Topic: mutually beneficial relationship | |
My take?
I'll refrain from comment. ![]() |
You may be on the wrong dating site. Try a kink or fetish dating site and you likely fare better.
Normal free dating sites always attract a lot of no-goes, you've got to bear that in mind and I doubt you find many 'sugar daddies' on a regular dating site. Good luck! |
"What's your take? "
Wait, let me get this straight. You're in Kenya. And you're basically running a pay for play ad on a free international social site. And you're complaining that you don't get suitable responses. Is that right? |
The topic and words you are using has often in my experience been associated with pay-for-play, sugar daddy, sugar mama, and friends with benefits...there are dating sites which are for people who seek these kinds of relationships...perhaps a better search on your part will hit the jackpot...
I've tried these apps and sites and most "sugar daddies" on there are scammers as well who ask you to send a registration fee for them to start sending you money in addition to online searches, try offline local areas like Koinange Street , etc |
Blondey111 has likely hit your nail square on the head.
The only insight I might offer is to consider that there are people using Mingle 2 for their own reasons. Reasons which don't ALL...align with yours. Yes, some are here to take advantage and play you. Some are here for marriage. Some are here for one-nighter sex. Some are married looking for an ego boost or other options. Some are spiteful. Some are desperate. Some are just passing time. Some are testing the waters. Some are just here for the forums as entertainment (or enlightenment). My point is, this tool (online dating) functions to allow strangers to connect in a multitude of ways. As previously stated, this is a worldwide site. The people trying to connect are from many backgrounds with many specific goals and morals. Many different cultures. The trick is to use this tool to connect only with people aligned with your goal. It requires testing the waters and making decisions about forming connections with the right people (person) to reach your specific goal. You gotta separate the wheat from the chaff. If a specific candidate does not align with your goals, move on to the next, then the next until you find the right one who does. The trick is to recognize those who don't align quickly but have patience, it takes time . Choose Wisely. wow this is really helpful. thanks |
in addition to online searches, try offline local areas like Koinange Street , etc that's kind of like a red light district |
Many view sugar babies as the herpes
of the prostitute world. They never go away. |
Discovered that living Together but apart is the way to go , these days when the picking is slim ( no not me ) .... huh!!
in addition to online searches, try offline local areas like Koinange Street , etc
that's kind of like a red light district aaannd??? |
Just wondering, isn't prostitution mutually beneficial too? Naw, it's a bad word!
Just wondering, isn't prostitution mutually beneficial too? Naw, it's a bad word!
Prostitution has been stigmatized because there are all types of people offering sex for money and many of them in the media limelight are less than desireably, lo-calibur people with low standards and questionable morals. Prostitution in and of itself is not really a bad thing. It has had a beneficial place in human society for a very long time. Many people have sex with multiple partners. Some do so for monetary benefits and others do it to hurt the ones who love them. Plus there are a zillion other reasons why someone would have sex with multiple partners. When entering an 'intimate relationship' with someone it is kinda expected that person will be your only sexual partner and vice versa. A bond of trust, honesty and commitment is expected in such intimate, personal relationships. Prostitution is more likely not going to be intimate. The relationship is industrial and cold. Its more like performing a job than sharing oneself with another. Not to say prostitutes never have intimate relationships with someone, they can and do. It all depends on the individuals involved. People in general have an aversion to the idea of prostitution (esp on dating sites) because their idea of a relationship is the intimate, personal dedicated kind. Plus, the media focuses on the bad to grab attention so few 'good' prostitutes are ever glorified to the public. There's far more horror stories about prostitution than good ones. Its a plain fact humans are social animals. Social animals love to be touched and petted. When a person is void of human contact it causes stress to build. Prostitution offers a release of stress whithout the intimacy. An industrial physical act of release without devotion. So yes, prostitution can be beneficial and not all prostitution is bad but I don't want my spouse, gf or child to choose that line of work. There are too many horror stories not to be cautious. But then, in today's world, all professions have horror stories. |
Just wondering, isn't prostitution mutually beneficial too? Naw, it's a bad word!
Prostitution has been stigmatized because there are all types of people offering sex for money and many of them in the media limelight are less than desireably, lo-calibur people with low standards and questionable morals. Prostitution in and of itself is not really a bad thing. It has had a beneficial place in human society for a very long time. Many people have sex with multiple partners. Some do so for monetary benefits and others do it to hurt the ones who love them. Plus there are a zillion other reasons why someone would have sex with multiple partners. When entering an 'intimate relationship' with someone it is kinda expected that person will be your only sexual partner and vice versa. A bond of trust, honesty and commitment is expected in such intimate, personal relationships. Prostitution is more likely not going to be intimate. The relationship is industrial and cold. Its more like performing a job than sharing oneself with another. Not to say prostitutes never have intimate relationships with someone, they can and do. It all depends on the individuals involved. People in general have an aversion to the idea of prostitution (esp on dating sites) because their idea of a relationship is the intimate, personal dedicated kind. Plus, the media focuses on the bad to grab attention so few 'good' prostitutes are ever glorified to the public. There's far more horror stories about prostitution than good ones. Its a plain fact humans are social animals. Social animals love to be touched and petted. When a person is void of human contact it causes stress to build. Prostitution offers a release of stress whithout the intimacy. An industrial physical act of release without devotion. So yes, prostitution can be beneficial and not all prostitution is bad but I don't want my spouse, gf or child to choose that line of work. There are too many horror stories not to be cautious. But then, in today's world, all professions have horror stories. Agreed. However, my "post reply" was in a different vein. Since you are discussing this at length here, I'd like to air my opinion specifically about prostitution. You have touched on the "needs", "emotional" aspect, lemme address the social and economical aspect of it. In very few societies is prostitution legalized. Otherwise, it is dealt with as in all hypocritical societies. I always stress on this HYPOCRISY, which is something I can't tolerate! And hence, a denial that prostitution is also a large part of the economy, which we are glad to enjoy, and too happy to deny! We may jolly well refer to prostitution as a profession here, but as governments, we won't, thus denying these tax payers their dues. And again another cycle of vicious exploitation begins! If only, this profession was legalized, the ones who are eating into their trade from the luxury of their homes or whatever, and yet saving themselves from the stigma of being ostracized, with THE VEIL OF fancy terminology as "sugar...", "FWB", "MUTUAL..." could have been brought into the legalized sector. |
mutually beneficial relationship
Isn't it funny how people only see what agrees with them? To much of the 'free' world, arranged marriages are the worst possible reason to get married but to the cultures accustomed to arranged marriages they can be mutually beneficial. To most, getting married for any reason other than love is crazy. Yet even in the 'free' world people get married for reasons other than love. Many people can't understand how anyone could possibly think prostitution might be mutually beneficial because people are susceptible to stereotyping. People get an idea about something in their heads and no matter how rational they are, refuse to believe otherwise. You can see it all around you and yes, even right here in M2 forums. |