Topic: IS THERE GOD? | |
People have been asking themselves this question for many centuries. But there are no fewer doubters. Genesis 1: 1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Does anyone else believe that all this splendor is the sky and everything on it, the earth and everything that happened on it by chance, as a result of a big bang? All this could not happen by chance, by chance! And how did we humans appear? Are we descended from monkeys as a result of evolution? Of course not! God created the first people in his own image and likeness, as stated in Genesis 2: 7 - "And Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person." Such complex systems as man, animals, different laws of nature could not arise by chance, but only by the will of the wise Creator. And God is such a Creator !!! Therefore, God exists and he is real! IDK, have you seen how people behave? You don't think there's some monkey blood in us? |
To 🥾_Boots_🥾 Sir! Is this a serious question or a joke? !! Every day I observe the behavior of people - both men and women and children. Sometimes you want to shout to the whole world - people! what are you doing? But human behavior (whatever it may be) does not mean that we have monkey blood in us. And it cannot be in people. We are not descended from monkeys. Have you seen how another person's blood is poured into a person? My mother was given blood of a different type. I will not go into detail. Weird things happened to her, she was dying in my arms. Until the doctors realized that they had injected her with blood of a different group. I want to say that even human blood of the right group may not suit a person and lead to death. And this is the blood of monkeys, a different biological species, with a different genetic code. These are incompatible things! |
People have been asking themselves this question for many centuries. But there are no fewer doubters. Genesis 1: 1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Does anyone else believe that all this splendor is the sky and everything on it, the earth and everything that happened on it by chance, as a result of a big bang? All this could not happen by chance, by chance! And how did we humans appear? Are we descended from monkeys as a result of evolution? Of course not! God created the first people in his own image and likeness, as stated in Genesis 2: 7 - "And Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person." Such complex systems as man, animals, different laws of nature could not arise by chance, but only by the will of the wise Creator. And God is such a Creator !!! Therefore, God exists and he is real! IDK, have you seen how people behave? You don't think there's some monkey blood in us? It’s okay, man. I for one respect your beliefs. |
Hi Bill, if you look in the boon of Genesis, you will see that God created man with free will. Even though it was in an instruction choice is still there.
Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Just because God can see the end from the beginning is not predestination. If you have a daughter and she has a boyfriend, you do not like because you see something in him that's not nice. You warn your daughter and she doesn't listen then the inevitable happens. Is that predestination because you saw something happening before it happened? We do and will always have choices/free will. God just sees the choices we make before we make them. Also there is a lot of prophetic history in the bible. |
I think if there is a god it's not what we think. There's no love and mercy in nature. It's a cold and brutal force. Any emotion in nature hinders survival. We like to think of a god that is loving and nurturing but that's not the case in a lot of situations in nature. I mean look at how the bear eats its prey for example. As gruesome and savage as it is, it's nature in one of its truest forms. Look at how a chimpanzee deals with jealousy towards another chimp, savage and psychotic, yet its nature in one of its purest forms. Logic rules nature, not emotion. If there is a god, it's a logical force with no emotion. This is evident when we observe nature.
It is very strange that some cold, cruel force created such beauty for us - everything that surrounds us. Only God (living, real, loving) could create such splendor! - Read Ge 1:31. When God created animals, they were not predators. Those. they did not eat meat - read Ge 1:30. The animals ate plants. There was complete harmony in life - people were not afraid of animals, animals were not afraid of people. But after people sinned, everything changed. The examples you have given have nothing to do with what God created. These are the consequences of people breaking the law of their Creator. |
Edited by
Wed 01/06/21 08:07 AM
The Bible is a book about the past and the future. It is a description. It does not dictate the world. It is from God; it is true.
It is very strange that some cold, cruel force created such beauty for us - everything that surrounds us. Only God (living, real, loving) could create such splendor! - Read Ge 1:31. When God created animals, they were not predators. Those. they did not eat meat - read Ge 1:30. The animals ate plants. There was complete harmony in life - people were not afraid of animals, animals were not afraid of people. But after people sinned, everything changed. The examples you have given have nothing to do with what God created. These are the consequences of people breaking the law of their Creator. That there shows how cold and loveless God would be. If God would punish innocent creatures for the actions of another, how is that love? You can quote all the scripture you want, it doesn't make God a loving god. |
It is important for me to love God more and than myself. If I turn to God not loving Them more than myself, They will dash me on the pavement. It has happened to me twice. I now choose to not let it happen again.
It is important for me to love God more and than myself. If I turn to God not loving Them more than myself, They will dash me on the pavement. It has happened to me twice. I now choose to not let it happen again. That makes sense you have a belief based on your personal experience. |
Who knows the answer to the question ---
Is God omnipresent? |
Edited by
Fri 03/12/21 04:20 PM
In the Holy bible the Sun is a Heliocentric body, which means that the Sun riseth and sets or goes up and down and not the earth. Their is no rotation of the earth in 365 days or 364 and a quarter day. The rotation of the earth is mentioned in classical astrology in which the earth is in the centre (geocentric), and Sun, Moon and planets circle around the earth. Somehow, astrology works because we are on the earth and look above in the sky to see and understand, what happens on the earth.
Also, Darwin was not a man of God. His theorem was studied by many scholars who created Eugenics of which many believe that men evolved from the Ape. Such believe is not Godly and absurd. |
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Fri 03/12/21 04:44 PM
Hi Bill, if you look in the boon of Genesis, you will see that God created man with free will. Even though it was in an instruction choice is still there. Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Isa 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: Just because God can see the end from the beginning is not predestination. If you have a daughter and she has a boyfriend, you do not like because you see something in him that's not nice. You warn your daughter and she doesn't listen then the inevitable happens. Is that predestination because you saw something happening before it happened? We do and will always have choices/free will. God just sees the choices we make before we make them. Also there is a lot of prophetic history in the bible. When you read the bible you must always remember to whom God is talking. It may be through a prophet but his audience is always the same. Therefore he has requirements for them, and not listening to his words is the same as neglecting it, which leads to His punishments. God punishes if we must obey but because we decide to have a free will, and therefore disobey Him. O, how fullish we are! |
Irrespective of the question and its answer, a good man is a happy man. A good woman is a happy woman. Should we only fear because God punishes us for bad doings? Should we praise him because God rewards us for good things? A good human is responsible (personally and socially) for all of his actions. Doing good for the sake of God is better. But doing good for the sake of goodness is the best. Note : This is only my personal view, no defense or offence meant. So , take it at your own risk !. Be happy !. |
Yes, we must praise God.
But not because He rewards us for good deeds. But because thanks to God, everything is - the universe, and our land, and everything on earth, and we are with you. God created all of these and is worthy to be praised: read Revelation 4:11 (New World Translation): "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created." |
Is God omnipresent?
Many people claim that God is omnipresent. Is it so? God sees everything and can act wherever he wants to (Proverbs 15: 3; Hebrews 4:13). However, the Bible does not teach that God is omnipresent, i.e. is present everywhere and in everything. According to her, God is a person and He dwells in a certain place. God does not live where physical laws operate, but in the spiritual realm. In this realm, in heaven, God has a "dwelling place ..." (1 Kings 8:30). The Bible tells how one day spirit creatures "came to present themselves before Jehovah." It follows that God dwells in a certain place (Job 1: 6). |
DOES GOD EXIST? Irrespective of the question and its answer, a good man is a happy man. A good woman is a happy woman. Should we only fear because God punishes us for bad doings? Should we praise him because God rewards us for good things? A good human is responsible (personally and socially) for all of his actions. Doing good for the sake of God is better. But doing good for the sake of goodness is the best. Note : This is only my personal view, no defense or offence meant. So , take it at your own risk !. Be happy !. The God of Mozes does not deal with Elam. You have your own Gods and those are the ones you should look at, and deal with! |
We all have one God - Jehovah!
Thanks to him, we live. ![]() ![]() |
All people have a conscience.
Question: Does God have a conscience? Who thinks what? |
Well yeah god exists. But u see, we are mixing up this materialistic world with d spiritual world. No one really knows who is god and what he looks like, well nobody knows his name either bcoz ‘GOD’ is already a reference name that v created. Everyone has their opinion, in mine, god’s a power, a belief, he’s not necessarily from d outside, he could be from within ourself. Well, he/she tbh bcoz god has no gender and form but im pretty sure he cud pick one if he wants. But then, there is also a huge science involved with this spirituality...and u may ask why, when itz largely on only d spiritual aspect...well here’s d thing, u gotta connect d cosmic power and relate it with science and spirituality...tatz d pain then.