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Topic: Donald Trump accuses Robert Mueller
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Thu 08/23/18 02:04 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 08/23/18 02:06 AM

Trump tax cuts have caused owning a business to be profitable again. I had a couple of friends close their business back in 2012-2013. One had the irs visiting. They wanted more money than the business could provide. They damn sure didn't get any tax money after the business closed. Get it? When the country over taxes busuness, it isn't worth it.

The media has made the white house into a Jerry Springer show. I care about trumps ability to run the country not his sex life.

Can you imagine how many millions in tax revenue will be lost if cohen goes to prison? Think about that Democrats.

Here's How America's Biggest Companies Are Spending Their Trump Tax Cuts (It's Not on New Jobs)


If the links aren't clickable, Highlight it, Right click, click go to link.

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Thu 08/23/18 02:19 AM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

out of curiosity.. if it doesn't bother you how he talks or treats women, or disabled people. or that he is doing his best to destroy our environment by rolling back regulations that were working in helping to fight pollution, he doesn't seem to care about the animals of our planet. He is constantly caught in lies and acts that a sore loser pre-k child that doesn't think before he tweets..... Is there anything he can do that you would open your eyes and see how vile this man really is? Anything?
yes, if he had his FBI spy on a presidential candidate. Like Obama did. Or if he destroyed government equipment to cover-up illegal acts like Hillary did, but all you hear from two faced democrats is how guilty trump is at something, they don't know what but he's guilty. Grow up and be constructive instead of destructive.

Some more of that far right made up as you go crap, Obama never spied on Trump. Just some more of that crap Trump spews and certain ones believe it.


Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/23/18 02:20 AM

Trump tax cuts have caused owning a business to be profitable again. I had a couple of friends close their business back in 2012-2013. One had the irs visiting. They wanted more money than the business could provide. They damn sure didn't get any tax money after the business closed. Get it? When the country over taxes busuness, it isn't worth it.

The media has made the white house into a Jerry Springer show. I care about trumps ability to run the country not his sex life.

Can you imagine how many millions in tax revenue will be lost if cohen goes to prison? Think about that Democrats.

Here's How America's Biggest Companies Are Spending Their Trump Tax Cuts (It's Not on New Jobs)


If the links aren't clickable, Highlight it, Right click, click go to link.

It's their money to spend however they want. It doesn't change the fact the tax cuts are creating new jobs. I know today I get my first pay. Most workers are investors also. I know because I'm one of them. Gov't has had too much control over people. This is supposed to be a country of freedom.


msharmony's photo
Thu 08/23/18 02:29 AM
Roughly half of all households don’t have a cent invested in stocks, whether through a 401(k) account or shares in General Electric. That leaves half the population with some exposure to financial market whims, but as Mr. Boshara said, “some exposure can be 100 bucks.”

“If you look at where the money is really held, it’s among the top 10 percent,” he said. “And if you break it down by age, race and education and parental education, you’ll see the disparities are even larger.” Parents who lack a four-year degree and, later on, their children are much less likely to have a direct stake in the stock market than college graduates;


Its hard to discern what 'most' do or have by only gauging our own situation.

I dont know what is to be discerned from it, but I have read and observed how the rich have kept getting richer decade after decade, whether the economy was good or bad, and during times for others that were both good and bad, which leads me to believe, making the wealthy wealthier is not an equation that automatically means better means for everyone else, or job creation.

no photo
Thu 08/23/18 02:33 AM
Let's add cronyism to some of that vileness.


The man hasn't even stepped into jail yet and Trump is already ready to pardon him.

Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:43 AM
The non working of course don't have 401k or investments. The other part is because most people take out their 401k when they leave a company. America is not made up of savers. That doesn't mean they can't afford investment. It means they chose getting nails done, a pair a jordans, or that new car they didn't need.
So let's not over tax corporation because most Americans are irresponsible. I have friends who put dinner on credit cards but have good salaries.

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/23/18 08:43 AM

The non working of course don't have 401k or investments. The other part is because most people take out their 401k when they leave a company. America is not made up of savers. That doesn't mean they can't afford investment. It means they chose getting nails done, a pair a jordans, or that new car they didn't need.
So let's not over tax corporation because most Americans are irresponsible. I have friends who put dinner on credit cards but have good salaries.

I was addressing the falacy that 'most' are investors because YOU invest.

Data from the Census Bureau suggests that as little as 14% of all employers offer a 401(k), yet Census researchers recently estimated that 79% of Americans work for an employer that sponsors a 401(k)-style retirement plan. How is that possible? Large companies that employ high numbers of workers are the most likely to sponsor retirement plans.

All that said, not everyone who's offered an employer-sponsored plan actually takes advantage of it. Of those 79% of Americans who get the choice to fund a 401(k), only 41% opt to participate. As such, just 32% of the total workforce is saving in a 401(k).


Easttowest72's photo
Thu 08/23/18 09:54 AM
It's irresponsible for people not to save for retirement. Most companies contribute. My son's company contributed about $5000 the 1st quarter of this year. I skipped 401k when I was younger but I was making extra mortgage payments. We can't run America based on the people who don't try to succeed. Social security was set up for this problem.

no photo
Thu 08/23/18 11:28 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 08/23/18 11:29 AM
I think the little dictator wannabe is starting to squirm about Cohen.


This time, it really is like Watergate — and Trump is making the same mistakes.


Where is Congress?

no photo
Thu 08/23/18 11:45 AM
congress is cowering, and sniveling.
congress is considering their own self interests rather than doing the peoples business or protecting the union for all americans, as is their JOB.
congress is supporting the damage being done by the executive branch.
congress is shockingly silent on REAL issues confronting our nation after 8 years of shouting over fake issues during the previous administration.

congress is in hiding.

no photo
Thu 08/23/18 01:29 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Thu 08/23/18 01:38 PM
Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'.

Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy.


Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man.

And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air.

BlakeIAM's photo
Thu 08/23/18 02:09 PM

Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'.

Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy.


Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man.

And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air.

Charles, we get it already you do not like President Trump.
But to say he should be an insult to every real American is 100% out of line.

Basically what you are saying is that anyone who is a Trump supporter isn't an American.

That is ridiculous and obviously untrue.

I know a whole lot of Marines and law enforcement officers that would highly disagree with that nonsensical statement you made among many others as well.

I think you are an okay guy Charles, but that statement was waaaaaaaay out of line.

no photo
Thu 08/23/18 03:59 PM

Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'.

Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy.


Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man.

And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air.

Charles, we get it already you do not like President Trump.
But to say he should be an insult to every real American is 100% out of line.

Basically what you are saying is that anyone who is a Trump supporter isn't an American.

That is ridiculous and obviously untrue.

I know a whole lot of Marines and law enforcement officers that would highly disagree with that nonsensical statement you made among many others as well.

I think you are an okay guy Charles, but that statement was waaaaaaaay out of line.

OK, It sounds like another Republican double standard. It's OK for Trump followers to say that people who don't follow Trump, should all be shot. Or that they are un-American.

Yes sir, I read. I read a lot. I see a lot of nonsense posted by Trump followers. But we are not supposed to be offended?

Of course, Trump followers, Most of them choose to live in the dark. They would rather stick there heads in the sand and believe nothing except what "God Trump" says. And be offended by everything else that doesn't fit in their little bubble.

And as usual, Trump followers can't take what they dish out. At least I prove out what I post. That seems to be something that most Trump supporters can't do. So, I apologize if you are offended by facts. Whether you want to believe them or not.

And please, feel free to post your links that prove out what you say. I guarantee you that I will not be offended at all. I would like to see a Trump supporter prove out some of what they say. Instead of just spewing what they think, (and their hate) and it is true because Ernest next door said so.

Me, I'm more offended by stupidity than anything else. So, if you can prove me wrong, go right ahead. It's an open forum. You can say what you want. At least within reason. But, if you can't back it up, it's just empty words. If you think anything I've posted is wrong or untrue, You are welcome to prove it out to be if you can.

But please, say something besides, fake news, or but Hillary or, but Obama. That's getting old. And it never was an excuse.

BlakeIAM's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:15 PM

Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'.

Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy.


Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man.

And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air.

Charles, we get it already you do not like President Trump.
But to say he should be an insult to every real American is 100% out of line.

Basically what you are saying is that anyone who is a Trump supporter isn't an American.

That is ridiculous and obviously untrue.

I know a whole lot of Marines and law enforcement officers that would highly disagree with that nonsensical statement you made among many others as well.

I think you are an okay guy Charles, but that statement was waaaaaaaay out of line.

OK, It sounds like another Republican double standard. It's OK for Trump followers to say that people who don't follow Trump, should all be shot. Or that they are un-American.

Yes sir, I read. I read a lot. I see a lot of nonsense posted by Trump followers. But we are not supposed to be offended?

Of course, Trump followers, Most of them choose to live in the dark. They would rather stick there heads in the sand and believe nothing except what "God Trump" says. And be offended by everything else that doesn't fit in their little bubble.

And as usual, Trump followers can't take what they dish out. At least I prove out what I post. That seems to be something that most Trump supporters can't do. So, I apologize if you are offended by facts. Whether you want to believe them or not.

And please, feel free to post your links that prove out what you say. I guarantee you that I will not be offended at all. I would like to see a Trump supporter prove out some of what they say. Instead of just spewing what they think, (and their hate) and it is true because Ernest next door said so.

Me, I'm more offended by stupidity than anything else. So, if you can prove me wrong, go right ahead. It's an open forum. You can say what you want. At least within reason. But, if you can't back it up, it's just empty words. If you think anything I've posted is wrong or untrue, You are welcome to prove it out to be if you can.

But please, say something besides, fake news, or but Hillary or, but Obama. That's getting old. And it never was an excuse.

Actually I cannot say what I want because it will be deleted.

And, you sir never actually commented directly on the issue that I brought up.
Instead you dug an even deeper hole .

You speak in a manner that all Trump supporters are alike and that is foolish to say the least.
And spare us with your "facts" and rhetoric.
Because that is what actually is old and lame.

And yes you do seem quite offended so don't pretend you are not when your posts CLEARLY paint a different picture.

Seems like you are the one spewing forth hatred that you accuse others of doing.

And don't even bring up standards as you say because if it wasn't for double standards liberals like you wouldn't have ANY.

That being said , what do you say regarding your statement (that you obviously deflected) that Trump should be an insult to any "real Ametican"?

Don't deflect again , answer that simple question.
You sir have insulted millions of real Americans with that unfounded, foolish statement.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:37 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 08/23/18 04:39 PM
Trump is not guilty of anything yet but trying to increase economy in America and put many unemployed people back to work.

Why BASH a hand that feeds you! (, Medaphor)

YOUR president, like him or not He's YOURS.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:43 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 08/23/18 04:45 PM
Leftest want Trump out so they can Replace him with another Obama !

Hopefully that never happens!!!

Wake up. People your sleep in America.

BlakeIAM's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:48 PM

Leftest want Trump out so they can Replace him with another Obama !

Hopefully that never happens!!!

Wake up. People your sleep in America.

Hammer meet nail.

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:58 PM

We have been lied to our whole lives by the media and by our government and that's a fact,but what some people don't realize is that they are trying to make Trump's lies such a big deal and impeach him so that they can put Hillary or someone just as bad as Obama in his place ..this is the agenda and this is what will happen..and they will DESTROY our country..

We KNOW for a fact that our government has lied to us from the beginning and the media has helped this along..I would much rather have a president that lies and is trying to better this country for the PEOPLE..than one who lies and wants to DESTROY this country and that is where the difference lies..that is what's important..THEY ALL LIE..what matters is the degree of their lies and their effects

Their agenda is to get Trump out and replace him with someone worse..What makes Trump's lies worse than others is the fact that they want to replace him with someone who trafficks children rapes them and sacrafices them in the name of Lucifer their God..WAKE THE F UP people you are only being used to fulfill their agenda...




msharmony's photo
Thu 08/23/18 04:58 PM
please explain how insulting and lumping all 'leftists' together is better or worse than lumping all trump supporters together?

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 08/23/18 05:08 PM
AT this time we feel this thread has run it's course and will be locked..

Make sure to keep all threads to a civil debate..insulting/bashing/attacking is not being civil..

Do not direct response towards other member stick to the topic!

Forum Admin

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