Community > Posts By > Kevin

Kevin's photo
Mon 08/26/24 12:29 AM
I missed all of you :heart: :heart: :heart:

Kevin's photo
Thu 01/25/24 07:46 PM
I have been single since early 2012. Yes, I too try till today to find a suitable, compatible companion to walk together to the sunset of life.
However, I too have the same apprehensions, wot if I have got too used to not sharing my bed! Wot if I can't share my personal space now! Moreover, the advent of virtual platforms and our presence there gives us the feeling that, all's well, and we shy away from socializing in real time and space. And this further builds up walls!

Before I conclude, may I wish all the very best, to all you 50+ singles in finding a companion :heart:

Kevin's photo
Sun 12/31/23 08:48 AM
"Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good."


Kevin's photo
Sat 12/23/23 07:45 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you, my fellow M2 Community Members

May we also spare a thought for those bleeding in the Middle East, especially the children!

Love & Regards,

Kevin's photo
Tue 10/31/23 08:52 PM
Happy Halloween to all the M2 Community

Kevin's photo
Tue 09/19/23 09:49 AM
Roger Whittaker passes away at 87 years of age! The end of another legendary folk singer creates a void in the world of music. He shall be dearly missed!


Kevin's photo
Wed 08/02/23 12:40 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart:

Best Wishes, @AppleLove

Kevin's photo
Tue 07/04/23 10:50 PM
Really? Do "bad boys bring heaven to you?" :wink: :wink: :wink:

Kevin's photo
Thu 05/25/23 08:42 PM
She was one of my favorites during my youth


Kevin's photo
Sat 05/13/23 08:59 PM
Gender equality and tradition

Equality here refers to equal opportunities, and the same must be made available by the state. Gender differences that are natural, remain and are in no way inferior to the cause of equality. In most states that are not theocratic, such opportunities are made available in health, education and other state-owned services which now includes the military, too.

Tradition and customs:
Ever since civilization, cultures have developed in different societies. Such cultures (in the form of various celebrations often have their roots in myths and faith. Myths and faith are rarely, if ever, are based on scientific reasoning and logic. Hence gender relations in such customs can be biased. The state is not supposed to have a say in the functioning of these customs, unless the aggrieved appeal to an appropriate court of law and prove beyond reasonable doubt, how the bias has put the aggrieved to a disadvantage.

No two individuals can have equal capabilities. Hence equal opportunity should be provided in all fields that are under the direct and indirect supervision of the state.


Kevin's photo
Sat 04/22/23 09:09 PM
:heart: Lot's of love, good wishes to precious baby EMILIA :heart: May she fill the family with great cheer and smiles all around!

Congratulations to the mom, I hope she's in good health.
Congratulations to the 1st time granny too flowerforyou

Kevin's photo
Mon 04/17/23 06:02 AM

Dearest Kevin .. sorry for my absence . Very sad to hear about your mum.brokenheart Hope you and your family are surrounded by love and happy memories . If you need a smile you know where to find me . Lots of love blondey xox

It's okay, I presume you were busy or otherwise indisposed! Your kind thoughts are highly appreciated. You stay safe and happy!

Kevin's photo
Fri 04/07/23 12:49 AM
Easter Greetings to all :heart:

Kevin's photo
Wed 04/05/23 07:21 PM

I feel the sorrow for both of you. I lost both my parents years ago in their old age. I still miss them. I will pray for both of you gentlemen and remember you have friends here. This will hurt for a long time.

Thank you very much

Kevin's photo
Wed 03/29/23 08:12 PM

I am so sorry for your loss.:pensive::pray:

Much appreciated

Kevin's photo
Wed 03/29/23 08:10 PM

I share the sorrow with you Kevin.
My mother passed away last Saturday at 87 yrs.

My Condolences Mr Vibes and Mr Kelvin. May the lord comfort you

Thank you very much

Kevin's photo
Mon 03/27/23 06:30 AM

Kevin Sir:pray: & Vibes:pray:

Much appreciated

Kevin's photo
Mon 03/27/23 06:29 AM

I share the sorrow with you Kevin.
My mother passed away last Saturday at 87 yrs.

Please accept my sincere condolences @Vibes

Kevin's photo
Sun 03/26/23 08:26 PM

I’m sorry for your loss, Kevin. 🫂🫂

Much appreciated

Kevin's photo
Sun 03/26/23 08:25 PM

My sincerest condolences.

Thank you very much

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