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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 67
Larsi666 😽's photo
Fri 04/05/19 03:36 PM
Thinking ... what a match, what a weather laugh

calista29's photo
Fri 04/05/19 07:02 PM
Thinking....i deserve a good 8hrs.of sleep,at least.I'm like a walking zombie for being up for 20hrs. each day for close to a week now!:cry:

no photo
Fri 04/05/19 07:04 PM
Starting a new topic.

calista29's photo
Fri 04/05/19 07:06 PM

I already have a woman that I'm very happy with and very committed to. We wake each other in the morning. We share photos of all our meals. We try to video call everyday. We chat for hours each day. We help each other, and make each other better.

So why am I now constantly hounded by new suitors? At least 5 so far. Including friends who are suddenly confessing their feelings for me?

Last thing I want is to break a friend's heart. frustrated

Yay! Albeit this breaks my heart to hear....sad sad sad ....
But i am really happy for you,lynx!
All the very best buddy,keep the love burning!:wink: love :heart:

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Sat 04/06/19 12:54 AM

actionlynx's photo
Sat 04/06/19 08:42 AM
I should make lunch...
...but I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee!

no photo
Sat 04/06/19 09:46 AM
Thinking I spent way too much time in the store, but it's a beautiful day and good to get out of the house.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 04/06/19 11:35 AM
That I am going to bike back from Williamsburg to Yorktown.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 04/06/19 01:14 PM
Back in Yorktown. 28 miles total.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/06/19 03:53 PM
Thinking about... bed!

Narlycarnk's photo
Sat 04/06/19 04:20 PM

Thinking about... bed!

Always good to have another thing to look forward to.

I look forward to my dreams tonight :angel:

Copper Nitrogen Titanium's photo
Sat 04/06/19 08:28 PM
Edited by Copper Nitrogen Titanium on Sat 04/06/19 09:04 PM
I've got so much on my mind, the desire to share it ... yet here I sit fearing the vulnerability that comes with being open

calista29's photo
Sun 04/07/19 06:29 AM
Thinking for a summer getaway somewhere quiet after i done finish some commitments at work,hopefully by less than two weeks from now.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 04/07/19 02:52 PM
Edited by Poetrywriter on Sun 04/07/19 03:11 PM
Thinking there are a lot of misinformed people who think the earth is flat.

actionlynx's photo
Mon 04/08/19 04:42 PM
Edited by actionlynx on Mon 04/08/19 04:42 PM
Thinking about...
...too much.

My mind needs a rest. Then again, so does my body. It has been an eventful -- and stressful -- 24 hours.

no photo
Tue 04/09/19 02:48 PM
I'm thinking I need new glasses again... I could swear it's snowing outside noway

Big fluffy snowflakes... So cool but not now! laugh

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Tue 04/09/19 05:04 PM
It's all really too much

no photo
Tue 04/09/19 05:05 PM
thinking I ate way too much food

 Maria195's photo
Tue 04/09/19 06:35 PM
I'm thinking about how nice could be I can fall in love again. But the special men is out there somewhere I know smitten smooched

Liz's photo
Tue 04/09/19 06:45 PM
Thinking I don't like the premiere show The Code.

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