Topic: Non Responsive Women - Why? | |
That is the thing Catinidaho
you're damned if you do and damned if you dont, In polite society replying back is what one is suppose to do. But Some men ( and women) cannot take rejections and they send you nasty rejoinders or bug you to either reconsider or nag you into answering what is wrong with them? Ive adopted what Fervid Heart said " no response is still a response" and if they continue to send messages, my block feature kicks in. |
Hi all, I've been having some difficulty getting responses to messages I send, and am wondering what's wrong, or if this is normal.
I have a vague understanding that possibly there are many more men using online dating than women, and perhaps they are bombarded with messages -- too many to reply to. If you're a woman, is this your experience? Men, do many of your messages go unanswered? The alternative is of course unpleasant for me to think about, that I'm just totally failing with many of my attempts. My messages are generally about the length of this post I'm writing now, and I usually spend at least an hour thinking of something relevant to say, as related to the person's profile and shared interests. So there you have it. Do women get too many messages? Am I failing? Something else? Stats over three weeks: 19 messages sent, 6 replies. (This is not a complaint post. I am pleased to receive the responses I got.) there's also this thing called ignore if you're not into someone. dunno where it started or who all sanctioned it, but it is an irritation. it leaves you hanging as to whether they missed it; was too busy to respond, and then forgot; wanted time to think on it, or decided to blow you off for one reason or another. it's today's norm in on-line dating etiquette, like it or not. there's also the issue, like us guys, where they are bombarded by sex-bots, and other unscrupulous messages from the opposite gender. it is possible your messages look a little too similar... could you show us a typical contact message from you? |
Think of it in terms of the real world .. if you were in a room full of women .. you catch a woman's eye and you smile at her .. but she doesn't smile back .. what would you do .. hopefully her body language just told you she is not interested .
Unfortunately in the online messaging world you do not get to see a person's body language .. so if someone does not respond .. take it they are not interested , respect their choice , leave it at that and Don't get disheartened .. it is supposed to be fun ![]() ![]() |
Good one, Blondey.
Hi cat .. I do understand their frustration .. many women
Expect men to make the first move .. that can be daunting and then not to get a response .. can leave them wondering what the problem is . |
there's also this thing called ignore if you're not into someone. dunno where it started or who all sanctioned it, but it is an irritation. it leaves you hanging as to whether they missed it; was too busy to respond, and then forgot; wanted time to think on it, or decided to blow you off for one reason or another. it's today's norm in on-line dating etiquette, like it or not. there's also the issue, like us guys, where they are bombarded by sex-bots, and other unscrupulous messages from the opposite gender. it is possible your messages look a little too similar... could you show us a typical contact message from you? I know it can be frustrating but the reality is, a no response is a response. Yes I know in polite society is best to respond to everyone, but the facts are if you respond to everyone you will be online all night long, because some people cannot take rejection. Women on the most part receive 2 to 4x message as men depending on their age group and the messages they receive from show us your t-its, to sex question, to ridiculous out in left field questions , cut and paste, fishing messages. and if she attractive ? forget about it. Ask any attractive women on here how many messages she receives , she cannot answer them all, which is why they say have good pics to at least get her attention. and if they read your profile and the profiles blows its bye bye. |
Well, more pictures for sure ... one where can see your the white of your teeth when you are smiling. And a picture from the waist up is always nice. fill in the profile -- OMG yes !! ... a fully filled out profile shows how seriously a person is about meeting someone. And there might be a gal who likes your picture and nope, there's no words. Can't say about other gals ... I know for myself that I can get up to 100 emails in one week and then it tapers off -- to about 2 or 3 messages a day. Between eliminating the spammers, married / attached men pretending to be single, the guys looking for a hook-up -- it is gruelling. I usually only last one or two weeks on a site and have to leave for a while. I guess a lot of guys use the shotgun approach of sending out generic messages. I see short profile .... think that a guy doesn't think women are worth the effort and that does not translate well on the intimacy side of a relationship. Your profile has to touch a woman's heart .... show your human side ... let a gal glimpse your head and heart .... Imagine it is your gal's birthday ... how would you make it special? How to do treat a gal who is the love of your life? ![]() |
100% agree
OP said:
" and perhaps they are bombarded with messages -- too many to reply to" That's funny as hell right there... ![]() I don't know any women that get "bombarded" with messages.. Maybe if she's under 30.....There's a lot of "thirsty" guys looking for a hookup in that age group.. |
Hi all, I've been having some difficulty getting responses to messages I send, and am wondering what's wrong, or if this is normal. I have a vague understanding that possibly there are many more men using online dating than women, and perhaps they are bombarded with messages -- too many to reply to. If you're a woman, is this your experience? Men, do many of your messages go unanswered? The alternative is of course unpleasant for me to think about, that I'm just totally failing with many of my attempts. My messages are generally about the length of this post I'm writing now, and I usually spend at least an hour thinking of something relevant to say, as related to the person's profile and shared interests. So there you have it. Do women get too many messages? Am I failing? Something else? Stats over three weeks: 19 messages sent, 6 replies. (This is not a complaint post. I am pleased to receive the responses I got.) Your profile is fine and I understand your concern about the lack of replies. There is only one logical thing to do friggin lie... tell them you are dashing.. you are a poet, a writer. Tell them you are a hopeless romantic. Throw in some land wealth and promises of fine dining in exotic places.. bingo.. in box flooded. the key to success is to lie. no need to thank me Greeneyes |
hi how are you
I think it is the women that join certain dating sites. I must have sent out well over a hundred messages on here and have had only 3-4 conversations . Nothing to indicate someone may actually meet. The site I was on before this one, I probably had 1 or 2 contacts a week and had the opportunity to meet someone every couple months. The other dating site I'm currently on, I have been there 3 weeks with multiple contacts. I have already had a meet and greet with plans for a followup. I also have one I expect to meet in the near future when we can make schedules fit. I have to believe it is the type of woman that is attracted to certain dating sites.
Well, some guys write to me with no picture and have "no answer" on everything. All I know is where they are from and an age, and maybe that is fake. My filters are for older men and they have photos. I get dozens of friends request from foreigners , no photos and young. I have to delete daily and that is getting old. This site is slow for dating unless you are in a Larger City. Where there are lots of available Men. ![]() ![]() |
In seven years of doing this, I've gotten a couple dates with one woman, three meets, and that's it. Hundreds of messages sent out, a couple replies.
What keeps me here, is the forums. No forums, no me. To say I'm fed up with women in general, and that dating is a farce, is putting it mildly. I chucked messages five years ago. I wasn't going to waste my time anymore. Every so often, I trip over posts about how men should not stop sending messages. So tell me, when is it time to stop? Want some easily readable body language? How about one raised middle finger? I never found dating as fun. A struggle, is a struggle, no matter how you look at it. I asked this question a number of times, and never got an answer to it. What do women look for in a man? I got answers, but I found out I was being lied to. Every time. So I stopped asking. Falls back on that old statement, Ask me no questions and I tell you no lies. That must be women's mantra. |
YES, you tell them.If they have nothing interesting to say about themselves or they can't be bothered why should women be bothered with lazy men?
Here is part of the problem: Male foxes continue to claim that the grapes are sour.
I won't respond to men who can't be bothered to post something meaningful about their character and their interests.
Some men on this site look like they don't even take a shower from their pictures. It's all about presentation and being authenticly real at the same time that is if you want to find someone who is in alignment with you for the long haul. If you're going to show off your body and your nice car that alone says you don't think you have much more other then that shallow things to offer. Men need to make more effort to get the women. No, we are not created equal and the whole feminist movement is backfiring on both genders and the society at large. We are not equal, we are different and yet we deserve equal respect. Talk about what you like to offer and have to offer, please. It's all about character and treating women with reverence and once you can offer that then the rewards will be worth all the effort, after all, it is the male nature to give and the female nature to receive. All the best to you all. |
All too often, what happens is this:
A man is rejected by women because something is wrong with the man. The man replies to the rejection by claiming, "Women reject me because there is something wrong with them." |
Women get rejected too! Relating to the women , who actually seek out men's profiles and send a message on dating sites. Not. Necessarily on Mingle!
Men have preferences, like nice pictures of women! Also no photos no reply. ![]() |
I won't respond to men who can't be bothered to post something meaningful about their character and their interests. Some men on this site look like they don't even take a shower from their pictures. It's all about presentation and being authenticly real at the same time that is if you want to find someone who is in alignment with you for the long haul. If you're going to show off your body and your nice car that alone says you don't think you have much more other then that shallow things to offer. Men need to make more effort to get the women. No, we are not created equal and the whole feminist movement is backfiring on both genders and the society at large. We are not equal, we are different and yet we deserve equal respect. Talk about what you like to offer and have to offer, please. It's all about character and treating women with reverence and once you can offer that then the rewards will be worth all the effort, after all, it is the male nature to give and the female nature to receive. All the best to you all. I can agree with some of this advice but its difficult when some women do not write anything on their profile ,they do have to put some effort in also. |