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Topic: is distance really a problem to honest emot?
CYN451's photo
Mon 08/13/18 06:42 AM
i do not think so. well that is my point of view and i would love to know what others think.

no photo
Mon 08/13/18 06:46 AM
No. not at all, I enjoy sitting on a plane for 6 hours just to go and maybe get laid. Gives you time to think about it.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 08/13/18 07:05 AM
Emotions are purely personal.
When somebody feels an emotion it is an honest emotion.
The deception is in how people display their emotions to others.
Distance is not a factor in deception.
Communication is.
Then you have those times when the emotions displayed are not what is perceived.
Someone might be displaying frustration at circumstances and it is perceived that they are displaying anger with a specific person.

What commonly happens is people project their own emotions onto others expecting them to feel the emotions they chose to assign to them.
This is a form of delusion.
Nobody lives behind your eyes and you live behind nobody else's eyes.

Distance does affect communication but not the honesty of emotions.
Distance can affect your ability to understand other people's emotional display because you don't have all the pertinent feedback you have in person.

Kennit's photo
Tue 08/14/18 11:28 AM
I second that

Rock's photo
Tue 08/14/18 11:35 AM
Distance can definitely be a problem.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 08/14/18 11:38 AM
If your special someone is poxy far away, and you just want to have that person in your arms ... aye ... it is a big problem alright

no photo
Tue 08/14/18 12:13 PM
Distance is a problem for me because my state dept. of probation issued ankle bracelet only allows me to go 1/4 mile from my home

So.. can you come over to my place?

no photo
Tue 08/14/18 12:25 PM
Yes, I met men inperson from SC and NM hundreds of miles from me , however someone would have to move and at that time it wasn't going to be Me.
Point is for a Relationship to work you have to be in same City together.
Men want their Women CLOSE. I


swapnil7877's photo
Sun 08/19/18 10:50 AM

no photo
Sun 08/19/18 11:02 AM
it would be difficult for me.

thakurNav's photo
Sun 08/19/18 11:02 AM

Stu's photo
Sun 08/19/18 11:14 AM

No. not at all, I enjoy sitting on a plane for 6 hours just to go and maybe get laid. Gives you time to think about it.

Damnit man.. rofl

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 08/19/18 05:02 PM
Not to be mean, but when someone not from the States or another Western country asks that question, "long distance" usually boils down to "another country" a.k.a. "a Western country" which in turn makes me wonder if it's really about love or a better life and a green card.

I have yet to see someone from non-Western countries ask this question about long distance within their own country or another non-Western country on their own continent.

no photo
Mon 08/20/18 01:56 AM
no problem

AvonIN's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:13 PM
Yes it's a problem.

no photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:17 PM
Distance is a problem.

Stu's photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:18 PM
Yes. Plain and simple.

no photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:29 PM
All those times I've watched Catfish on MTV, and so many people talk on the phone for years and never meet. They say they are in love. That's not love.

no photo
Sun 08/26/18 06:52 PM

All those times I've watched Catfish on MTV, and so many people talk on the phone for years and never meet. They say they are in love. That's not love.
I have just started watching this show .. it is hilarious ..the women are all massive or using someone else's photos .. the men are usually married .

no photo
Sun 08/26/18 08:01 PM
Blondey, you have to watch Catfish m0re often. All kinds of things happen.

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