To tdion: If your child does not obey you, indulges, do you stop loving him? Not! You may be angry, but you still love him. So is God. He loves all people, we are all his creations. But if people do not obey, do not believe in God, live as they want, do not appreciate what the Father has done for them ... God is angry. But he still loves people. And it gives everyone the opportunity to come to him. This is why preaching is going on all over the earth. So that people learn about God and his Son, become members of his chosen people, exercise faith in him and in Jesus. And one must believe not in a faceless power, but in a living and real God. After all, if people cannot see God, this does not mean that he does not exist! Hebrews 11: 6 Well, who doesn't want to come to God while there is time? You yourself know what awaits them. |
Does God have a conscience?
Yes there is. Genesis 1:27 tells us that humans are created in the image of God. This does not mean that we are similar to God outwardly - God is spirit, and we are flesh. We are created in the image of God in the sense that we are endowed with the qualities that He possesses. Including moral sense and the voice of conscience. If God did not have a conscience, then people would not have it either. But the conscience of spiritual persons and people works in different ways. A person's conscience protects, warns, blames or ================================ justifies it (depending on the act). ============== God is perfect and has a perfect understanding of everything. Therefore, He cannot do wrong (Psalm 19: 9). Therefore, God's conscience evaluates everything he does. ======================== Genesis 1 talks about God's creatures. After each created creation, He said "it's good." Those. God evaluated everything that he created. Gen 1:31 - God looked at all of his creations and saw "that it is all very good." Conscience for a person is a deterrent. Conscience for God is an evaluating factor. |
Yes, indeed, Jesus was originally sent to the Israelites.
But in 36 A.D. e. a significant event happened - he believed in Jesus Christ and was baptized centurion Cornelius, a gentile. Jehovah sent the apostle Peter to this God-fearing man and thereby showed that Jesus' command to “make disciples among all nations” was not only about preaching among Jews in different countries. --Acts 10:44, 45. From that time on, they began to preach to all people! It was not only Peter who preached to other nations. The preacher Philip preached to the Samaritans and the eunuch of the Ethiopian queen (Acts 8: 5-13; 8: 26-40); the apostles Paul and John preached to other nations; Jesus Christ himself preached to the Samaritan woman at the well when he asked her to drink water (John 4: 5-30). The good news of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the earth to all nations. --Matthew 24:14. Sin is anything that goes against the qualities, norms, ways and will of God; everything that spoils the relationship with God. Most people do not know the qualities of God, nor his will, nor his ways, therefore they often act and speak incorrectly, i.e. sinning. Jesus came to save people from the power of sin. This refers to the sin that Adam passed on to us all as an inheritance. |
All people have a conscience.
Question: Does God have a conscience? Who thinks what? |
The new agreement was not only made with the Israelites in the flesh.
The Israelites were unfaithful to God. From the beginning, they often tested, murmured against Jehovah, forgot Him, and worshiped other gods. Jehovah endured this for a very long time ... Israel in the flesh lost God's approval. PENTECOST 33 A.D. e. became a significant day. On that day, a major change took place: Jehovah, through his spirit, formed a new people — spiritual Israel, or “the Israel of God.” - Galatians 6:16. For the first time since the time of Abraham, God's people began to differ from other nations not by literal male circumcision. Now everyone who enters this nation, according to Paul, is circumcised “in the heart by the Spirit” (Romans 2:29). The first to enter this new people of God were the apostles and over a hundred other followers of Christ, who gathered in the upper room of the house in Jerusalem (Acts 1: 12-15). Holy spirit was poured out on all of them, making them spirit-born sons of God (Romans 8:15, 16; 2 Corinthians 1:21). This proved that the new agreement had entered into force. His legal basis was the blood of Christ, who became his mediator. --Luke 22:20; read Hebrews 9:15. Thus, these disciples became members of Jehovah's new people. Thanks to the holy spirit, they were able to preach in the languages spoken by Jews and proselytes who had gathered from all over the Roman Empire in Jerusalem for the Jewish Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost. Spirit-born Christians spoke of “the glorious works of God,” and the people heard and understood the message. --Acts 2: 1-11. And in 36 AD, believers from other nations were able to become members of the new people of God (Acts 1: 12-15). Today, the Israel of God includes people of different nationalities and nations. They live in different countries, speak different languages ... These are Christians anointed with the spirit. And the new agreement applies to them as well. Who do you think Christians are? These are people who believe in Jesus, in his sacrifice, who follow in his footsteps, live according to his teachings, fulfill his task ... Jesus Christ became the founder of true Christianity. There was no such religion before him. |
The one who wrote this psalm knew that God treated his people in a special way, that this people was the chosen one. They were the only people to whom God gave "his word", as well as "his decrees and judgments." Today, only God's people have been entrusted with the great honor of bearing His name. Knowing Jehovah and applying the counsel from his Word in our lives helps us to be close friends with him. Like the author of Psalm 147, we have many reasons to praise Jehovah. |
The new covenant refers to those whom God has chosen and called. These are the apostles of Jesus and other Christians anointed with the holy spirit. These are the same 144,000 anointed ones who will rule with Jesus in heaven.
But since these people are descendants of the imperfect Adam, they are sinful and are not sons of God by birth. Therefore, God adopts them on the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus and they become sons and heirs together with Jesus, the only begotten Son of God (Galatians 4: 1-7; Romans 8: 14-17). Those the new covenant is the agreement of God's adoption of those whom he has chosen. Jesus in this covenant is the mediator between his Father and his apostles. After being adopted by God, Jesus makes a covenant with his followers. Jesus' Covenant With His Followers. On the night of Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus made this covenant with his faithful apostles. To the 11 apostles he promised that they would sit on thrones (Lu 22:28-30; 2 Ti 2:12). Later, he showed that this promise extended to all spirit-begotten 'conquerors' (Re 3:21; Re 1:4-6; 5:9, 10; 20:6). On the day of Pentecost he inaugurated this covenant toward them by the anointing with holy spirit of those disciples present in the upper room in Jerusalem (Ac 2:1-4,33).Those who would stick with him through trials, dying his kind of death (Php 3:10; Col 1:24), would reign with him, sharing his Kingdom rule. The covenant remains operative between Jesus Christ and these associate kings forever (Re 22:5) |
To tdion--- New Covenant. Jehovah foretold the new covenant by the prophet Jeremiah in the 7 century B.C.E., stating that it would not be like the Law covenant, which Israel broke. (Jer 31:31-34) On the night before his death, Nisan 14, 33 C.E., when he established the celebration of the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus Christ announced the new covenant, to be validated by his sacrifice.(Lu 22:20) The parties to the new covenant are Jehovah, on one side , and "the Israel of God", the spirit-begotten ones in union with Christ, making up his congregation or body, on the other side.(Heb 8:10; 12:22-24; Ga 6:15,16; 3:26-28; Ro 2:28,29) The new covenant is made operative by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the value of which was presented to Jehovah after Jesus' ascension to heaven.(Mt 26:28) When one is selected by God for the heavenly calling (Heb 3:1), God brings that one into His covenant over Christ's sacrifice.(Ps 50:5; Heb 9:14,15,26) Jesus Christ is the Mediator of the new covenant (Heb 8:6; 9:15) and is the primary Seed of Abraham.(Ga 3:16). By means of Jesus' mediatorship of the new covenant, he assists those in the covenant to become part of the real seed of Abraham (Heb 2:16; Ga 3:29) through forgiveness of their sins. Jehovah declares them righteous (Ro 5:1, 2; 8:33; Heb 10:16,17). These spirit-begotten, anointed brothers of Christ become underpriests of the High Priest, "a royal priesthood" (1 Pe 2:9; Re 5:9,10; 20:6). These do a priestly work, a "public service" (Php 2:17), and are called "ministers of a new covenant".(2 Co 3:6). These called ones must follow Christ's steps closely, faithfully, until laying down their lives in death; Jehovah will then make them a kingdom of priests, making them sharers in divine nature, and will reward them which immortality and incorruption as joint heirs in the heavens with Crist. (1 Pe 2:21; Ro 6:3,4; 1 Co 15:53; 1 Pe 1:4; 2 Pe 1:4). The purpose of the covenant is to take out a people for Jehovah's name as a part of Abraham's "seed" (Ac 15:14). They become the "bride" of Christ, and are the body of persons whom Christ takes into a covenant for the Kingdom, to rule with Him. (Joh 3:29; 2 Co 11:2; Re 21:9; Lu 22:29; Re 1:4-6; 5:9,10; 20:6). The purpose of the new covenant requires that it continue in operation until all of the "Israel of God" are resurrected to immortality in the heavens. The benefits from that accomplished purpose will be everlasting, and for this reason it can be called "an everlasting covenant" (Heb 13:20). |
Dinner of the Lord.
On March 27 this year, after sunset, millions of people around the world gathered for a special meeting - the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ. The Supper is also called the Lord's Supper. This is the only event that the Bible says Christians should celebrate. The Lord's Supper was presented by Jesus himself. And you can read about it in all the Gospels. On the eve of his death, Jesus celebrated Easter for the last time, after which he introduced the Lord's Supper. Those. and Passover and the Lord's Supper were celebrated on Nisan 14, after sunset. According to Luke and Paul, Jesus, introducing the Lord's Supper, said: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24). Passover, which was celebrated in memory of how Jehovah freed Israel from Egyptian slavery in 1513 BC, was celebrated only once a year, on Nisan 14. Therefore, the Lord's Supper should also be celebrated once a year, Nisan 14. |
Dear Sir!
Explain your words, please. What does it mean that the Bible was not written for everyone? For whom? |
You say so often that I don't understand something ...
But these are just words. You cannot point to a specific passage in Scripture that says Jesus was born at Passover. The Bible does not give the date of birth of Jesus because it is not so important. More important is what Jesus did for you and me - he gave his perfect life so that people have hope for a better life. This is important !!! And when Jesus was born is not a matter of principle. |
Dear Men!
I see that you are discussing my statements ... And Mr. Seeking Friends is very annoyed. And I want to tell him-- I am not her, I have a name - Elena, I do not declare anything from myself and do not teach anyone - I say how our Creator views this question. About the predictions about the end of the world. Yes, there were many predictions about the end of the world. But who predicted these ends of the world? Jehovah witnesses? No!!! Witnesses do not make predictions. And who can know what will happen? Only God! And let me give you, Seeking Friends, some advice: start studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Your horizons will broaden and you will find friends! |
The last test of humanity.
When the 1000 years of Christ's reign ends, Satan will be released from prison (Revelation 20: 7,8). What will he do? As always, he will begin to mislead the peoples, trying to take them away from God and gather them for war. There are many people who will follow Satan. Revelation 20: 8 says - "They are many, like the sand of the sea." Their number is not known in advance, but judging by Revelation, there will be many. Which of the people will follow Satan, having lived 1000 years without wars, hunger, poverty, crime ...? Most of the people who will live at that time are resurrected people. And they have never been tested in faith. Before their resurrection, they did not know God's purpose. These people were part of that system of things, they were unrighteous. After the resurrection, it will be easy for them to serve - they will live in paradise, where there will be no wiles of the Devil. But will these billions of perfect people serve God if Satan is given the opportunity to try to take them away from the Creator? To resolve this issue, Satan and his demons will be released from prison. And they will take many people away from God, as it is said - "there are many of them, like sea sand." It turns out that not all people will pass this last test. But whoever survives to the end will be blessed forever! After the test, Satan, his demons and those of people who did not pass the last test will be thrown into the "lake of fire", that is, will be permanently destroyed. God will put an end to evil on earth and the life that every person dreams of will come. |
We all have one God - Jehovah!
Thanks to him, we live. ![]() ![]() |
to Tom4Uhere
Yes, the word Armageddon is borrowed from the Hebrew language and means "Mount Megiddo." But, apparently, a literal place called Mount Megiddo did not exist either in the Promised Land or beyond, it did not exist either during the life of the Apostle John (who recorded the vision in which this expression is mentioned), or before him. Consequently, the meaning of the word "Har-Magedon" is obviously shed by the events associated with the ancient city of Megiddo. The city of Megiddo was located several kilometers to the south-east. from Mount Carmel and towered over the Ezdrilon Valley (Jezreel Valley). But we're not talking about a literal place. We're talking about God's War of Armageddon. |
to tdion.
Both Adam and Eve sinned against God. Eve was deceived by Satan and followed his lead. And Adam, according to the apostle Paul, was not deceived (1 Timothy 2:14). Adam knew that he would die if he violated the will of God. And despite this, Adam, of his own free will, deliberately disobeyed his Creator. And since Adam was the head of the family, he is responsible for the actions of his wife Eve. |
Thanks. When Was Jesus Born? The Bible’s answer: The Bible does not give a specific date for the birth of Jesus Christ, as these reference works show: “The true birth date of Christ is unknown.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia. “The exact date of Christ’s birth is not known.”—Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. While the Bible does not directly answer the question, ‘When was Jesus born?’ it does describe two events surrounding his birth that lead many to conclude that he was not born on December 25, or Easter. Not in winter: The registration. Shortly before Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus issued a decree ordering “all the inhabited earth to be registered.” Everyone had to register in “his own city,” which might have required a journey of a week or more. (Luke 2:1-3) That order—probably made to support taxation and military conscription—would have been unpopular at any time of year, but it is unlikely that Augustus would have provoked his subjects further by forcing many of them to make long trips during the cold winter. The sheep. Shepherds were “living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.” (Luke 2:8) The book Daily Life in the Time of Jesus notes that flocks lived in the open air from “the week before the Passover [late March]” through mid-November. It then adds: “They passed the winter under cover; and from this alone it may be seen that the traditional date for Christmas, in the winter, is unlikely to be right, since the Gospel says that the shepherds were in the fields.” In early fall: We can estimate when Jesus was born by counting backward from his death on Passover, Nisan 14 in the spring of the year 33 C.E. (John 19:14-16) Jesus was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year ministry, so he was born in the early fall of 2 B.C.E.—Luke 3:23. |
Is God omnipresent?
Many people claim that God is omnipresent. Is it so? God sees everything and can act wherever he wants to (Proverbs 15: 3; Hebrews 4:13). However, the Bible does not teach that God is omnipresent, i.e. is present everywhere and in everything. According to her, God is a person and He dwells in a certain place. God does not live where physical laws operate, but in the spiritual realm. In this realm, in heaven, God has a "dwelling place ..." (1 Kings 8:30). The Bible tells how one day spirit creatures "came to present themselves before Jehovah." It follows that God dwells in a certain place (Job 1: 6). |
Jesus became High Priest when he was baptized in 29 C.E. e. Because by his baptism, Jesus showed that he was ready to sacrifice his own life on a symbolic altar representing the will of God. Read Gal. 1: 4; Heb. 10: 5-10 2. Jehovah, on the one hand, participates in the new agreement, and on the other, “the Israel of God,” spirit-born Christians who are in unity with Christ and constitute his body, or assembly. --Heb 8:10; 12: 22-24; Ch 6:15 , 16; 3: 26-28; Rm 2:28, 29). Jesus Christ is the mediator in this agreement. The new agreement was approved and put into effect at the same time. Because when Jesus ascended to heaven and gave God the value of a perfect human life as a ransom for us, the process of approving a new agreement began. The same process brought this agreement into effect. To tdion: Please show me a specific verse that says Jesus was born on Passover. I don't see it in the Bible. |
I do not want to argue with you.
There is a concept of intentional sin. And those who deliberately sinned against God will not be resurrected. And Adam and Eve sinned on purpose. It’s a pity you don’t understand this. All the best. |