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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 67
Narlycarnk's photo
Wed 04/10/19 04:34 PM
I am thinking I should shape my life more around morals. I am too much of a relativist.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Fri 04/12/19 08:10 AM

Wondering why my car is the only one in the street that is covered in bird poop for the second day in a row :thinking:

Thinking ... was that the same bird, that pooped on me last night huh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 04/12/19 09:18 AM
Talk about birds...
I'm happy I saw a marsh harrier today :) Don't often see them here on this island. Also so a buzzard (buteo-buteo, not what you in the US call buzzard) and a kestrel.
Made my day. I particularly love kestrel & marsh harriers love

Narlycarnk's photo
Fri 04/12/19 09:34 AM

Marsh harrier

Larsi666 😽's photo
Fri 04/12/19 10:03 AM

Wondering why my car is the only one in the street that is covered in bird poop for the second day in a row :thinking:

Thinking ... was that the same bird, that pooped on me last night huh

Haha. Quite possibly but I'm pretty sure it was an albatross that pooped on my car judging by the amount. Had to wash the car yesterday due to the mess. I have a glass roof (not a sunroof) and the poop was blocking a lot of the light laugh

I just heard that plopp type of noise hitting my cycling helmet. And when I got home, I seen the outcome. Another one on the back of my jacket laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 04/12/19 10:14 AM


Marsh harrier

nice, Arfvedson love

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 04/12/19 10:15 AM

I just heard that plopp type of noise hitting my cycling helmet. And when I got home, I seen the outcome. Another one on the back of my jacket laugh

Ewww... hihi

Larsi666 😽's photo
Fri 04/12/19 11:15 AM
Okay. You have me waiting for good luck then :wink:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 04/12/19 04:35 PM
me's thinking... 1:33... excellent time to call it a day!

no photo
Fri 04/12/19 04:50 PM
Thinking it's time to cook dinner but I don't want to cook...

ivegotthegirth's photo
Fri 04/12/19 06:17 PM
Thinking I'll go out tonight and have a couple of beers/cocktails. Haven't been out for 5/6 weeks and I rarely drink but maybe tonight's the night...

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 04/12/19 09:01 PM
Thinking...after reading the political forum and seeing what a few of you think...
Explains a whole hellva lot noway

calista29's photo
Fri 04/12/19 10:23 PM
Thinking....whatever difficulties and circumstances confronted me.I should be constantly reminded that god have much better plans for me.

actionlynx's photo
Sat 04/13/19 08:57 AM
It is especially difficult being in an LDR when your partner is so busy that you can't even find time to just talk and have a conversation.

That is a good way to make your partner feel unimportant in your life.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/13/19 11:48 AM
Thinking it's really weird to say someone's walking in bare feet. You're not in them? We say -in Dutch then of course- you're ON bare feet.
Same with "In high heels"
Sounds so weird... You're not in the heels, nor in your feet. So confusing tongue2

topherj37's photo
Sat 04/13/19 01:10 PM
Thinking about how much I want a margarita right now.

Maelrom's photo
Sat 04/13/19 01:38 PM
Thinking that if I paid out a penny for every pretty faced scammer who contacted me, I'd be homeless for the next two lifetimes!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/13/19 03:00 PM
That I seriously can not believe how selfish some people are, and stupid at that for not even seeing it?
(NOT talking about anyone from Mingle!)

actionlynx's photo
Sun 04/14/19 08:47 AM
Is it really so difficult to just be honest?

 Maria195's photo
Sun 04/14/19 11:46 AM
I'm thinking about that it doesn't really matter anymore what HE thinks about me...I know who I am and what I'm standing for. Not taking hes BS

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