Topic: THE $20.00 DATE | |
$20 just got way too analytical up in my head! No need to stress yourself out Wylie . There are lots of great ideas offered in this thread :) |
Best date I ever had, no $$ was spent.
We went for a drive up the coast. He pulled over at a lookout point. Turned on the radio. He found a danceable channel and held out his hand. We got out of the car and danced under the stars overlooking the ocean. Sigh.. |
Best date I ever had, no $$ was spent. We went for a drive up the coast. He pulled over at a lookout point. Turned on the radio. He found a danceable channel and held out his hand. We got out of the car and danced under the stars overlooking the ocean. Sigh.. YES, perfect date for me too. |
$20 just got way too analytical up in my head! No need to stress yourself out Wylie . There are lots of great ideas offered in this thread :) No stress here, now if I were to only have $20 for a date I know where to look for ideas. Personally a portable BBQ and a scenic spot along the Snake river or one of the trout ponds here in Idaho came to mind. |
Peggy, if you ever come to Florida, I’ll take you there.
So the guy is easy on the eye, smells great , and the phone conversations are lovely! Time for the first date... But what if he only had $20.00 1) What kind of a date can you take someone on that's charming, but requires no more than $20.00? 2)And what enjoyable dates have you had in your life that didn't cost alot? Lordy Girl? I guess you never met anyone like me? I read your OP, didn't read anything at all after. First impression, You are extremely shallow. Perhaps you found grave in the replies but the first OP is telling me a story. You come across as being very materialistic. It doesn't matter why they only wanted to spend $20 on the date. What matters is that it was a big deal to you. Without reading what anyone else wrote... Lets just say that I have had many 'dates' where I had ZERO dollars committed to the "date". While that might be a foreign concept to some of you, it is important to me. See, if a woman is willing to be in my company no matter the dollar sign spent, it means she has the potential of being someone real that I might invest my life into. But, if she NEEDS me to spend money on her so she can feel important, she has greater self-esteem issues than what I am willing to tackle. I'm sure there are many really good responses to this thread. I don't need to read them to make a comment because I have lived this situation before and I need no insight on the subject. I do have a name I assign to women that put a price tag on how they judge me, SHALLOW. Whether you are shallow or not is not my concern. Mainly because I am not considering you as a potential match. If you were a potential match, this would be a certain deal breaker. Go find someone that thinks they can buy love. I appreciate the fact that OPs are subject to many interpretations , and I certainly won't dismiss yours Tom. From one perspective , this OP can be viewed as shallow and materialistic , and another perspective might be in the vein of fostering creativity and resourcefulness on a budget, which some might actually find helpful in the expensive times we live in. But your interpretation is just as valid as any. Always nice to see you Tom ![]() Thanx for the kind response. The topic set me back because I never really thought of you as shallow minded. I think I understand where you might want to go with this subject. More of an Idea Generator so people don't need to spend big bucks to try to impress their dates. With THAT in mind... There are many ways to be creative and make a great first impression without spending large sums of money. If I was a woman, looking for my someone special and the best they could come up with to impress me was to spend huge sums on money, they're not right for me. But, if they can show me a great time, with lots of personal communication and a sense of honest interest, that might just win my heart. I can drive you around town and you might have the best time of your life. Its because I am focused on us and not on the dollar sign. The things we do while we are getting to know each other is a two-way street. If we are not both contributing to the effort, the affair is lop-sided and lop-sided relationships rarely work out best for both parties. For UNDER $20 there are some activities we could do that allow us to get to know each other personally. I won't get into a list because that list is never-ending. Its never a problem when both parties actually WANT to be in each other's company. The dollar sign is really only in effect when one person or the other, or both, have a distorted view of what is actually important in building a relationship. There are some that look at 'dating' as a social activity. Nothing wrong with that as long as both parties are in agreement. Personally, that is not why I 'date'. But, to each their own. If you think about it, $20 isn't much at all anymore. Hell, any restaurant in my area charges $25-40 per plate and that doesn't include appetizers, drinks or tips. Even if you go to McDonald's you will spend $16 just to feed two healthy adults. Which movie theater can you pay for and get JUST popcorn for under $20? Hell, Ive paid $12 just to park at some festival. But, under $20 can be done and quite elegantly. The important thing to remember is the expectations of your date. $8 each to play putt-putt golf. $9 each to get into a museum attraction. Going rate locally, $28 per person (adult) to get into the Zoo and $36 per person to do the Zoo and the Aquarium. Cover charge at the local Blues joint $6 plus drinks. That's $12 just to get inside and you have to wait for hours to do that. I can take you to the park $free. Cook you a 1 inch think ribeye $9 for two, $3 for charcoal and we can play on the swings, walk the trails MAKE OUT by the river, watch the sunset and drive back to my place to watch nearly any movie you might desire. In the mean time, I will be the weirdest but most charmingly kind person you have ever met. When you leave, you will feel so good because I accepted you as you and never, once, laid some guilt trip on you as to how you should be. Then, when you get home and you're thinking about that "Cheap" date you just had with me you will start to giggle. AND that's when you call me and want to know when we can do it again. |
This is supposed to be a first time date and prefer that in the daytime. If I'm going by what my town has to offer, we could spend time in the park, if the weather is good. we could go to the bakery for a snack. I can drive a guy around my town and show him what I like. I personally don't like long first dates.
Is it a FIRST DATE or the initial meet?
See, people get confused on this. The first date is the first time you agree to dedicate significant time out of your schedule to spend time with that person to see if you two actually have anything worth pursuing. The initial meet (online dating) is to determine if that person really is who they pretend to be and to see if there is a physical karma between you worth pursuing. Meet & Greet: "Hi, I'm Tom, nice to meet you. Wanna get together and do something? Okay, how about 8pm Friday night? Here's my number, hit me up if you need a ride." Date: "Wow, you look fabulous, lets go get something to snack on and we can talk about what you want to do later. There's a new band playing at the 100 Men Hall tonight or we can go do something else. Have you seen The Mule or Bumble Bee yet? I know a place on the river that is very serene and you can watch the stars and lightning bugs will land on you. There's a party on the beach tonight, we could head over there and see whats going on. My buddy plays bass for a band that is supposed to be there." Then you actually go do something together. |
Tom, I agree and disagree at the same time. A first meet can be going to get a coffee and talk. I don't really think going to a bar to hear a band or go bowl in a bowling alley is a good date. That's very noisy. I'm using it as an example. Maybe go to a zoo, if you both like that.
Edited by
Mon 01/07/19 07:16 PM
Tom, I agree and disagree at the same time. A first meet can be going to get a coffee and talk. I don't really think going to a bar to hear a band or go bowl in a bowling alley is a good date. That's very noisy. I'm using it as an example. Maybe go to a zoo, if you both like that. Zoo, where you live the animals walk right through yards and bed up in hedges and borrow pits. I've done some work out there and ride motorcycles through sometimes. The bottom of a beer mug works as a spotting scope there! ;0) |
I like watching deer in my lawn.
hiking is a good date gives u time away from distractions great for really get a chance to spend time together pack a lunch and a blanket for a picnic with a nice scenic view
Tom, I agree and disagree at the same time. A first meet can be going to get a coffee and talk. I don't really think going to a bar to hear a band or go bowl in a bowling alley is a good date. That's very noisy. I'm using it as an example. Maybe go to a zoo, if you both like that. Yes, to each their own. The point is, there is a big difference between a meet and greet and an actual date. |
hiking is a good date gives u time away from distractions great for really get a chance to spend time together pack a lunch and a blanket for a picnic with a nice scenic view and make dinner home made chicken Alfredo parmesan cheese whipping cream noodles butter and chicken for 2 should be right around 20 and tastes better than olive garden
hiking is a good date gives u time away from distractions great for really get a chance to spend time together pack a lunch and a blanket for a picnic with a nice scenic view Again, it all depends on the two of you. I have been hiking on trails that cost me very little but then I have also been on hiking excursions that cost hundreds. I duistingish the difference by calling them differnt things. 'Hiking', which includes permist and gear and supplies and 'nature walks' which require only presense. |
I walk on trails alone, and becomes dangerous.
Nice dinner to get to know each other won't be a bad idea
I like watching deer in my lawn. Sounds nice! I gal I dated moved to the Black Hills and I visited once while at a family reunion. The whitetails would come up to her porch for snacks. |
Tom, I'm not being negative to you. I just have an opinion.