Topic: What the heck is toxic masculinity, safe places, etc.. ? | |
I have never heard of such nonsense in my life. Men not knowing which restroom to use. Gender ID, safe places, cry rooms and such. This is just crap the universities teach isn't it?
Well, those kids in college have usually lived a coddled life.
So the universities had to adjust the environment. Generation Cry Babies. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 04/29/18 08:19 PM
Well, I can't say for sure, but I do know this
It's also coming from a deeper darker place. And I don't think it's because the Universities had to adjust to the environment. The me,me,me generation. Seems so hard for people to see or believe any government involvement. It's global people. ![]() : $$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
Man I was in Starbucks last week and they just have restrooms. No men's room, no woman's room. I go in and the person before me peed all over the seat. It was bad. I'm not gonna touch that so I went, some carefully still despite the mess, washed my hands, opened the door and there was a woman standing there waiting to use it. I stared slack jawed for a second, and then pretty much ran to my car and left like a thief in the night.
I know that was a bit off topic but reading men don't know which bathroom to use brought back that horrible memory.
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I know that was a bit off topic but reading men don't know which bathroom to use brought back that horrible memory. ![]() hahahaha I too would be horrified. Now that is where they need a cry room. |
It was horrifying!!!
I know if it had been me, I wouldn't have been horrified. Unless I saw she had a penis. There are some things you can't unsee.
I have never heard of such nonsense in my life. Men not knowing which restroom to use. Gender ID, safe places, cry rooms and such. This is just crap the universities teach isn't it? Yes it is and if you're a Democrat, I mean liberal, I mean communist, I mean Socialist, I MEAN PROGRESSIVE they're pushing this BS too. At MY age the question isn't which restroom to use but where IS the restroom! |
Gender ID, safe places, cry rooms and such. This is just crap the universities teach isn't it?
I'm not sure the universities are "teaching" these things so much as reacting to some of the students, or what they think some students, want or, what some students, are demanding. I don't think every student was sitting there all "la la la, we're just going to school, and learning, and everything's normal. They canceled econ 101 and are only offering safe place gender id held in the cry room? Well, dangit, I already paid tuition, so I guess I have to take it and learn these things. Wonder what they are? Oh no! Propaganda and liberal bias! Can't...escape...subverting...brain!!aaaagh!" Teachers/professors/universities tend to offer what they think there will be a demand for, what students will attend their school for and get their parents/taxpayer funded government controlled student loans to pay for. IMO it's kind of like a drug dealer that offers a non addictive idiot pill. Both are culpable for the resulting stupidity. But it's the demand that should burden more of the blame than the dealer, IMO. I've read "news" stories regarding some random university offering some kind of "toxic masculinity" or "white bias" or whatever class. But there's no real follow through. I never see subsequent stories about how many people actually signed up and attended, how many people actually liked the class, what they actually did, what exactly they learned (as opposed to what's listed in a syllabus), reviews on how it's enriched their life, or any continuing expansion program as part of a sociology or psychology school offering a degree in "toxicity" or "gender bias studies" or anything like that. I had teachers/professors that would refer to "underwater basket weaving" courses, or movie culture classes, and liberal art degrees, and diploma mills. I just wonder how seriously these universities should be taken. If this is just the millenial equivalent to the worthless/meaningless classes some universities always offered. |
Edited by
Mon 04/30/18 11:03 PM
I'll never understand why conservatives are so obsessed with public restrooms.
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I'll never understand why conservatives are so obsessed with public restrooms. ![]() ![]() |
The "new" generation are a bunch of pansies... When everything goes to pot, they'll be the first to perish. They'll all be lost without their modern technology.
![]() Very dangerous. That's how come I got divorced! I was touching my feminine bit on the side ![]() |
![]() Very dangerous. That's how come I got divorced! I was touching my feminine bit on the side ![]() That's not Funny! Mikey ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Can we talk about toxic masculinity .., why is it seen as toxic???
Is it really such a threat that the boundaries of masculinity and feminity become blurred .. personally, I think it is good that as a society we acknowledge everyone's fit in the world . |
![]() Very dangerous. That's how come I got divorced! I was touching my feminine bit on the side ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Getting divorced has nothing to do with feminine or masculine sides. It's all about making big mistakee in the past and drowning in self hatred in the present and spoiling something nice in the future
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I think Ciretom has it right, especially the fact that this kind of thing is NOT REMOTELY new. Universities have been a place to find stuff like that, protests and weird ideas, for as far back as they have existed. Probably because of the common age range of the students: late teens, early twenties, when ALL humans suddenly think they know more than everyone else on the planet, first ones to discover that sex is fun, and so on.
It certainly isn't anything to do with "this generation is weaker than mine" kind of stuff. As for the funny names for ideas and groups that you hear, if you want to ACTUALLY know what's going on, instead of joining your OWN little self-deluded disdain club, then you need to pay closer attention to the standard dynamic of the interaction of JOURNALISM FUNCTIONS with POLITICAL FUNCTIONS and with SOCIAL FAD FUNCTIONS. That is, since people who are trying to be "reporters" make their nut from declaring that they know exactly what's going on, they will tell YOU that this whatever name they only JUST HEARD themselves, is sweeping the nation, whether it is or not. And people who are eager to make headway in pushing fads, for personal profit, or just ego satisfaction, will work to come up with special NAMES for whatever they are asked about by the "Journalists," that might make their FAD sound more intense or more important. That's where things like the "toxic male syndrome" kind of crap comes from. The exact same kind of nonsense with different labels has come and gone for centuries. The only thing that changes is the snappy names that people invent on the spur of the moment, and pretend are actually "things." |
Edited by
Sun 05/06/18 10:48 AM
Men feel threatened that their way of owning other people is coming to an end. They say things like "the good old days" and "this new genaration". They still pine away for the days of Leave It To Beaver, when they could beat their wives "if she deserves it". They dont want equality for all. So they accuse everyone who dosagrees with the world they have created of being a "pansy" or a "communist" or some other ********.