Topic: Speculation on evolution of rural and urban places | |
Any ideas on how activities in the built and natural environment will change in the next decade?
Will city centers become ghost towns with Social distancing? People may still have to be a little more careful about germs for the next decade than they did in the past. The vaccine may not completely protect against all strains and may need to be administered every year. Hpw do you believe the landscape of city centers and countryside change? |
Humans, as individuals, can be highly intelligent.
Humans, enmasse, tend to turn into the dumbest creatures in the known universe. I see urban, and rural alike, having the potential of turning into variations of Mad Max like societies. |
No ghost towns....
Lockdowns will be defeated either by a resistance or by a cure. The environment won't change much, maybe at the start - but we'll revert back to the same kind of workplace, commerce and other interactions that the officials are trying to condemn - after the solution presents itself. Our behaviours will more than likely evolve. Maybe to something similar to Japanese, where there's bowing or something less involved as a handshake. Maybe people will be more mindful of being in another persons personal space. Might not be the 6 feet, but not close enough where you can smell the dude's breath. Stuff like that |
Nonbody wants to live in inner cities. GTo to the City of London at 11am on a Saturday, you have the place all to yourself.
I was thinking about how this might affect plans for "self-evolution". The ability to understand your body/mind/environment and manipulate them is perhaps the greatest step toward fitness to survive.
We are considering problems which could essentially stop human activity one way or another -requiring that either the environment be purposefully changed and/or the self be purposefully changed in order to eliminate vulnerabilities. In other words... in addition to employing our present form to act against external forces and situations, we are considering how to become "other than human". |
Edited by
Sun 10/04/20 10:17 AM
New York city was greatly affected due to centralization and density.
Anything which is otherwise would help. We essentially have to drop back 20 and punt in terms of what we call advancement and consider how our bodies can continue to work in our environment. Outside of big cities, "social distancing" happens because it can -except when people congregate or frequent the same locations -but even then it is on a much smaller scale. We didn't design our cities with any of this in mind -but design decisions were not always focused on being user-friendly, anyway. Other things were sometimes deemed more important than the well being of all individuals. Perhaps we actually need multiple smaller towns rather than cities -not so city-like at all -which would help divide population and space for them more evenly. There will always be "hubs" -but they can be much more manageable. Redesigning cities would be a massive and lengthy undertaking (but worthwhile) -more so the demolition/construction aspect -but using what is already in place differently -perhaps even down to control of how populations are allowed to mix (though that could get very problematic) or modifying it in the meantime -are already considerations. If we could make ourselves invulnerable to such things as pandemics -rather than needing to react to them -we should still consider redesign for many other reasons affecting quality of life. |
Any ideas on how activities in the built and natural environment will change in the next decade? Will city centers become ghost towns with Social distancing? People may still have to be a little more careful about germs for the next decade than they did in the past. The vaccine may not completely protect against all strains and may need to be administered every year. Hpw do you believe the landscape of city centers and countryside change? My first two questions of the obvious is this. - If you get a vaccine, by most standards you should become immune to whatever the vaccine was formulated for no? I mean I had a few vaccines as a child, never got two for the same thing so why would you expect a vaccine not to work if it was "supposed too"? LOOK UP Polio virus and its correlation to DDT. The Polio virus and DDT are almost synonymous in timing at every level. DDT in heavy use the next 6 mos Polio was skyrocketing and taking lives - Pick up a book on virology and turn off the TV... YOU DONT DIE of a virus infection. You CAN die with a virus infection though. Why is that? Because a virus is similar to a parasite, it NEEDS a host to propagate itself. If it kills you, it would kill itself and that's not conducive to an outbreak or pandemic now is it? By the way they've also changed their tune to the fact that far less than 10,000 people died of Cerveza-bug 19 directly, meaning there were NO OTHER factors that were conflicting. I'm not even going to go off on the tangent of paper trails of follow the money but my god, if writing anyone's death certificate and adding to the word Covid to it netted your company (hosppital in this case) a $13k-$37k check FREE from Government Alphabet agencies every time, HOW MANY Covid patients would be dying in your hospital? 2018, over a 1,500,000 people died of TB, (Tuberculosis), Not a single classroom, school, City or town, County even, let alone an entire State, country or the world was shut down. Call me opinionated early on but your Cerveza-bug is being used as a vehicle to reset the worlds economy, governance, and overall legal operation of the world. Why? Because we are the world reserve currency, 2008 isn't over just been band-aided and they cant kick the can down the street and they're also going to use this partial-buffoon in office as a patsy holding the bag too. - The Cerveza-bug 19 is a Corona/rhino virus variant. As was MERS, SARS, the Flu, Influenza, H1N1 (Bird Flu), 229E, OC43, HKU1 or 11 whatever it is, and NL63 for starters. Most of which are "Flu" like. So It doesnt matter where you live in the country here. Lets stick to N. America for simple logistics. Do you know of ANYONE, A N Y O N E at all who has NEVER had a cold or the Flu? Anyone? Expect to probably at some point whether already, in 3 weeks, 3 months, next year or two to get Cerveza-bug. There are now 1000's of Doctors, reg doctors all over the country and world at that who are being shut down talking about effective treatments and the like. I wouldnt go as far as to say Cerveza-Bug is fake, it def exists. But it has a 97.4% recovery rate. In fact the CDC has quietly changed their website and opinion stating that Cerveza-bug is barely meeting the definition of an "outbreak" people. I can take you to 10 places right now in LA and San Diego county Alone thats doing everything they can to hush-hush the Bubonic plague in rat infested homeless encampments all along freeway off ramps, local parks, City building area's and industrialized areas that are Outbreaks NOT bigger because the damn MEDIA doesn't talk about anything else than COVID-19, immigration BS, Russian Collusion, and the Orange Man 24/7/365 for 3.5 years now. A PANDEMIC by definition is a disease or illness that's infection and death rate are at a constant incline and NEVER STOPS. An infection or illness that comes and goes, just like the colds and flu's of our mutual existing time on this planet. Everyone's gotten it at least once. And as a parent of 3 boys, with an ex wife that had a so-so immune system. Let your damn kids play in the fricken dirt. MY gawd. I swear their immune systems will triple by the time they're in their 20's. Wash there hands to be clean but your body has a natural way to deal with everything that's on this planet except what's trying to make you to be lower on the food chain. You germaphobes are tainting the gene pool of herd immunity and screwing it up for your posterity with your incessant OCD behavior issues. If you pay attention, most farm or rural kids don't get sick, at least not often by anything that's a product of the environments they're in. Now introduce something to their environments that would otherwise not be there and they will likely get ill, fight it off, and build an immunity to it. Just like the whole purpose behind the CDC. Its intent, by Their words, not my opinion is to take the worlds most deadly pathogens, mutate them to something far worse than imaginable - Then find a cure. I'd bet a left child-DNA-making body part that that if the CDC didn't exist, neither would a bunch of other things either. Remember, money trails? well if something has a patent on it, it's man-made meaning not FOUND in nature. Hope you all enjoyed your red pilling for the night.. I think it should really crack this conversation open. Seems to be better than trolling the scammers at least in the light of real conversation. |
Any ideas on how activities in the built and natural environment will change in the next decade?
Will city centers become ghost towns with Social distancing? People may still have to be a little more careful about germs for the next decade than they did in the past. The vaccine may not completely protect against all strains and may need to be administered every year. How do you believe the landscape of city centers and countryside change? I kinda agree with 1Boredpanda. At nearly 8 billion people on this planet, COVID has not had much of an impact at all. Perhaps if the death toll were around 2 or 3 billion there would be concern? The social changes occurring are mainly media induced frenzy. Its a modern tale of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" before the lesson is learned. People are reacting to "hearsay" and failing to look at the reality around them. I actually know of nobody in my group of associations who has contracted or died of COVID. News of every infection and death has been brought to my attention thru the media. Absolutely no first hand verification. Looking at the World Population Clock there has been around 62 million mean population growth so far this year. Human civilization stopped being natural when our population exploded many decades ago. It is continuing to explode and COVID has had insignificant impact on our numbers. There have been nearly 45 million deaths so far this year and COVID can only account for 2 million by media reports. One example of change: Contact Tracing Worldwide there are massive banks of computer storage maintained by very complex super-computers. Aside from tracking the spread of COVID, what other 'uses' might there be to gathering data on who contacts whom? Who else uses contact tracing to track 'known associates'? Another: Online Commerce To avoid person to person contact in fear of COVID, more people are using online purchasing so they can shop at home and have products delivered to them directly. These transactions require sharing personal information, including physical locations, to a database. So, the fear of COVID is essentially causing people to willfully disclose personal security details on a higher scale. If you remove the COVID element from the equation, you have a ramped up version of George Orwell's "1984". The changes in society are coming but COVID is merely a media induced fear to cause people to give up their privacy for a bigger (worse) agenda. A proof of concept test to establish the effects of media exposure on society change and wilful abandonment of personal security. Its been happening on a smaller scale for decades with advertising and NEWS broadcasts. Its in TV shows, movies, radio broadcasts, internet media and newspapers & magazines. People can have their behavior and security compromised by suggestion. People are willing to believe what they are told and ignore the reality they experience. That is called being delusional. The sad fact is, when someone suffers from a delusion they can't tell they are delusional. They tend to twist reality to support the delusion. Some call it the Sheeple Effect others call it Brain-Washing or Mind Control. It shapes our societies and changes our nature. Its been happening for a very long time and will continue to happen. Step out of the media induced coma and look at reality before you. Once the delusion is lifted, its very hard to redelude yourself. Wake Up! |
Edited by
Mon 10/05/20 06:03 PM
I also agree with Panda. It's too bad people are irrational in their thinking. They put on their masks, b!tch at people who aren't wearing it, and tow the line their favorite news channel feeds them
No ghost towns.... Lockdowns will be defeated either by a resistance or by a cure. The environment won't change much, maybe at the start - but we'll revert back to the same kind of workplace, commerce and other interactions that the officials are trying to condemn - after the solution presents itself. Our behaviours will more than likely evolve. Maybe to something similar to Japanese, where there's bowing or something less involved as a handshake. Maybe people will be more mindful of being in another persons personal space. Might not be the 6 feet, but not close enough where you can smell the dude's breath. Stuff like that That seems the most likely. It is a constitutional right everyone knows and values to peaceably assemble. When I am outside I’ve seen enough people socializing to know that they are not letting any authoritative recommendations take out their social presence. Of course, there is not as much risk in all practicality outside. Personal space is not as cramped plus the uv in natural sunlight shortens the half life and total life of the virus not to mention the ventilation. When it comes to resource scarcity, land in the city is one of the highest. This is a strong force that may affect what businesses may take hold. The demand is now much higher now for a scarce resource. When this happened back in England during the age of exploration, it was followed by migration and pilgrimage. Cities have always tended to be more democratic and the surrounding county more Republican. But when I walk downtown now, the people I see congregating outdoors at the restaurants look like government-resistant Republicans who appear to be getting the most out of their time together. Other than the outdoors becoming more popular, I don’t see much building change except amenities like doorknobs. People may want to live closer to their workplaces. Commercial retail was on a downward trend before the pandemic because of the increasing popularity of delivery and more globalization of information on the Internet, there may be more of a shift towards physical services. |
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| REPLY TO TOPIC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Thanks for the video :) Well timed ![]() |
And by the way, I’m not freaking out about it, I’m just looking out the window on the road trip of time.
Edited by
Wed 10/07/20 02:36 PM
A survey within the United States found that only 20% of the people reported that the pandemic has significantly affected their life.
That’s not to say there won’t be determinable trends in changes of land use. |
Following the covid hygiene of the average person, in the US, the risk of dying on any given day from Covid is 0.000,3%.
On any given day that you go kayaking on a river, the risk of death (ie.,from getting your foot stuck on the bottom of the river in flowing water) Is 0.003%. |
The risk of dying from going kayaking every day is about the same as the risk of being permanently harmed physically by covid due to getting sick with it.
Edited by
Fri 10/09/20 02:30 AM
Any ideas on how activities in the built and natural environment will change in the next decade? Will city centers become ghost towns with Social distancing? People may still have to be a little more careful about germs for the next decade than they did in the past. The vaccine may not completely protect against all strains and may need to be administered every year. Hpw do you believe the landscape of city centers and countryside change? I don't believe the Coronavirus will change our lives forever, we will return to normal, we just don't know how long that is going to take. There will be changes caused more by Climate change and air pollution. In my opinion, there will be more restrictions on vehicles entering our cities here in the UK. Probably electric vehicles only. The actual city centres themselves will become pedestrian only and places to visit for much more than shopping, as more shopping is done online. There will be more restaraunts, bars, cafes, cinemas, theatres, sports centres, fitness centres, bowling alleys, art centres, musums, exhibition centres, libraries, colleges, universities and many more learning and leisure activities. In addition to the many business headquarters that exist already. It all may take longer than a decade. |
Following the covid hygiene of the average person, in the US, the risk of dying on any given day from Covid is 0.000,3%. On any given day that you go kayaking on a river, the risk of death (ie.,from getting your foot stuck on the bottom of the river in flowing water) Is 0.003%. I haven't looked at the exact stat, but I believe your numbers to be factually correct. It's certainly low enough that am not skeered to catch the virus; however, there are people that never followed proper hygiene before coronavirus. If ANY changes comes from coronavirus, this may be a good opportunity for all the piss mitts in the men's room to wash their hands after handling their meat. But I have my doubts. Something that obvious didn't penetrate their brain before coronavirus, I don't see why it would now. smh |