nada, MM started heating up.

I'm voting for Riverspirit today, she's telling Storm to walk by the fire station to check out the fireman, pretty sure long legs and high heels are involved ðŸĪŠ

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 04/14/22 02:45 PM
vote for Two , for sending me a plane ticket to London... one way only ????

no photo
Thu 04/14/22 03:57 PM

vote for Two , for sending me a plane ticket to London... one way only ????

of course...

you can always "work the streets" to fly back if things don't work out... laugh

Granted I am taking Don to the airport to head to London with you... laugh

no photo
Fri 04/15/22 08:50 PM
This week's votes are in,

Blondey :hammer:
Riverspirit :hammer:
Two for one :hammer:

WTF a three way tie!!!!

apparently no ballot stuffing this week, that is just wrong:scream_cat::sob::scream:


Leah's photo
Sat 04/16/22 05:46 AM
Two tips the scales

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 04/16/22 05:50 AM
Leah has the makings , sure she gonna shine this week... keep an eye on her fellas !!!

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Sat 04/16/22 06:02 AM
How did Don Juan not even get one vote?

I sense something rigged here:thinking:laugh

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