Topic: Donald Trump accuses Robert Mueller
msharmony's photo
Tue 08/21/18 08:40 PM

Ok, lets look at this another way.

Why do you dems keep defending the elitists? (To me, they're low life garbage with money) They want power. They would't give you the time of day, normally. Obama SHOULD have been busy elevating the African Americans. He did zilch. The elite want to take our freedoms away from us. According to them, we should serve them, without question. What do they want? Your vote, nothing more. They promise everything-but you get nothing once they are in power.

I honestly don't think you dems are capable of thinking independently.

Normally, a president CANNOT isolate one group above others, they are called the president of UNITED STATES, not president of the elite, or president of whites or blacks ...

He lead us away from a depression, and toward the riddance of the orchestrator of 9/11.

as far as black people though, he came in with the unemployment for AA at 12.7 and left with it at 7.8, that is almost a 5 point change ... one of the largest of any presidency.

Workin4it's photo
Tue 08/21/18 08:49 PM

t-Rump needs to be kept in the news.. the man is a moron. I hope Manafort and Cohen sing like canaries. There is NOTHING good about him.. If you watch the body language of his wife... She doesn't even want to be around him... Anyone that is ok with what he is doing.. should move to Russia. We will get our Country back and fix what damage has been done by that whiny twitter happy jerk.
lol, keep dreaming.the silent majority that got Mr.Trump elected will be at the polls again in November to vote out the far left nut jobs and replace them with pro-Trump legislators . Count on it. The surveys were wrong then and their wrong now.

msharmony's photo
Tue 08/21/18 08:52 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 08/21/18 09:00 PM
never count anyone out, or in ... its a toss up in politics.

the elections are largely a numbers game, so turnout is important, but in this past election 90 percent of republicans supported Trump and 89 percent of democrats supported Hilary

the biggest difference then, was in the independent vote which went 48 to 42 to trump, and the difference in the popular vote from the electoral reflected how close that was. But 10 percent of independents didnt vote.

so I predict, next election, republicans will OVERWHELMINGLY vote Trump, democrats will OVERWHELMINGLY vote for the democrat, and the independents can go either way and make all the difference.

no photo
Tue 08/21/18 09:21 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 08/21/18 09:25 PM

So, It's OK to start a thread and post what you think you know. With nothing to back it up.

But it's bashing when you post the truth with something you can back up. Like a URL.

Many of you will get on these threads and argue page after page of what you think. Very seldom do you back it up with facts.

I started a thread from fact. It really happened. But that's bashing.

No sir. It's not bashing. It's telling the truth based on fact. Our president does things like this on a daily basis almost. But many of you seem to choose to ignore it.

I see thread, after thread, With praises of Trump. Most of those threads are not based on fact. So, I decided to post a thread for once that is based on fact.

If you can argue page after page based on what you think. You should be able to argue your point based on fact. And that is why I started this thread.

Bashing has nothing to do with it.:thumbsup: waving
I don't care about your so called facts. I admit I couldn't view your URL but it's probally has the usuall liberal slant to it. But the fact is whatever trump acused him of is probally true. And hopefully republicans will hold the house and after the which hunt is over the much needed and Honest unbiased investigation of the corruption and collusion of the justice dept. and the DNC and Hillary. Than and only than will the people have trust for them

Thank you, sir. You just proved one of my points. "Ignorance is bliss for some people".

If the link is un-clickable, all you have to do is highlight it, right click it, tell Google to go find it. And it will.

I know how most of you Trump cultist seem to think. If it doesn't shine the brightest light possible on the dictator wannabe, it has a "liberal" slant on it. I forgot about that one. That's another excuse Trump supporters use when they can't explain away something that Trump has done.

We are three pages. And still not one Trump supporter has been able to explain away, in a factual way, the link I posted.

I wondered how long it was going to take before someone, But, Hillery. Deflection.

caasee's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:08 PM
what got him elected were the people that didn't vote!..

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:12 PM
Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

caasee's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:13 PM
scary world we are in... so he is sick about what is happening to Manafort, seems to care less that people in Flint still don't have clean drinking water. Has he ever addressed this? Asking.. since I haven't heard of him saying anything.

caasee's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:14 PM
scary world we are in... so he is sick about what is happening to Manafort, seems to care less that people in Flint still don't have clean drinking water. Has he ever addressed this? Asking.. since I haven't heard of him saying anything.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:17 PM
Flints water problem is a local gov't issue. The president has bigger fish to fry.

caasee's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:28 PM
Edited by caasee on Tue 08/21/18 11:29 PM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

out of curiosity.. if it doesn't bother you how he talks or treats women, or disabled people. or that he is doing his best to destroy our environment by rolling back regulations that were working in helping to fight pollution, he doesn't seem to care about the animals of our planet. He is constantly caught in lies and acts that a sore loser pre-k child that doesn't think before he tweets..... Is there anything he can do that you would open your eyes and see how vile this man really is? Anything?

no photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:52 PM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

out of curiosity.. if it doesn't bother you how he talks or treats women, or disabled people. or that he is doing his best to destroy our environment by rolling back regulations that were working in helping to fight pollution, he doesn't seem to care about the animals of our planet. He is constantly caught in lies and acts that a sore loser pre-k child that doesn't think before he tweets..... Is there anything he can do that you would open your eyes and see how vile this man really is? Anything?

don't hold your breath.
(well, maybe for the smog poisened air...)

caasee's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:56 PM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

out of curiosity.. if it doesn't bother you how he talks or treats women, or disabled people. or that he is doing his best to destroy our environment by rolling back regulations that were working in helping to fight pollution, he doesn't seem to care about the animals of our planet. He is constantly caught in lies and acts that a sore loser pre-k child that doesn't think before he tweets..... Is there anything he can do that you would open your eyes and see how vile this man really is? Anything?

don't hold your breath.
(well, maybe for the smog poisened air...)

don't hold your breath??? I was looking for a legitimate answer.. because it seems like he can do NOTHING wrong...... people still will vote for him... I wasn't a huge Hillary supporter. but she was better than him. just wait... something else even worse will be exposed.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 08/22/18 12:39 AM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

out of curiosity.. if it doesn't bother you how he talks or treats women, or disabled people. or that he is doing his best to destroy our environment by rolling back regulations that were working in helping to fight pollution, he doesn't seem to care about the animals of our planet. He is constantly caught in lies and acts that a sore loser pre-k child that doesn't think before he tweets..... Is there anything he can do that you would open your eyes and see how vile this man really is? Anything?

Have you ever been around men? I've listened to coworkers say a lot worse. It's called being a man. What has Trump done now? Tried to kiss a woman?

I've made fun of a gimp I used to work with. I bet you have too. You don't seem to mind insulting when it suits your agenda.

If you want a better planet have power shut off at your home and ride a bike to work. I bet you have the a.c. jack up right now. :neutral_face:
The most wasteful are usually the ones crying about the planet. .

What makes Trump vile?

no photo
Wed 08/22/18 12:39 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 08/22/18 12:52 AM

Democrats Still can't accept Hillary lost. :joy: Just wait till November, you'll have something else to cry about.

Another deflection. No one on this thread so far has said anything about Hillary. Just the same deflection Trump supporters give when they can't say anything else.

Either way, that really doesn't matter anymore. What does, This is no longer about party politics, Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. It is about criminal behavior and none of these groups are free of that. As Americans, we should all be able to agree that someone who cheats and has for years, should be held accountable. This is not about left v/s right. This is about right v/s wrong.

And what makes Trump so vile? How about this for starters,

Lets add racists on to that,

How about him being sexist?

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 08/22/18 12:41 AM
I'm getting in the shower. The economy is booming and I have a 10 hour work day ahead of me. You democrats should take advantage of what Trump has done for our country instead of complaining.

no photo
Wed 08/22/18 01:04 AM

I'm getting in the shower. The economy is booming and I have a 10 hour work day ahead of me. You democrats should take advantage of what Trump has done for our country instead of complaining.

I haven't heard anyone complain yet. Just stating the truth. But still, not one Trump supporter has tried to explain away the original story posted at the beginning of this thread. So far, just a lot of deflection.

msharmony's photo
Wed 08/22/18 01:10 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 08/22/18 01:26 AM
Vile synonyms

foul, nasty, unpleasant, bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, hateful, nauseating, sickening
foul(obscene, profane)

“She gets out there and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions, and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her … wherever.”

"Grab ’em by the *****. You can do anything."

nasty ( behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.)

"When you’re in business, you get even with people that screw you. And you screw them 15 times harder." (karma may kick him in the butt for that one, I am guessing he has 'screwed' over plenty in his lifetime)

“Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!”

“Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

I find it most interesting that so many claim they were drawn to him for not being a politician, but then excuse whatever he does by saying how normal it is for other politicians ... and stranger still that people do not expect any better behavior from a POTUS in their prime years than they do young athletes or colleagues at the workplace ...

...but thats just me. He is a successful salesman, I will never deny that.

Easttowest72's photo
Wed 08/22/18 02:19 AM
I've said a lot worse than that and I'm a pretty good person. I'm sure you people have too. Why can't democrats focus on the issues facing our country. :thinking:

What is this thread about? Nobody seems to be talking about any real issue.

no photo
Wed 08/22/18 04:07 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 08/22/18 04:41 AM

Wrong Charles .someone did say something about the EVIL QUEEN Hillary ..I did at the bottom of page one..DO you not read your own thread..spock And I also tried your yahoo link but for some reason my computer can't find that page..But no need to worry about the mid terms..the numbers are up..and as far as what was that Ms.H were you referring to Obama getting rid of the orchestrator of 9/11..When did Obama get rid of the CIA..and George W.?..

And you're right maybe some of the things Trump says aren't politically correct but come on people all those who may claim to be HOLIER than thou can all of you honestly say that there aren't things you have said that you wouldn't want recorded..Give me a break "FAKE PEOPLE"..hmm I should coin that phrase...smokin

no photo
Wed 08/22/18 11:16 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Wed 08/22/18 11:19 AM
It's getting even more interesting,

If the link isn't clickable, Highlight it, Right click, click go to link.