Topic: One random fact about yourself - part 3
pumpilicious ๐Ÿ’•'s photo
Tue 07/09/19 04:38 PM

I survived Hodgkin's lymphoma. Diagnosis came 2 days before Christmas. Will be 27 years this coming Christmas. Safe to say I fell into the 10% cure ratio for my stage and type. Hell yes....

That is wonderful & welcome to the forum!:sunglasses:

Ot:its refreshing to read something positive. Gives hope when it feels hopeless.

no photo
Wed 07/10/19 05:49 AM

I'm meaner then a riled up rattlesnake

I've charmed a few snakes in my day..smokin


Ot I'm tired of being sick

Sir Dino One Love โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ’š's photo
Wed 07/10/19 05:53 AM

I'm meaner then a riled up rattlesnake

I've charmed a few snakes in my day..smokin


Ot I'm tired of being sick

Is it self induced sickness from the weekend?
A big virtual hug and some lemonade sent from rainy Ireland anyhoo..winking

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 07/10/19 08:53 AM

With each day that passes, I am one more day closer to death!!

You can change your location, Sir.
Maybe, can win time to you that.winking
(by the way; i remembered youwaving )

Thank You, Brother, that is very kind of You to say waving

no photo
Wed 07/10/19 08:57 AM

I'm meaner then a riled up rattlesnake

I've charmed a few snakes in my day..smokin


Ot I'm tired of being sick

Is it self induced sickness from the weekend?
A big virtual hug and some lemonade sent from rainy Ireland anyhoo..winking

Partially laugh

Mrmxb's photo
Wed 07/10/19 11:39 AM
Edited by Mrmxb on Wed 07/10/19 11:40 AM

Generally i fatigue with work reason weekday.
I enjoy to drink much the black tea after shower and dinner.
I watch television or computer while i was drinking the tea.
(for example, like been right now)

I am tired also.waving

I have not had tea in years, but I like the taste.

Nice a black tea and nice a chat might resolve your fatigue.smile2
(the tea: Camellia sinensis)

I won't say a thing about i made each day a nice chat winking , but i might say i drank a nice black tea each day. waving

Mrmxb's photo
Wed 07/10/19 11:46 AM
Edited by Mrmxb on Wed 07/10/19 11:49 AM

With each day that passes, I am one more day closer to death!!

You can change your location, Sir.
Maybe, can win time to you that.winking
(by the way; i remembered youwaving )

Thank You, Brother, that is very kind of You to say waving

I very thank You, too. And You are very kind, too.waving

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 07/10/19 12:14 PM
It's my alter ego that posts on the forum. bigsmile

no photo
Wed 07/10/19 03:46 PM
I like visiting cats at the animal shelter.

Bastet127's photo
Wed 07/10/19 06:05 PM
Edited by Bastet127 on Wed 07/10/19 06:08 PM
I decorate grails for King Arthur Krewe for Mardi Gras.

no photo
Wed 07/10/19 06:24 PM
Bastet, what does that mean?

Bastet127's photo
Wed 07/10/19 06:36 PM

Bastet, what does that mean?

One of the floats for the mardi gras parade give away grails (chalices) that are decorated to the crowds. Kinda like the beads, but, grails lol. I decorate about 12 every year for it, a hot glue gun and lots of jewels, feathers, paints, imagination! Theyโ€™ve become a collectors item, so cool!

no photo
Wed 07/10/19 06:48 PM

Bastet, what does that mean?

One of the floats for the mardi gras parade give away grails (chalices) that are decorated to the crowds. Kinda like the beads, but, grails lol. I decorate about 12 every year for it, a hot glue gun and lots of jewels, feathers, paints, imagination! Theyโ€™ve become a collectors item, so cool!

Thatโ€™s awesome, Bastet! I bet they are really pretty...I like stuff like that bigsmile

OT: Iโ€™ve always wanted to go to a Renaissance Festival! drinker

Poetrywriter's photo
Wed 07/10/19 07:09 PM
My family tree shows that my family on my father's side is descended from a king in Scotland in the 1400's. I ought to go to Scotland to see if I have any "kissin cousins." drool

no photo
Wed 07/10/19 07:54 PM
Good to know, Bastet.

Rock's photo
Wed 07/10/19 09:25 PM
I once had a pet rattlesnake.
(timber rattler)

no photo
Fri 07/12/19 09:40 AM
If you have something to say to me then say it. If you beat around the bush or talk around me. I just assume you have no backbone.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Fri 07/12/19 12:38 PM
I like women who are attracted to human male invertebrates like me.laugh

pumpilicious ๐Ÿ’•'s photo
Sat 07/13/19 07:45 PM

Generally i fatigue with work reason weekday.
I enjoy to drink much the black tea after shower and dinner.
I watch television or computer while i was drinking the tea.
(for example, like been right now)

I am tired also.waving

I have not had tea in years, but I like the taste.

Nice a black tea and nice a chat might resolve your fatigue.smile2
(the tea: Camellia sinensis)

I won't say a thing about i made each day a nice chat winking , but i might say i drank a nice black tea each day. waving
maybe it is a good idea.

pumpilicious ๐Ÿ’•'s photo
Sat 07/13/19 07:51 PM

OT: Iโ€™ve always wanted to go to a Renaissance Festival! drinker

smitten renaissance is so fun! I have an outfit I wear.:princess:Haven't went in a few years thoughdrinks