Topic: RELIGION | |
just because i prefer same religion with my match makes me a racist? No, there are all types of bigotry. People use 'racist' incorrectly all the time. Racism is a bigotry specifically involving RACE, not religion. Though people can be religious bigots, that is not 'racism'. Whether you call it bigotry or racism I think the big distinction in either case is it would be if you hate or dislike someone based on race or religion. There is nothing wrong with having a preference of being with one religion or race that you connect to....JMO its also not necessary for 'hate' to be a part of it racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Where did the op say hate? The OP did not. The post I responded to did though. |
just because i prefer same religion with my match makes me a racist? No, there are all types of bigotry. People use 'racist' incorrectly all the time. Racism is a bigotry specifically involving RACE, not religion. Though people can be religious bigots, that is not 'racism'. Whether you call it bigotry or racism I think the big distinction in either case is it would be if you hate or dislike someone based on race or religion. There is nothing wrong with having a preference of being with one religion or race that you connect to....JMO its also not necessary for 'hate' to be a part of it racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. Good point ![]() ![]() |
I find it funny how religious people are so quick to judge those who don't share the same religion..doesn't sound very religious to me..and there you go..religion and it's ever present hypocrisy... ![]() |
I find it funny how religious people are so quick to judge those who don't share the same religion..doesn't sound very religious to me..and there you go..religion and it's ever present hypocrisy... ![]() hypocrites come in all covers, religious and non religious alike |
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Tue 05/01/18 02:54 PM
It would definitely be wise not to be unequally yoked.
It definitely is not "racist" not to be interested in someone who doesn't share your beliefs. Certain individuals throw around that label without just cause, just like the word hypocrite. In my experience the ones who toss around labels so easily usually are what they accuse others of being. |
While I agree msharmony but due to the fact I have been accused of hijacking threads I was trying to stay on topic ..for once.. ![]() ![]() |
In my experience those who are not "religious " usually accuse those who are or those who claim to be religious hypocrites, but rarely provide evidence of said accusation.
thankz.. a man told me am a racist just because i dont like to match with a muslim that is why i asked the question here I had a similar experience with a Muslim woman. They are taught to date within their own religion. But don't Catholics do the same thing? Your preferences on who you will date are your own business. And no one gets to judge you for that. |
People can judge for any and everything, its hard not to because we have brains. How we express or use that judgement is a different matter.
John 7:24
I prefer... CLV Mt 7:1 "Do not judge, lest you may be judged, 2 for with what judgment you are judging, shall you be judged, and with what measure you are measuring, shall it be measured to you. "Just" judging would be totally unbiased judging. It baffles me that anyone would think he/she could do that. |
Edited by
Sun 05/27/18 11:17 PM
If there is a God I will wait for him to write his own book..If one takes up the bible or any religious text has to believe in the words that were written by people they have never met before they can have faith in that which they wrote about...I don't think so.. ![]() why would a deity need to write their own manuscript? a deity might hope you believe, but it won't stop the deity from doing as the deity had already planned on doing. who are you, myself, or anyone to place an ultimatum on a deity? you don't want to believe, that is for you to choose. but just because you set a standard if said deity does such and such I will believe, does not mean the deity will bow to you in order for you to believe. the standard has already been set. and from that, you either believe or you don't. it cracks me up that you actually perceive you are important enough to a deity to make an ultimatum ![]() ![]() ![]() if anything, one could conclude you hate Jews since that is the deity we are discussing. so, maybe it's you don't want to accept a deity based upon the race of a certain people. after all, it was the Hebrew/Jews who wrote the bible [that you want their deity to rewrite] ![]() |
I prefer... CLV Mt 7:1 "Do not judge, lest you may be judged, 2 for with what judgment you are judging, shall you be judged, and with what measure you are measuring, shall it be measured to you. "Just" judging would be totally unbiased judging. It baffles me that anyone would think he/she could do that. just judging is judging according to the law. those who read the bible laws can do it regarding biblical law (sin) just as those who read mans laws can do it regarding worldly law(the justice system) Jesus stopped the adulterer from getting stoned, but he still AKNOWLEDGED and never refuted her 'sin'. He only reprimanded those who felt they should be free from the same consequence of their sin. IMHO, people get that phrase out of context all the time. It is one thing to say what the Bible or Jesus instructed, and another to play God in deciding what ones consequence should be for falling away from those instructions. |
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Sun 05/27/18 11:36 PM
I prefer... CLV Mt 7:1 "Do not judge, lest you may be judged, 2 for with what judgment you are judging, shall you be judged, and with what measure you are measuring, shall it be measured to you. "Just" judging would be totally unbiased judging. It baffles me that anyone would think he/she could do that. just judging is judging according to the law. those who read the bible laws can do it regarding biblical law (sin) just as those who read mans laws can do it regarding worldly law(the justice system) Jesus stopped the adulterer from getting stoned, but he still AKNOWLEDGED and never refuted her 'sin'. He only reprimanded those who felt they should be free from the same consequence of their sin. IMHO, people get that phrase out of context all the time. It is one thing to say what the Bible or Jesus instructed, and another to play God in deciding what ones consequence should be for falling away from those instructions. I believe we are to judge the spirit of another, not the actions. Satan, the Adversary, comes to us as light. if we do not perceive [which is to judge the spirit] we will be misled. if we judge according to the spirit, we do not cross the lines of what the verse is warning us from. but ultimately, if we are to discern or perceive, we are judging spiritually which is not breaking this command by Yeshua. |
From msharmony
just judging is judging according to the law. those who read the bible laws can do it regarding biblical law (sin) just as those who read mans laws can do it regarding worldly law(the justice system) That is not entirely true. The Law allows Israel to judge another for the purpose of associating with that person. It is part of the dietary laws. Eat the animal that claves the hoof and chews the cud. It is symbolism. Claving the hoof means to distinguish between the righteous and those who are unrighteous. They were told to avoid the unrighteous and hang out with the righteous. But we do not judge one another in relation to our destiny or our relationship with God. |
just because i prefer same religion with my match makes me a racist? technically, no. Racist has to do with Race, not religion. however if one uses 'prefer' as a way to say 'require', it may make one a bigot of sorts. bigot: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion I prefer pistachio almond ice cream, it is different than saying I will ONLY eat pistachio almond ice cream. I prefer taller men, it is different than saying I will ONLY date taller men. prefer: like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose. people mix these terms up alot. I am also a bigot where this is concerned, in dating, I will only date fellow Godfearing person. |
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Sat 09/15/18 05:05 AM
If there is a God I will wait for him to write his own book..If one takes up the bible or any religious text has to believe in the words that were written by people they have never met before they can have faith in that which they wrote about...I don't think so.. ![]() That book is called the universe. No one understands all truth from God, but it is there regardless of if people believe in it. I am sure you have knowledge from God that no one else understands. And He is more than just His word, but His word (the Bible) is from God. |
just because i prefer same religion with my match makes me a racist? It does not make you racist at all, that is finding what will work for you. Taking judgement of others into ones own hand is racist. It is a matter of being considerate. It is different from matters of trust, because that has to do with you. God made every race for a reason, otherwise he would’ve only made one race. |
racist: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
in religious 'preference' there is no reference to race, and is therefore not a form of racism. |