Topic: What the heck is toxic masculinity, safe places, etc.. ? | |
It is not about denying the right of equality to all but a situation where some, both young and old, expect special privilege/status because of their beliefs or feelings. The "good old days" weren't because some were always on the outside of society looking in; today we have the same situation only with different groups on the outside. I suspect it has been that way since the dawn of mankind and isn't going to change anytime in the foreseeable future.
I have never heard of such nonsense in my life. Men not knowing which restroom to use. Gender ID, safe places, cry rooms and such. This is just crap the universities teach isn't it? |
I know it's getting harder to find a manly man. They spend more time at the salon than I do. They don't fix things around the house like back in the good ole days. John Deere has a commercial now where the wife is doing the yardwork because the husband is playing baseball. Sounds about right. Reminds me, I need to cut grass. But my son is asleep because he works nights.
I know it's getting harder to find a manly man. They spend more time at the salon than I do. They don't fix things around the house like back in the good ole days. John Deere has a commercial now where the wife is doing the yardwork because the husband is playing baseball. Sounds about right. Reminds me, I need to cut grass. But my son is asleep because he works nights. have you ever considered that maybe the wife loves doing the yard work , its her woman cave? My mom is like that, she doesnt want my dad near the outside when she out there, he likes fixing things inside and she loves being outside cutting grass, gardening etc. |
I don't mind cutting grass. I've been the one to cut it most of my adult life but if I ever got married again it would be nice to share the responsibility. My exhusbands neighbors cut his grass lol.
Big difference between love cutting it vs have to do it. you have rental properties who cuts their grass you or the tenants?
anyways where I live I don't worry about grass cutting , and the back yard is so small that I don't even have grass. Im sure if I lived on Stanton Island with a nice yard I would be doing my own and not expecting my wife/girlfriend/spouse to do it if she doesn't love doing it. |
Tenants cut their own grass. If I have to cut it there is a charge. Here it takes me about 2 hours to cut the grass. I've sprayed grass killer to keep from having to use the weedeater. I have huge oak trees so it's work picking up limbs and trimming. Plus I have a tiny garden. I'm having to water everyday because of lack of rain.
It only costs me $25/week for mowing my big yard and keeping shrubs trimmed. |
Man I was in Starbucks last week and they just have restrooms. No men's room, no woman's room. I go in and the person before me peed all over the seat. It was bad. I'm not gonna touch that so I went, some carefully still despite the mess, washed my hands, opened the door and there was a woman standing there waiting to use it. I stared slack jawed for a second, and then pretty much ran to my car and left like a thief in the night. |
I refuse to enter into a starbucks because of that liberal agenda
Ive visited tim hortons a few times they have men and women's bathroom at least the one on 7th avenue does. |
Why does it have to be so hard?
I don't like Starbucks coffee but at times I have stopped there. The so called meeting place for all of the " pampered" university types. And Starbucks bathroom?... no sign.. other the "bathroom".. a combo lock on the outside.. a lock on the inside door. That's it, one bathroom. and you don't need more then that.. do you? Nobody rioting in the street.. boycotting Starbucks.... It all comes down to one thing... P.C. B.S. |
I know many conservatives who refuses to drink anything from starbucks, let alone set foot in one, that is our protest to their P.C crap.
they dont get a dime of my money, let them survive on the wingnut leftist students, profs, antifa, black lives matter crowd. |
I don't go to Starbucks because I think it's just STUPID to pay that much for drinks.
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and what the hell is a frappuccino?
A coffee milkshake
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A coffee milkshake and people pay almost 9 bucks
moronssssssss |
for that i can brew my own coffee for 2 whole weeks
Edited by
Thu 05/10/18 02:07 PM
I prefer Coke and Jack Daniels shakes
![]() Egg Nog and rum shakes are good, too. |
beer slushies please
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As a rule I don't go to Starbucks because I find their coffee too strong and to expensive. And because I refuse to say " Grande" instead of medium. And th f sitting round on their lap tops are not really my type.
But on occasion and while working in Manhattan I have to use a restroom and anyone who knows NYC knows.. there are none... anywhere. so you have to go into somewhere like a Starbucks and buy something. then get the combo number for the bathroom door. So you pay to pee. In my case $3.65 So I always order a ice coffee because you really can't screw that up. |