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Topic: what made you smile today?
Jacob 's photo
Sun 03/15/20 05:49 PM
Hello beautiful

cityblues21's photo
Sun 03/15/20 06:02 PM
Music made me smile.. cranking tunes... sorry neighbor..

no photo
Mon 03/16/20 10:14 AM
Accidentally startling a red tail hawk when I looked out the kitchen window this morning made me smile.

no photo
Mon 03/16/20 10:24 AM
The conversations I had with people in the grocery store made me smile

cityblues21's photo
Tue 03/17/20 04:31 PM
What made me smile today: To realize that despite everything.. I still enjoy so many little things.. a good song, a tiny bud coming out on the tree, the daffodils slowly emerging from the green stem.. yes.. life is still good.

no photo
Tue 03/17/20 04:48 PM
My reflexology appointment made me smile. Learned a lot today.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 03/17/20 04:53 PM
Feeling all this love. I smiled quite a lot today smooched :smile: :heart:

Rock's photo
Wed 03/18/20 01:20 PM
Seeing the expression on a small child's
face, as she watched the stupidity of

no photo
Wed 03/18/20 02:08 PM
definitely not the new mail format

no photo
Wed 03/18/20 03:47 PM
Watching the show called Too Cute! on the Animal Planet, with all those kittens.

Divina's photo
Wed 03/18/20 04:14 PM
messages from people I consider friends here

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 03/18/20 05:00 PM
I smiled at a text msg I got unexpectedly!!!wow!!

no photo
Thu 03/19/20 03:41 PM
Tho a rocky start, this day has made me smile.

tiwa savage's photo
Tue 03/24/20 12:32 AM

potato420's photo
Tue 03/24/20 12:43 AM
my cat just had three kittens. they were premature (possibly because she's on antiepileptics) and she wasn't nursing them. she was abandoning them. but after scouring various forums for an hour or so I read a post of a woman who said she put the mom and babies in the carrier, cut off the amniotic sacs herself with a utility knife, and then mama nursed them. and it worked for me, holy macaroni. she's nursing them. i wonder how long i have to lock them up before she stops abandoning them. because they probably won't die, but it's mammal instinct to sometimes abandon premature babies in favor of yourself.

MIRIAM SANTIAGO has given birth to CRUSHER, DESTROYER, and MUTILATOR (ok those are temporary names cause i havent checked genitalia yet)

no photo
Sat 03/28/20 03:39 PM
Getting some sun atop my feet today made me smile.

no photo
Sat 03/28/20 04:00 PM

Getting some sun atop my feet today made me smile.

Same! I walked out back to the tank barefooted. We chased frogs a bit before laying in the grass laughing.

no photo
Sat 03/28/20 04:06 PM
Rolling my eyes at my daily messages lol :joy: men are funny :grin:

cityblues21's photo
Sat 03/28/20 05:02 PM
Some guy.. (sigh) who says he is just a "normal" guy.. lol.. but he isn't :heart:

cityblues21's photo
Sat 03/28/20 05:02 PM
Edited by cityblues21 on Sat 03/28/20 05:02 PM
also the rain finally stopping..

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