Community > Posts By > GearGrinder83
When somebody tries to hand me a bunch of responsibility, I tell them to keep it. My mind and soul are very much at peace. If you are at peace then you may be more responsible than you realize. Maybe not according to everyone, but you have found away to make things work for you. And that's really all that matters. |
Not everyone dies in pile ups.
Even in the massive Wyoming pile up only about a dozen people were injured. In Colorado a run-away semi killed 6 people and injured a dozen others. Pileups don't involve 100% fatalities. Ever. |
any plans for the weekend
I will train a rookie on how to drive an 18-wheeler and hope he doesn't kill me while I sleep, or anyone else for that matter.
Probably not. It's a great example of human arrogance to think there is an all-powerful being watching over everything we do and blessing all of our wishes while others suffer and other animals go extinct.
We have only just enough of an imagination to be dangerous. There are a few things that can happen: Its not likely from what we know martians would have any interest in us. If they have developed technologies sophisticated enough to travel across the galaxy and discover us it could assumed they have seen it before and know of plenty of other planets. And also we know the universe is abundant with essential resources and Earth offers those in small amounts compared to other places, not to mention other places absent of a bomb-happy species. And if those aliens are well meaning they are probably going to leave us alone to find our own way just as we are learning to do with indigenous peoples on our own planet. We could destroy ourselves our of fear of other people and not being willing to do business with others with bombs as powerful as ours. You want to not worry about other nations? Do business with them. Show them how its done and back them with capital. Make their lives better. We are reaching a point where we are growing at an exponential rate, far more than what nature can provide. We will have to learn to support ourselves in space if we want to survive for the long term. Once the cure for aging is found, we will have to move quickly into space for further expansion. Earth will begin to eventually glow in the darkness of space due to energy consumption, and our presence will no longer be a secret, if it ever was one. So we can only hope my original opinion is correct that more intelligent and advanced life don't care about us being here. In my humble and ignorant opinion, I don't see any reason why we wont continue to prosper with few bumps in the road here and there, and venture out into space and continue to expand. Even with the cure of aging, cancer and other things, everyone will eventually die. The galaxy and universe itself will die out, all the lights will go out. That's not to suggest anything depressing. Life a beautiful thing. Consciousness, art, emotion could be the universe realizing itself, like looking in the mirror and realizing it exists. OR Jesus returns to Earth and sends all the wicked to hell and the righteous are lifted in to an ever-lasting glory that was always there and always will be. And we exist for eternity in infinite bliss and infinite understanding of all things. Except we can understand eternity because we have never experienced it and we never will, because eternity will always exist beyond us, beyond our existence and imagination. So the idea of eternity is just more of our arrogance and imagination that we don't have the intelligence to keep up with. When we start repeating the same ideas over and over again, that shows the limits of our ability to understand. The Earth was thought to be back of a giant turtle floating in the water, that stood on top of an even larger turtle. God was created by what? Another more powerful God? It's the same thing happening. Our universe is part of an even larger universe, that's part of an even larger universe. Well what does that make us? I look at my cute kitty cat. It's a cat, but when you zoom out and look at it from the perspective of the universe or the a multi-verse, what is it really? No idea. :S How does that cat exist outside of your mind. What is it then? |
I don't know, honestly.
In some ways I very responsible, and in other ways very neglectful, in important ways. My professional life, and finances are in tip-top condition. On track to retire early with the amounts I am able to save and invest. So far I have been pretty good with only a few mistakes learning to work the market. But also I work too much and when I am not working I drink too much. When I finally get off the road for a few days its bottoms up! When I am on the road I do not drink a drop, so don't worry there. Like most truckers, I am a professional. I still have a lot to learn and a lot to work on, for sure. My job saves me from myself and keeps me in check. I can't retire right now because in a lot of ways I am not very disciplined, but my job keeps me in line. |
That's the question often dodged by theists. If God created the universe, who created God? It's a simple question.
I don't ask to be condescending. Some folks I love the most are believers. I'm of the opinion with 100% knowledge we can predict all outcomes 100%. So not much free will, if any. The universe and everything in it operates like a machine. So maybe it was created. I don't know. Brownian particles move about and behave randomly because we don't understand the rules they operate by yet. But I'm not claiming to be an expert on anything. Those are just my thoughts. I'm just a dumb truck driver. |
Im not supposed to take hitchhikers, but if you are fine with going to LA... make yourself at home
I have a quirk with clothing. I change my clothing multiple times daily depending on what I am doing. It has nothing to do with how it looks, but how it feels.
Afraid of heights, spiders, uncontrolled bodies of water. I probably will not remember your name. Don't take it personally. I want to remember it, I just cant. But I will remember your face. And I probably game too much. League of Legends, Rainbow Six: Siege, Fallout series, Skyrim, Pubg, etc. I cant wait for Red Dead Redemption to be release on PC!! :D |
I met a couple of Craigslist back when they offered personals. I met a couple off another dating website, and one or two from where I worked at the time.
From here, none. It's hard to date now with my career. It's lucrative, but also lonely. Give and take there I guess. It's rewarding knowing that I get to haul stuff close to you so you don't have to drive far to get stuff. I don't regret any of the women I have met online so far and are grateful for the time I spent with them. |
My complaint is they all sound the same.
Yes, I get it. You are independent, you don't need a man, you want one. You want a guy that's funny, smart, and knows how to treat a woman. You are spontaneous and you love the outdoors. You and 50 million other people. I remember profiles being interesting reads. Now they are extremely lacking in anything that sets a person apart as an individual. Or they just complain about how there are no real men left (or women, maybe I don't know I don't read guys profiles). I know there are idiots that send pictures of their junk. It's embarrassing, I know it happens, I don't need to read about it in your profile. I'm sorry it happens. But damn. Tell me about you. |
An Energy Discussion
From a philosophical standpoint, how much energy is actually in one Joule is hard to determine. The way I see it is, we have trouble understanding what energy really is, so we reconcile that by using concepts like a Joule to be able to measure and calculate with.
There is nothing philosophical about it. Human science is still in its infancy. Just because we can't prove something does not mean it isn't real. At one point, we believed that the atom was the smallest object in the Universe. We now know atoms are made up from even smaller parts. ![]() Here is something I wrote awhile back that kinda explains what I see concerning True Absolute Zero. Temperature is movement. Movement is frequency. Frequency generates heat. Heat is energy.
Frozen means no movement (frequency of vibration). When things are freezing they are slowing down. When things are heating they are speeding up. Science says the absolute lowest temperature that is theoretically possible is -273.15 C. That temperature is known as Absolute Zero (AZ). We know Bosons exist. We know the Boson has a spin. If the Boson spins, it is moving. It is part of the Fermions of Matter. Real Absolute Zero would be when even the spins of Fermions have stopped. Only then could matter be completely frozen. It may be at -1000 deg C or -273.18 C. Any matter that has a cycle of movement cannot be AZ. If a particle of matter somewhere in the Universe cycles only once in 14 billion years it still has movement, thus has heat. Imagine a Universe where every Fermion spin has stopped. All matter is at AZ. Nothing moves anywhere at any scale. It may remain that way forever or a split nanosecond. Now, introduce movement to that. A Down Quark starts to spin. At that point heat is generated, very little heat but heat all the same. That movement reacts with the frozen Fermions in its vicinity and starts more movement. Soon, the particle is moving, then the next and the next and so on. The reaction spreads in all directions faster and faster. It looks like an explosion, it grows hotter and hotter as the movement increases. We have ourselves a Big Bang, folks. Eventually, all the matter that is moving will slow. As it slows, it cools. It continues to slow until all matter is once again at Absolute Zero. We have a Big Freeze, folks. Science can't achieve True Absolute Zero because we are within a current expansion of movement of all matter. The thing about AZ that makes it so difficult to replicate is that we can't isolate a particle of matter from all movement. Even if we could, we would not be able to study the particle because to detect the particle it must move something to be detectable from nothing. Detection is isolating one thing from another. Imagine trying to detect a black dot in the middle of a black square. On the human scale, Think about what happens when you see something. Light reflects off the item and enters your eyes. When a photon strikes a particle it is absorbed and reflected. The frequencies of light that are absorbed causes heat in the particle. The frequencies that are reflected cause movement in the particle that translates to heat. (Think Solar Sail, yes light can affect matter) Science has transported a particle quantumly. So, even quantumly, matter has movement. AZ also includes frequencies quantumly affected. Which means, To achieve AZ, the quantum properties of the particle must also be controlled. Does the Spin of a W Boson also have a quantum state? This brings me to Energy. The spin of Fermions requires energy to make it move. Is energy heat? Energy generates heat by moving matter. Heat is a product of Energy. It is theorized that there is such a thing known as Vacuum Energy or Zero Point Energy (ZPE). ZPE implies that in a true vacuum, energy erupts into matter and antimatter that annihilate each other in a constant percolation of minute explosions both structurally and quantumly. When the annihilation is not completed, a particle and antiparticle are created. Those particles and antiparticles drift in the vacuum until they meet another, then bond or annihilate. When they bond, over time, they bond with more particles and eventually dust is formed. The gathering process continues, creating all matter in the Universe. To achieve Absolute Zero with any particle, even the ZPE will need to be isolated from the particle both actually and quantumly. When the Universe ends for this phase, all Energy, Including the ZPE will cease to affect matter. All matter in the Universe will stop moving until ...something...causes a movement. Then it will explode into a new Universe of movement for a time. Understanding energy has great potential for us in everyday life. Imagine a phone that requires no battery. The energy that powers it comes from the energy already existing in the materials used to make the object. It could be the next giant leap in technology. No more batteries, wires or power plants. It may not happen in our lifetimes but it could happen. Think Nano-Watts instead of Kilo Watts. Nanotechnology is a real science. Its applications are theoretical not philosophical. You're right. Since we can't disprove there is an invisible wizard that created everything in all of our realities, we must accept its existence until proven otherwise. Nothing bad can come from accepting every single idea that gets thrown across our faces. |
Winter clothes
All I know is every truck driver should have two pairs of pantyhose on him at all times. One pair is for the fuel line in case it ever breaks. The stretching makes it easy to wrap the line and fix the issue.
This old wise driver that shared this information with me... I didn't ask what the second pair was for. *shrug* |
Come again?
Edited by
Sat 05/26/18 11:48 PM
The what? Is some Disney character getting married?
idiotic well wishers
They will either pray for you or wish you well. Have your pick. :)
Agnostic,witches , or just spiritual with the universe. These are much more accurate terms. To be atheist you have to deeply control your thoughts but you believe in so much littleness its almost silly because in the end you believe Something cane from nothing and the Something continues soon, rethink it intimately you believe something do some research on it , people trip out sometimes when my beliefs hit the air but I love it because I have facts and strong opinions backed up o in the end prop will listen to me and I can open up minds. Not change someone's beliefs but get there minds open to new ways of thinking that aren't really that crazy If something can't come from nothing, then where did god come from? |
Because i had big stomachache when i woke up in the morning without having eaten anything? Could it have been a spider? But lasted for 1 hour only No spider is going to be able to penetrate your stomach lining. Nor will it be able to survive your stomach acid long enough to matter. lol Rest easy friend. lol |
PHP, Sass, Python, Java, C++ there are just to many to only pick on good one
c+ sucks just as bad as .net Don't forget about ruby. Not everyone can handle programming in C++. Don't worry.. there's always Java. |
Video games
Edited by
Mon 05/14/18 09:59 PM
League of Legends -- hands down the best pvp game ever created. Overwatch comes close it stops short.
Rainbow Six: Siege -- best tactical fps I've played... ya don't have a punch of players hopping around like wounded ducks. Squad is another good one ========= For single-player storyline stuff... anything by Bethesda Studios. Star Citizen is the most ambitious gaming development I've seen to date and so far is delivering on its promises. Early development. Pubg is alright. ========== These are all on the computer. I don't waste my time with console gaming. Only the best for me. |
What am I doing wrong?
Probably nothing.
My brother met his wife from a free-to-use dating site. Just have fun and be yourself. Pursue it if that's what you want... but not like a freight train at first. Once you've been dating, then you can run after her taxi cabs and get run over like on Hitch. But too early on before she knows you then it's scary. |