Topic: The proof is in the pudding | |
Why is death automatically a shame? Perhaps it is God's blessing to finally end suffering and bring one of His home. But the thing is, a Creator would not be working to appease us anymore than we work to appease technology. Technology is created for our service, not the other way around. Humans are made in His image and for His glory, not the other way around. but that will be Greek to those without faith. Who said death was a shame? the post I responded to "What a shame." |
Yes, "quite a shame" referring to my previous sentence about fake pastors/teachers ect.
Death was not in the sentence . It is appointed to all men to die once. Only Enoch and Elijah haven't died YET. |
Tom Cruise ain't dead yet and he's a bonafide member of the god squad
Actually he is a member of a cult that has nothing to do with God.
That was the main reason Katie left him. He is a strange one. |
Edited by
Sat 05/26/18 04:02 PM
You want pudding ..go to the grocery store open the box follow the want religion chem trail the skies add project blue beam ..and wait... ![]() |
Maybe, but I don't think he's all that different to a lot of people from the god squad. They are always the one with the answer, yet always arguing amongst themselves. And often overly preachy while seldom practicing what it is that they preach
Actually he is a member of a cult that has nothing to do with God. That was the main reason Katie left him. He is a strange one. True... but... I was never a fan of his until I saw a couple of his movies, namely the one called, "Edge of Tomorrow" (Live, Die, Repeat) and I had to admit, the guy is a very good actor. I think "Oblivion" was another that I enjoyed. I'm a big fan of his sci/fi movies. |
Aint see those and I thought he was rubbish too. But i Liked vanilla sky
From BlakeIAM
And yet she died from complications from open heart surgery. Hmmm... that would of been a great time for a "miracle ". But, it didn't happen like many other supposed "miracles " didn't happen. Fake miracles, fake pastors/teachers and fake women "preachers" are a stumbling block to the lost. Quite a shame. Healing someone is not the same thing as immortality. It is Scriptural that when our time comes, it comes... CLV John 11:4 Yet Jesus, hearing it, said, "This infirmity is not to death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God should be glorified through it." God and His Son have authority over life and death. Jesus didn't "give up the ghost" He " let out the Spirit." Perhaps those who have a hard time understanding this are the ones Jesus spoke of when He said... CLV Mark 8:12 And sighing in His spirit, He is saying, "Why is this generation seeking for a sign? Verily I am saying to you, If there shall be given to this generation a sign!" CLV Luke 11:29 Now, the throngs being convened, He begins to be saying, "This generation is a wicked generation. A sign it is seeking, and a sign shall not be given to it except the sign of Jonah the prophet. Instead of making assumptions read the Book. |
No assumptions as in what you just did.
Correct me if I am wrong , are you not the one that states Jesus Christ is not God? I don't want to assume. |
Wait ... What?
Isn't God the Alpha and Omega? Didn't God create everything? Doesn't God know the hearts of all people? Are we not part of God? Is God not part of us? If God didn't create everything, would anything exist, including thoughts and dreams? Isn't this just another example of religion conflicting with itself? People pick up on things that don't make sense. If NOTHING existed (not even light) before God created it, the only thing that could be used to create everything is God itself. So everything, everywhere and everywhen is God. |
Tom, that would be Pantheism which is not of God.
God is not everything and everyone is not God. However, God is omnipresent. God's presence can be within a tree, but the tree is not God. The same would be applicable with humans and animals as far as presence, but humans nor animals are God. Pantheism is the supposition behind many cults and false religions (Hinduism and Buddhism to an extent , the various unity and unification cults , and " mother nature" worshippers. |
From BlakeIAM
No assumptions as in what you just did. Correct me if I am wrong , are you not the one that states Jesus Christ is not God? I don't want to assume. It is nice that you are careful. I am not sure what you think I did. All I have done here is post, just like you. There is nothing in the Scriptures that says Jesus is God. |
Tom, that would be Pantheism which is not of God. God is not everything and everyone is not God. However, God is omnipresent. God's presence can be within a tree, but the tree is not God. The same would be applicable with humans and animals as far as presence, but humans nor animals are God. Pantheism is the supposition behind many cults and false religions (Hinduism and Buddhism to an extent , the various unity and unification cults , and " mother nature" worshippers. Interesting... So basically, what I believe is wrong and everyone else is right... Even tho there is no proof either way. Thing is, my beliefs don't threaten anyone else's beliefs. My God isn't even God. I just call it that because there is no name for what I consider God. You ask a child where God is and they will give you a very simple answer...EVERYWHERE. Who feeds the birds...God Does. Who made the storm...God Did. But, you ask a child where God lives, they don't point at themselves or mommy & daddy, they point at a church. Religion does that. Religion tries to separate people from the rest of the Universe. Like we are somehow separate from it. To me, that makes absolutely no sense. |
Edited by
Sun 05/27/18 02:04 PM
Right, no Scripture that states Jesus Christ is God in this written manner, but many Scriptures that do state He is God which He is, in a different manner but meaning the same thing which Jesus Christ is God.
Only God Himself can pay for the sins of the world. |
Here are some verses that clearly show Jesus Christ is God.
John 10:30 John 8:58 Acts 20:28 John 1:1,14 John 20:28 Titus 2:13 2Peter 1:1 Hebrews 1:8 A lot of these verses also back up the truth of the Trinity. It baffles me how anyone would think that Jesus Christ is not God. |
CLV John 10:30 I and the Father, We are one. I see you just pick out the verses that you like and ignore the rest. Jesus also said... KJV John 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. CLV John 17:21 that they may all be one, according as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us, that the world should be believing that Thou dost commission Me. Next CLV John 8:58 Jesus said to them, "Verily, verily, I am saying to you, Ere Abraham came into being, I am." Of course, The Son of God was around before Abraham. The Bible tells us that in Gen. 6:4. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, but not the only Son of God. It looks like you missed that one. CLV Acts 20:28 "Take heed to yourselves and to the entire flocklet, among which the holy spirit appointed you supervisors, to be shepherding the ecclesia of God, which He procures through the blood of His Own. I am one of His Own. So are many people. Next CLV John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, and the word was toward God, and God was the word. CLV John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and tabernacles among us, and we gaze at His glory, a glory as of an only-begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. "With" suggests two Greek words neither of which is used here. hence for accuracy's sake it is best to translate literally "toward". "With God" has no cogency in this connection. "Toward" indicates that the revealed Word pointed the creature in the direction of God. Take every "thus saith the Lord" in the Hebrew Scriptures and they all point us to God, and reveal some attribute of the divine character. It is impossible for the mind to entertain the two thoughts that the Word was toward (or with) God, and the Word was God. Nothing which is toward (or with) an object can actually be that object. The difficulty lies in the difference between English and Greek idiom. "Was" and "is" are usually omitted in Greek, unless they are used in a figurative sense. Thus "This is my body" does not mean that the bread of the communion actually is the Lord's body but represents it. As the bread stands for the Lord's body, so the Word took the place of God. The God of the Hebrew Scriptures spoke: it was an oral revelation. He was revealed as Elohim, Jehovah, Adonai, etc., by means of utterances which came to the fathers through the prophets. while His essence was concealed. As at Sinai, His voice was heard, but He was hid. A. E. Knoch Since this is impossible to entertain these two at once, we must see this as an idiom. An example of an idiom is if I said meet me at the park by Napolean. I didn't mean for you to dig up Napolean, but that the statue of Napolean represents him. And so, Jesus represents God. CLV John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!" This is cryptic at best. You are asking me to take your interpretation of this verse and ignore what the scholars and Bible translators say. "My Lord and my God!" is an exclamation. It's like saying, "Oh my God!" That doesn't mean you are calling anyone God. CLV Tit 2:13 anticipating that happy expectation, even the advent of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Again, you are offering an interpretation and not just a Bible verse. The word "and" there is a key word in that verse. It means they are both present. The same is true with 2Peter 1:1. CLV Heb 1:8 Yet to the Son: "Thy throne, O God, is for the eon of the eon, And a scepter of rectitude is the scepter of Thy kingdom. Again, it is the Son Who is standing in for God so that when the eon of the eon is over so that 1Cor 15:24-28 can come to pass. BlakeIAM
A lot of these verses also back up the truth of the Trinity. Now I have one for you. If God is a "trinity" then where is the word "trinity" in the Bible? Did someone forget to add it? It baffles me how anyone would think that Jesus Christ is God. |
Is God present in Tom Cruise?
CLV Jn 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, that `I say you are gods'? 35 If He said those were gods, to whom the word of God came (and the scripture cannot be annulled), Even Tom Cruise. |
So I see no refute to the verses provided.
Jesus Christ is (obviously) God, and the concept of the trinity clearly exist without a shadow of a doubt. |