Community > Posts By > Charles1962
Trump: 'If I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash'. Wow! He thinks we can't do without him? It will recover. Such a humble guy. Some just can't take the truth. They live in their own little bubble where truth and facts mean nothing. But alternate facts, what some "think" is the truth, half-truths and whole lies mean everything. So far, 4 pages worth of proof that Trump supporters are standing behind the wrong man. And Congress, They are just as bad. They sit back and let this man-child belittle our Gov to the world like it's a three-ring sideshow. The man should be an insult to every real American. Every day, it's almost like the "Apprentice" never went off the air. Charles, we get it already you do not like President Trump. But to say he should be an insult to every real American is 100% out of line. Basically what you are saying is that anyone who is a Trump supporter isn't an American. That is ridiculous and obviously untrue. I know a whole lot of Marines and law enforcement officers that would highly disagree with that nonsensical statement you made among many others as well. I think you are an okay guy Charles, but that statement was waaaaaaaay out of line. OK, It sounds like another Republican double standard. It's OK for Trump followers to say that people who don't follow Trump, should all be shot. Or that they are un-American. Yes sir, I read. I read a lot. I see a lot of nonsense posted by Trump followers. But we are not supposed to be offended? Of course, Trump followers, Most of them choose to live in the dark. They would rather stick there heads in the sand and believe nothing except what "God Trump" says. And be offended by everything else that doesn't fit in their little bubble. And as usual, Trump followers can't take what they dish out. At least I prove out what I post. That seems to be something that most Trump supporters can't do. So, I apologize if you are offended by facts. Whether you want to believe them or not. And please, feel free to post your links that prove out what you say. I guarantee you that I will not be offended at all. I would like to see a Trump supporter prove out some of what they say. Instead of just spewing what they think, (and their hate) and it is true because Ernest next door said so. Me, I'm more offended by stupidity than anything else. So, if you can prove me wrong, go right ahead. It's an open forum. You can say what you want. At least within reason. But, if you can't back it up, it's just empty words. If you think anything I've posted is wrong or untrue, You are welcome to prove it out to be if you can. But please, say something besides, fake news, or but Hillary or, but Obama. That's getting old. And it never was an excuse. |