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Topic: fears from marriage
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 03/12/20 03:59 PM

If you are unsure and afraid.. don't do it noway

sex , i want to create sexual relation, the one way for it is marriage

THat's a crap reason to get married. Asking for problems.
The only reason for marriage, or a romantic relationship, is love. The desire to be together because you love one another and want to build a life and future together.
Intimacy is part of that, but never the reason to get involved.
Unless you want a loveless relationship that won't work out and won't make anyone happy in the long run.

oldkid46's photo
Thu 03/12/20 04:48 PM

I think assets obtained during the marriage should be split 50/50 when getting a divorce. I just wouldn't want to split a home that I've already paid for with someone just because we married.

So we get married and I earn most of the income and then we buy a house. You think you should own half of it if we get divorced? When did you pay for your half? Would you also expect half of my retirement I earned during the marriage?


Then don't marry. Problem solved.
Leave commitment and happiness to other people.
I don't plan on it, not even willing to share a home for the long term! You can leave some clothes in the closet, your toothbrush in the bathroom, and your shower stuff in the shower, just remember to go home to your own place frequently.

Duttoneer's photo
Fri 03/13/20 02:39 AM

what are fears from marriage ??
because a lot of people advise me not to marry

She may want to drive my car. scared

no photo
Tue 04/28/20 03:59 PM

If you are unsure and afraid.. don't do it noway

sex , i want to create sexual relation, the one way for it is marriage

THat's a crap reason to get married. Asking for problems.
The only reason for marriage, or a romantic relationship, is love. The desire to be together because you love one another and want to build a life and future together.
Intimacy is part of that, but never the reason to get involved.
Unless you want a loveless relationship that won't work out and won't make anyone happy in the long run.

that is true

oldkid46's photo
Wed 04/29/20 06:46 AM

If you are unsure and afraid.. don't do it noway

sex , i want to create sexual relation, the one way for it is marriage

THat's a crap reason to get married. Asking for problems.
The only reason for marriage, or a romantic relationship, is love. The desire to be together because you love one another and want to build a life and future together.
Intimacy is part of that, but never the reason to get involved.
Unless you want a loveless relationship that won't work out and won't make anyone happy in the long run.

that is true
Yes, very poor reason to get married. Eventually the sex will disappear and after that, at least half of your belongings with the divorce. Very expensive sex!!!

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 04/29/20 07:04 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 04/29/20 07:04 AM

Some people want marriage. Make up your own mind don't let others
Pressure you one way or another..

Main thing is be ready for a commitment.

what are commitments from your opinion as wife

Each couple makes their own commitments to each other.

The main one is Love which covers a multiple of things in marriage.

Many don't know the meaning of real Love.

feelyoungagain's photo
Sat 08/01/20 02:43 AM

what are fears from marriage ??
because a lot of people advise me not to marry

You need to do what you want and feel right about and communicate that with your partner. Instead of listening to this advice that is scaring you, why not seek out people who can give you advice on how to make marriage work? People who love being married and why. What kind of meaning and pleasure do they derive from the marriage, from their spouse?

justaokguy's photo
Sun 08/02/20 07:55 PM

If you do not marry . What will you do with your life ??waving

justaokguy's photo
Sun 08/02/20 07:57 PM
If I don't marry I can do the things I've always wanted to do. Sure a partner would be great but for me I can go do whatever and still be happy.

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